Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

A lot of men have alot going for them just like you. But a lot of those are also having the same exact issues.

Stop putting their needs and wants above yours.

Be assertive. If you don’t like something, say it. Don’t be an asssshole. Just be a man.

It’s human nature. If she knows she can have you at any time, she won’t want you. People want things that are a little harder to get.
You think you have all these things to offer? Be comfortable and secure in that. Act like it. Stop talking to her and be more selfish with others in the future. Don't be an *******, unless you're a funny one, just be firm on your wants and needs. But not in a way where you're dismissive of theirs.

You also gotta look at who you're going for. Are they the type of women who'll appreciate the stability you can offer? Or are they the type to string along a "friend" while entertaining a seemingly endless conveyor belt of disappointing prospects who have nothing to offer but stress and ****? Only entertain people who appreciate you. Otherwise you're wasting your time and hurting your own self-esteem.

You're the prize my dude. Men are trash. Women are in desperate need of quality partners, across all races and ages. They constantly take chances with all types of *******s because they got no other choice. Be the other choice.
One of our coworkers who also rather seek out men that use and abuse said that she wishes she had someone just like me that does all the things I do for this girl, but for the person to be 50 years old. She said she notices just some of the things I do and it’s amazing that someone does all this
This is like ground zero deconstructing, too many layers of wrong. Gotta break the friendzoning and the fake "but I'm such a good guy" stuff. Son needs an in person mentor.
Yeah, he has to acknowledge that while these varying women are taking advantage of him, the problem isn't necessarily them and is actually him. He has to fix himself.
One of our coworkers who also rather seek out men that use and abuse said that she wishes she had someone just like me that does all the things I do for this girl, but for the person to be 50 years old. She said she notices just some of the things I do and it’s amazing that someone does all this
You gotta realize, no one owes you anything for doing things for them. That girl don't owe you ****. If you continue to let her, she'll string you along for as long as she likes. People will treat you how you allow them to.

If you feel she doesn't value your effort in the way you'd like, take it back. Treat it as valuable as all these other people seem to think it is. Only give to someone who you feel reciprocates in a way that shows genuine appreciation.

It's easy to throw a pity party and go "women just like abusers". Do the hard work, work on yourself. Eventually you'll wonder why you ever entertained those types.
Came across this thread looking for advice. I never have anyone contact me on dating apps unless they are asking for money. Same with most women outside of that. Since October I’ve been giving my all to a friend and receive no progress. I go out of my way to do everything she wants and more. Women that know us mutually always say they wish they had someone that gives half the effort that I do. She always says I’m an amazing guy and I’d make someone a great boyfriend and she would hate if I gave my time to someone else. But she gives me no chance at all. Rather talk about guys that disrespect her. I’m always used to being the guy that no one wants and when I set boundaries then I’m criticized. I work a decent job, have my own things, stay in shape, but I never make progress with women. I often hear it’s because I don’t treat them like crap and they rather have a guy that is a bit mean to them. At this point I truly want to give up.

bruh i know you aint out here struggling trying to get women in Tampa! Curios of your age...

but keep ya head up and stop being the go to guy for that woman just stop doing all that until she shows something to you that shows she aint playing games with you

but if i was you i would ditch that woman.

you seemed to have friend zoned yourself, you really out here entertaining a broad talking about how other men disrespecting her and you out here fetching lunches smh

i know it took some pride to post this at this point in your life...
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Came across this thread looking for advice. I never have anyone contact me on dating apps unless they are asking for money. Same with most women outside of that. Since October I’ve been giving my all to a friend and receive no progress. I go out of my way to do everything she wants and more. Women that know us mutually always say they wish they had someone that gives half the effort that I do. She always says I’m an amazing guy and I’d make someone a great boyfriend and she would hate if I gave my time to someone else. But she gives me no chance at all. Rather talk about guys that disrespect her. I’m always used to being the guy that no one wants and when I set boundaries then I’m criticized. I work a decent job, have my own things, stay in shape, but I never make progress with women. I often hear it’s because I don’t treat them like crap and they rather have a guy that is a bit mean to them. At this point I truly want to give up.


bruh i know you aint out here struggling trying to get women in Tampa! Curios of your age...

but keep ya head up and stop being the go to guy for that woman just stop doing all that until she shows something to you that shows she aint playing games with you

but if i was you i would ditch that woman.

you seemed to have friend zoned yourself, you really out here entertaining a broad talking about how other men disrespecting her and you out here fetching lunches smh

i know it took some pride to post this at this point in your life...
I’m not in Tampa. I’m in Maryland.
One of our coworkers who also rather seek out men that use and abuse said that she wishes she had someone just like me that does all the things I do for this girl, but for the person to be 50 years old. She said she notices just some of the things I do and it’s amazing that someone does all this

Definitely not a compliment.

Like a cannibal telling you how good your leg tastes (0:35) :lol:


"I hope you understand that nothing happening to you now is personal...but, at the end of the day, no matter how much we hate all this ugly business, we gotta eat"

Stop feeding yourself to cannibals and expecting table manners :smh:


Also - do not become "tainted meat" (bitter, angry, resentful, etc.)

If you do, then you still end up feeding yourself to cannibals just to prove a point.

Pyrrhic victory
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Definitely not a compliment.

Like a cannibal telling you how good your leg tastes (0:35) :lol:


"I hope you understand that nothing happening to you now is personal...but, at the end of the day, no matter how much we hate all this ugly business, we gotta eat"

Stop feeding yourself to cannibals and expecting table manners :smh:


Also - do not become "tainted meat" (bitter, angry, resentful, etc.)

If you do, then you still end up feeding yourself to cannibals just to prove a point.

Pyrrhic victory


You okay over there? 🤨
Came across this thread looking for advice. I never have anyone contact me on dating apps unless they are asking for money. Same with most women outside of that. Since October I’ve been giving my all to a friend and receive no progress. I go out of my way to do everything she wants and more. Women that know us mutually always say they wish they had someone that gives half the effort that I do. She always says I’m an amazing guy and I’d make someone a great boyfriend and she would hate if I gave my time to someone else. But she gives me no chance at all. Rather talk about guys that disrespect her. I’m always used to being the guy that no one wants and when I set boundaries then I’m criticized. I work a decent job, have my own things, stay in shape, but I never make progress with women. I often hear it’s because I don’t treat them like crap and they rather have a guy that is a bit mean to them. At this point I truly want to give up.
Came across this thread looking for advice. I never have anyone contact me on dating apps unless they are asking for money. Same with most women outside of that. Since October I’ve been giving my all to a friend and receive no progress. I go out of my way to do everything she wants and more. Women that know us mutually always say they wish they had someone that gives half the effort that I do. She always says I’m an amazing guy and I’d make someone a great boyfriend and she would hate if I gave my time to someone else. But she gives me no chance at all. Rather talk about guys that disrespect her. I’m always used to being the guy that no one wants and when I set boundaries then I’m criticized. I work a decent job, have my own things, stay in shape, but I never make progress with women. I often hear it’s because I don’t treat them like crap and they rather have a guy that is a bit mean to them. At this point I truly want to give up.


These are what you need. The chelsea's are more of a mindset than an actual shoe. You don't just wear them, you have to fully embrace the boots and let them make the decisions.

Have you ever listened to any of Future's music? What is your drink of choice when you go out? Your name is boss302 do you have a Mustang? We gotta know everything to get you on the path to recovery.
Dude has only replied with more testimony of how chicks tell him they want what he does from someone else and yall think he can flip some switch and play some caricature :lol:
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