Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Funny dynamic how single women seem more likely to initiate the home game than men. They should be way more afraid of these weirdos.

They’re trying to smash too and IMO it’s probably safer to choose the devil you know (ie your place) rather than going to a strangers where things are unknown and unfamiliar.

You already know 500 Days of Summer when Tom stood up to the guy at the bar is the first thing that came to mind :lol: I misread it at first pass as “Would you y’all stop talking to a dude if he didn’t break up a couple’s fight in front of you” but when I got to properly re-read and saw the responses, I was absolutely disgusted :sick: :smh:
Some women also romanticize fighting. Same girl that talked trash about dude and showed me their messages after I just met him also wanted me to "establish my dominance" in the moment and wished I was all over her in front of him.

I know a fight over her would've been the sexiest thing possible in that moment for her. Should've known her *** was too crazy when she told me she was a slytherin :lol:

Last fight I almost got into was actually to protect some girls I was with but they talked me out of it and they were right, it wasn't worth it and my point was made so everyone was safe which was the goal
Some women also romanticize fighting. Same girl that talked trash about dude and showed me their messages after I just met him also wanted me to "establish my dominance" in the moment and wished I was all over her in front of him.

I know a fight over her would've been the sexiest thing possible in that moment for her. Should've known her *** was too crazy when she told me she was a slytherin :lol:

Last fight I almost got into was actually to protect some girls I was with but they talked me out of it and they were right, it wasn't worth it and my point was made so everyone was safe which was the goal

That is basically it to me. As long as the point is made…but some dudes are willing to go to that next level that I am not :lol: I think I can definitely say the last two girls I seriously dated and I almost married would not have broken up with me if I got beaten up in front of them 🤷‍♂️
I’m going to DR next year on a group trip but I never seen the appeal or excitement bout going out to these places to engage in prostitution like how some dudes be hyping it :lol: :smh: …But that’s just me tho, can’t knock the potential fun to be had for others
On that 20 20 that was posted on here before about the prostitution in the DR, they were just chilling on the beach and a dude approached then and offered a woman, his younger sister, for 98$ for 24hrs. I was like what! So they gotta awkwardly hang out during refractory periods or for the remaining 23 hours 55 minutes, big bro could just wait outside.

But yea they wild for that, too much risk. Tried to find the clip I was talking about and man its a rabbit hole (edit found it)

I had a Jamaican jawn fly out to see me before, it was our first time hanging out longer than the few hours I met her a few months prior in the hotel room (we were kind of online dating i guess, but that same night she was coming into okc i was leaving). None of this awkwardness, I am a better host than Kodak Black :lol: I think she blocked me on the whole internet though because I cant find any proof she exists and I know she would have kept at least some of her socials because she did her business from it

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I am Colombian and I've lived in Colombia almost my entire life, I honestly think that foreigners that come exclusively or with the sole intent to get some whores are just missing out in the good 99% of the girls that are just living their daily life waiting for you to spoil them with them dollars lol

Don't sell yourself short

But can't argue that some of the girls you find in the good places are just straight out Angels, but still you find equal at Eleven so no need to fly down here for that
It’s carnal B. As much as we want to make believe we’re extremely different from animals some things are just hard wired into us.


Humans are animals.

Some more than others.

Sex in exchange for protection.

Walk around living like a lion and the rules of the animal kingdom must apply.

Cant protect = no sex.

Most of us civilized folks know that if its a street fight it probably isn't self defense and if its self defense it probably isn't a street fight.

Way too many guns out here to play Beat' em up Billy with strangers over "pride".
vice versa, even the so called "baddies" don't know how to behave when they see a good looking guy.
and don't get me started on ugly girls who think they "baddies".
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