Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Honestly, it’s not a bad idea but idk if it’s necessary to review the tape since you’ll remember most things that went wrong.
I just seriously doubt that diving deeper into weirdo behavior will make you funnier or smoother.

You might create a temporary facade, but it won't last long.

Being yourself is always the best strategy, ultimately.
Not true. If someone is naturally a weirdo or creep, then they need some adjustment.
My man in his spot: “PLAY THAT BACK”

Where’s the king of the tall yambs suberzat1 suberzat1
Let the fellas know about me.
Not true. If someone is naturally a weirdo or creep, then they need some adjustment.
Maybe so, but the answer isn't to dive deeper into weirdodom. They need to be properly socialized by going out, putting themselves out there, and taking the same Ls most people took when they were learning along the way.

This whole secretly recording and reviewing the tape like an NFL coach does with last Sunday's game ain't it.
Honestly, it’s not a bad idea but idk if it’s necessary to review the tape since you’ll remember most things that went wrong.

I am confused by this post…if it’s not necessary to review the tape then why even record it all. I have never gone to this length for things that actually matter like interviews or non-confidential/unclassified meetings so I’m damn sure not doing it for a date :lol:

They need to be properly socialized by going out, putting themselves out there, and taking the same Ls most people took when they were learning along the way.

I was thinking along these lines. He just needs more reps. Not even necessarily dates but just going out, interacting/flirting with some women in person and getting their numbers. It would help to get his confidence up and fine-tune his game without having to get his Bill Belichick on
Maybe so, but the answer isn't to dive deeper into weirdodom. They need to be properly socialized by going out, putting themselves out there, and taking the same Ls most people took when they were learning along the way.

This whole secretly recording and reviewing the tape like an NFL coach does with last Sunday's game ain't it.
I'm in agreeance, but sometimes people have gone down the worm hole of weirdness and need someone to pull them out. In this case, hombre appears to be lost, but he not Bermuda triangle loss.
I can’t believe what I read, lol.

I’m glad homie wants to see where his weaknesses are but that **** sounds weird as hell to do. That convo is something you keep as a mental note and improvise for the next one, at least that’s what I do.
Lol let my mans cook. If that's what works for him so be it. Basically the same kinda thing you do when you're giving a presentation or what have you so I can see the value
I can’t believe what I read, lol.

I’m glad homie wants to see where his weaknesses are but that **** sounds weird as hell to do. That convo is something you keep as a mental note and improvise for the next one, at least that’s what I do.
I am pretty sure that is what most of us do and that is the norm :lol:

Lol let my mans cook. If that's what works for him so be it. Basically the same kinda thing you do when you're giving a presentation or what have you so I can see the value

See, I thought about this EXACT thing…but in a different light. I put a great deal of planning, precision and discipline prior to things like big presentations or interviews. But I’ve never recorded them for my review and those are things that actually important so I couldn’t imagine doing it for a date.

I guess the whole idea of “preparing for a date” is foreign to me and maybe others as well. I can’t exactly put my finger on it but it makes the date seem more transactional than two humans genuinely interacting?

But yes, you’re right, if his #1 priority is to have sexual relations and this is effective for him then there’s really not much else to say….other than DO NOT get caught
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Yea I don't know how dudes get hard to these short short women. Ish looks like child pr0n to me :smh:
Yeah, I don’t know man. Reminds me of my cousin who was sneaking off with his co-worker to smash on the roof of their building. He said she qualified as a “little person”. Anyway, my cousin is getting busy and he realizes how funny her legs looked flailing around as he was smashing. He couldn’t hold it in and started laughing while in mid pumps :lol: :smh: She didn’t notice because it was dark and windy.
Taping without consent!?

That’s the whole issue here and why I advised him to not mention this to anyone in real life. If he does in fact live in California then this practice is actually problematic because California is a two-party consent state for conversation recording (in-person or over the phone). A good attorney would probably be able to get him off on the “reasonable expectation of privacy” clause by contending that there was none since it was a conversation in a public place but I can’t say for certain.
This thread. Cant be serious about taping conversations I don't believe that for a second :lol:

Speaking of risky situations, what are some of the oddest places you guys have done the deed? Anyone in the mile high club?

I've only managed some afterhours office action (at a previous job) and ploughed a milf at a late night screening of the most recent Mad Max movie. Really stupid in retrospect but hey hindsight is 20/20.
storm2006 storm2006 and just MORALLY horrendous

EYE am not even going to take it there. Just going to stick to legality :lol:

Speaking of risky situations, what are some of the oddest places you guys have done the deed? Anyone in the mile high club?

I've only managed some afterhours office action (at a previous job) and ploughed a milf at a late night screening of the most recent Mad Max movie. Really stupid in retrospect but hey hindsight is 20/20.

I never understood this concept from an execution standpoint but maybe some of the more bold and suave NTers can shed some light on their experience.
Eye can’t imagine it other than on The PJ

Bathrooms be tiny man, can’t fit in to take a piss as it is 😂😂

EXACTLY!!! 5’8, 6’3, 3’9, I don’t care. Two adults can’t pleasurably get busy in an economy class bathroom :lol: Even a twin-aisle first class bathroom is pushing it.
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