Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Yeah you're gonna have to throw caution to the wind for that one.

Best of luck, soldier.
Wild I am coming here but curious if anyone is taking ashawanga, reading up on the benefits. Seems like every vitamin or herb on the market targeted at men boost sex drive or sperm count. Going to be mad if I find out the hard way vasectomy don't work anymore. We take all the herbs and vitamins they recommend for men going to have us like Captain Caveman with women.

Started down this path, because I stopped by a woman's desk and she mentioned she is getting laser done on her face, neck, and chest. She started talking about vitamins and she is like yeah I have my husband take this "all men should take this" he takes this "all men should take this." So looking up palmetto and ashwagandha.
The ashwaganda you want to take it KSM- 66 ashwaganda. I can attest that it does increase seminal fluid, but in higher daily doses (1000mg).
Results were seen after about 4 weeks of use.
I use to mix ashwagandha and maca powder into my protein shakes and take fadogia agrestis and tongkat ali because of what I have read up on. At the time I felt like there was a little increase in drive. I stopped because all the different supplements was costing too much.
Shilajit is what you want for volume, with that comes higher motility and potency though so be careful with it.People could save 10s of 1000s of dollars iff they looked at ayurvedic medicine before western but thats another story
How long have you guys been apart? Not trying to put you on the #NTCOUCH, the items that caused the breakup do you think she has changed or grown from them?

A year.

We haven’t talked on that level to know how much we’ve changed or grown. But I don’t see myself or herself going back
Shilajit is what you want for volume, with that comes higher motility and potency though so be careful with it.People could save 10s of 1000s of dollars iff they looked at ayurvedic medicine before western but thats another story
DAMN the volume my guy, got fixed don't need to be ODing in chicks and a soldier breaks through enemy lines scott free. LOL. In all seriousness will check it out, about to be strapping for sure. Quick research do like it speeds up metab, getting older that is more important than bedroom activities.
Wild take but is South Carolina in a time warp. I see the women and I'm like they know it's 2022 right based off how they dress.
The nerve :lol:

It's called the Pineapple show....anyone who takes it serious isn't very bright and or down bad

Dudes come on there joking and singing songs...it's not that deep.

Wild take but is South Carolina in a time warp. I see the women and I'm like they know it's 2022 right based off how they dress.

What part of SC?
Some layups out here with cuffing season. Picking up the cheese cake for Thanksgiving since moms is staying in town. Playing game on my phone when caramel chick walks up. She was close enough to me to make me acknowledge her. So I look up from my game, she dope and I speak.

I am kind of on chill mode and not thinking much of it but she sits at a distance close enough like notice me but not like don’t say **** to me. I make some small talk and notice her accent. I ask about the accent she is Jamaican, her birthday coming up. I’m like happy birthday, she is meeting her coworker for lunch that offered to take her to lunch. He is running late though. They call my name to pickup the cheesecake and ask for the number. She is like give me yours and I will call you.

As she does her male coworker walks up, I check dude out. He is stuck in the friend zone and buying her meals. No competition over here. Leave go pick up my daughters from school and received a text from her. Im like damn shorty texting already. We have a couple messages back and forth before I kind of chilled on replying back. Have other stuff going on so ain’t trying to establish a pattern you text I immediately respond back.
Some layups out here with cuffing season. Picking up the cheese cake for Thanksgiving since moms is staying in town. Playing game on my phone when caramel chick walks up. She was close enough to me to make me acknowledge her. So I look up from my game, she dope and I speak.

I am kind of on chill mode and not thinking much of it but she sits at a distance close enough like notice me but not like don’t say **** to me. I make some small talk and notice her accent. I ask about the accent she is Jamaican, her birthday coming up. I’m like happy birthday, she is meeting her coworker for lunch that offered to take her to lunch. He is running late though. They call my name to pickup the cheesecake and ask for the number. She is like give me yours and I will call you.

As she does her male coworker walks up, I check dude out. He is stuck in the friend zone and buying her meals. No competition over here. Leave go pick up my daughters from school and received a text from her. Im like damn shorty texting already. We have a couple messages back and forth before I kind of chilled on replying back. Have other stuff going on so ain’t trying to establish a pattern you text I immediately respond back.

Only message you need to send is can I eat a slice of this biscoff off your pum pum.
how y'all feel about forearm hair
lol (now is the time, finally)

Ill never forget, back in the day (I was like 13)
I was walking into a footlocker and the security guard was talking to an employee right at the entrance

a woman was leaving the store right as I was coming in
security dude - with no hesitation says:

"mmm mmmm
love me a woman with forearem hair"

looking exactly like this

and mind you, this whole moment was like 3 seconds
I was impressed he even noticed that

**** was etched into my brain from then on
never heard such a thing and havent since
but I think about it from time to time and it makes me laugh

whatever you got going on guys/ladies
theres always someone out there that is more than with it :lol:
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