Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

As far as first dates go, have y’all noticed a difference in success rate between afternoon dates and night dates? A friend mentioned to me that he went on a coffee date in the afternoon and it had me thinking because I always do night
Damn how old are you?

Daytime, you get something to eat/drink and do some exploring afterwards.
Going through the process of trying to get back with ex.

I ended things months ago for reasons I regret. I texted her in January to apologize and stuff. Then contacted again like a month later to try to fix things.

Met up with her a couple weeks ago and things started off rough. Could tell she was still upset about how things went down, but it went well towards the end. We caught up and just engaged in regular conversation. lt felt like old times.

Only thing that stood out was that she mentioned she wasn't trying to get back in a relationship at the moment. She's trying to focus on herself, yada yada yada.

The fact that she still felt a type of way and agreed to meet up with me in the first place gives me hope that things can be fixed but man I'm going through it :lol:
Going through the process of trying to get back with ex.

I ended things months ago for reasons I regret. I texted her in January to apologize and stuff. Then contacted again like a month later to try to fix things.

Met up with her a couple weeks ago and things started off rough. Could tell she was still upset about how things went down, but it went well towards the end. We caught up and just engaged in regular conversation. lt felt like old times.

Only thing that stood out was that she mentioned she wasn't trying to get back in a relationship at the moment. She's trying to focus on herself, yada yada yada.

The fact that she still felt a type of way and agreed to meet up with me in the first place gives me hope that things can be fixed but man I'm going through it :lol:

Just gonna say this

99% chance that its not worth it
Going through the process of trying to get back with ex.

I ended things months ago for reasons I regret. I texted her in January to apologize and stuff. Then contacted again like a month later to try to fix things.

Met up with her a couple weeks ago and things started off rough. Could tell she was still upset about how things went down, but it went well towards the end. We caught up and just engaged in regular conversation. lt felt like old times.

Only thing that stood out was that she mentioned she wasn't trying to get back in a relationship at the moment. She's trying to focus on herself, yada yada yada.

The fact that she still felt a type of way and agreed to meet up with me in the first place gives me hope that things can be fixed but man I'm going through it :lol:
Imma keep it 💯 with you.

Best to move on. You trying to get back with her tells her you don't have options. That other girls don't desire you. Girls want men that other girls want.

She gotta come to you. You are putting her in a position of power by going to her.
As far as first dates go, have y’all noticed a difference in success rate between afternoon dates and night dates? A friend mentioned to me that he went on a coffee date in the afternoon and it had me thinking because I always do night

It doesn't matter. If you're not having success (whatever that looks like to you) it's not because of what time the date was... people generally go with evening/night dates because of scheduling.

Use your imagination/do things you actually want to do vs just doing coffee/drinks...EVERY other guy is making those same plans.

tay1 tay1 there's mostly brunch boot opinions in here so you're not going to get objective opinions on the matter


Good luck
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Imma keep it 💯 with you.

Best to move on. You trying to get back with her tells her you don't have options. That other girls don't desire you. Girls want men that other girls want.

She gotta come to you. You are putting her in a position of power by going to her.
My experience with rekindling a relationship - it’ll never be the same. Either, it’ll be better or worse (the relationship). Most of the time it doesn’t get better.

Someone either come back not being the same person and the other person is stagnant.

But that depends on the person and the circumstances; every case is different.

Hopefully it works out for the both of you, tay1 tay1
Imma keep it 💯 with you.

Best to move on. You trying to get back with her tells her you don't have options. That other girls don't desire you. Girls want men that other girls want.

She gotta come to you. You are putting her in a position of power by going to her.
She knows I was dating someone shortly after I called it off.

I see the logic though.
My experience with rekindling a relationship - it’ll never be the same. Either it’ll be better or worse. Most of the time it doesn’t get better.

Most likely someone either come back not being the same and the other person is stagnant.

But that depends on the person and the circumstances.

Hopefully it works out for the both of you, tay1 tay1
I appreciate it

There we’re definitely things that can be improved so that’s an angle I’m trying to approach it with. Im not tryna come off begging hard tho. My main thing I’m having issues with is how I should approach rekindling it.

It seems like slowly trying to recreate the attraction is the best way to go.
Going through the process of trying to get back with ex.

I ended things months ago for reasons I regret. I texted her in January to apologize and stuff. Then contacted again like a month later to try to fix things.

Met up with her a couple weeks ago and things started off rough. Could tell she was still upset about how things went down, but it went well towards the end. We caught up and just engaged in regular conversation. lt felt like old times.

Only thing that stood out was that she mentioned she wasn't trying to get back in a relationship at the moment. She's trying to focus on herself, yada yada yada.

The fact that she still felt a type of way and agreed to meet up with me in the first place gives me hope that things can be fixed but man I'm going through it :lol:


Just a hunch but I think other fish is the reason or part of the reason he ended it.

Plenty of fish but most are sardines, goldfish etc.

One day the dialogue is gonna have to move past the clichés, talking points and one size fits all mindset if things are gonna shift.
Just a hunch but I think other fish is the reason or part of the reason he ended it.

Plenty of fish but most are sardines, goldfish etc.

One day the dialogue is gonna have to move past the clichés, talking points and one size fits all mindset if things are gonna shift.
That's kinda the reason I called things off. No cheating or nothing was involved.

Dated someone after but that situation wasn't it at all.
That's kinda the reason I called things off. No cheating or nothing was involved.

Dated someone after but that situation wasn't it at all.

Very fair - it’s tough to get out of the “grass is greener” mindset - it will always be there to some degree
You were the dumper so you might have a shot, but the dumpee goes through a lot getting over it. Depends on how far she's gone. Like Grine said she could be a whole other person now.
You were the dumper so you might have a shot, but the dumpee goes through a lot getting over it. Depends on how far she's gone. Like Grine said she could be a whole other person now.
Yeah. Women don't go through that as often as we do so I know her ego and feelings are hurt a bit.

From talking to her, nothing "seems" to be different, but ya'll could be right. I'm just gon try to ease my way back in there. Try to get her to lunch or a quick meetup and try to progressively escalate things.
Throw on the new future album and call it a day pa

If that doesn’t work think of the partners she’s had in the last few months
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