Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Crazy times we’re in. Back in my days there they’d only come out at night.

Yeah, small gym but lots of pick up games going non stop.
****’s happening in Dallas too. My memaw (not actually related, but she’s always been a grandma to me) had a house backed up to a country club right outside of Dallas. You go two or three blocks over and it’s nothing but strip joints and pros. She sold that house for about $250k a couple years ago after her husband passed, MFers tore it down and rebuilt a $800k mini-mansion on the lot. Now any guy buying that house is easily affording a night with those things a few blocks away. I remember one of them propositioning me at 15 years old when I got out of the car with my parents and innocent me was like “nah, I’m just tryna get breakfast with my grandma”
I remember one of them propositioning me at 15 years old when I got out of the car with my parents and innocent me was like “nah, I’m just tryna get breakfast with my grandma”
That’s wild, lol. I vaguely remember seeing a pro lift up her dress to show off her “goods” as we slowed down to turn into our street one night coming home. I remember her giving us a wink as she did it :lol: :smh: My mom was mad as hell.
Man, when I was doing Uber few yrs back I pulled up outside an address and msged the person. They said they'd be there shortly. It was a woman's name. All of a sudden I see a woman at my passenger window pointing at the front seat. I assumed she was asking if she can ride in the front. I wave her like yaya get in let's go. She opens the door, I said "hey ___(whatever her name was)". She goes what? I'm like "you're not ___?". She looked so confused thats when I realized it was a working girl. This was sometime in the afternoon too. Told her kick rocks.
Speaking of Uber.

Friend of mine moved down to Florida. Been hard for him to find a job so he's been Ubering around Miami University during nights. He said he's been pulling off his Uber riders in the past 2 months more than he had all of the past year in NY. Even gets invited to these house parties mid shift :lol:
Can't believe streetwalkers still spend time actually walking the streets. Haven't these women heard of the internet?
Some ppl appreciate the old school arts, why switch up “the oldest profession” too much? :lol

But every city got spots where everybody pretty much agreed n accepted it’s cool for the ho’s to get to it however they want …In Baltimore we got “the block” , it’s literally right next to police headquarters where officers can buy P on lunch break no harm no foul :lol
Speaking of Uber.

Friend of mine moved down to Florida. Been hard for him to find a job so he's been Ubering around Miami University during nights. He said he's been pulling off his Uber riders in the past 2 months more than he had all of the past year in NY. Even gets invited to these house parties mid shift :lol:
Sounds like my mans but the opposite way…Yo moved from Miami to ATL and does the black truck Uber thing…He stay with with some joints he just met choppin it up in the whip that’s in town for the weekend trying to have fun :hat …Said he not even messing with any locals :lol
I wish these content creators were upfront and honest about using people. Dating is sensitive, it's not nice to insincerely interact with people genuinely looking for connection while you're looking for content.
Hmm... so you're essentially saying "Hiding your motives is despicable." Which is reasonable.

But, I'm curious - do you think you're using women in any way eevr? If not, I'll move on. But if yes, then what's the difference between that and a "content creator looking for content"?

That's how my Hinge is too. Rose section is good looking women, regular section is crazy bad.
If I got a "rose" does that mean I'm on that chicks "standout" section?

This is the kind of stuff that'd be nice to know.

I'd love to talk to a product person at hinge.
Back when i was on the app the standouts would usually show up in the regular stack the next day. But you gotta swipe enough for the app to know your preferences.
That's what they want us to think, no? I have not and will not swipe.

It's just like linkedin. I can either spam recruiters all day or I can do some social engineering on my profile so the recruiters come to me.
Shorty looks hella basic.

And no you can't bring a dog on an uber unless it's a service animal. The drivers hate that shh and give a bad rating.

Mad at myself for reading all that just for a pic of some basic bird :{
Leave him alone man. He was clearly excited to share his story.

Anyway, i was definitely pushing for 3 month contracts for years. Glad someone went through with it.
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