Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

I just broke up with the chick where we did what NT called a "3 month contract”.

NT likes pics, so I Made my very next post pics. But then I took it down bc I got scared

And apparently she’s basic. So if you missed the pics you didn’t miss anything.

Brief Summary

I later learned, she's a grad student and fairly radical and her biggest career aspiration - her "Super Bowl" - is to do an ethnographic study a famously anarchist region in the East. It's also dangerous because it's in an active war zone . She's also ****ing crazy. But I don't know any of this at the time. After all - I'm thinking with my **** and my creative brain :smile: There's nothing like a muse :smile:

High level outline
This new girl and I - we have clowning class together.

In class, for 10 weeks straight and I never noticed her.

Now guys, when I say "I never noticed her" I mean "she's fit but not my type."

To go back on one thing I said earlier - I didn't notice her until we touched. I remember the exact moment we touched. It was ****ing electric.

So for 10 weeks she's invisible to me, then we touch and are like magnets for the rest of that class.

Then after class, -- it was funny she asked me if I had social media -- and all I said was "no." A few minutes later I got her number. The suspense was fun.

We text a ton in this time and I mean a TON. She drove most of it - asked so many questions.

T his gal is asking me some of the best questions I can remember hearing. She was a phenomenal listener and processor. Super deep thinker. I wanted to collaborate with her.

And we did. And mind you, this is over text - I learn my political stance --in her opinion -- is a "left leaning anarchist." When's the last time a virtual stranger taught you something over text? Idk it was trippy man - we did a mind meld and I really liked her ideas.

Any who, clowning class (like college or other classes) takes time off in between Xmas and NYE.

So, we go on a date during that week between holidays and it was cool but nothing crazy. Couple drinks, kissed a bit at the end, and then took our own cabs home.

Then on Jan 1st I called her and asked if she was doing anything. She ws like "nah come through." I get there and we smoke a spliff on the porch.

She is hella cool - she rolls spliffs easily and quickly. I note this in my head as being "super neat". (Like I said shes from new york.) But in retrospect - it's so dumb the stuff we pick up on. Half the time it only seems neat because it's new.

Anywho, after we smoke that spliff we end up spending the next 4 nights together.

A short while later I ask her "Will you date me for 3 months and then reassess?"

[I got the idea from the movie "Bros" . Because gaiz... in 2023, having an escape plan is more attractive than not.

She says "yeah” to the 3 month thing.

A few days or maybe a week later I give her the keys to my apartment.

Then for the next several weeks we basically lived together - and she's always talking about revolution. (A story for another time is how the anarchist influence did a lot of good for my life.)

We share a bunch of meals. Have terrific sex together - she actively finds and encourages fantasies of mine.

She helps me decorate my apartment - I do love a woman's perspective . Their gaze is better than ours at some things. And vice versa obvi, my dudes.

I take her dog -- honestly one of the best parts of our relationship -- on hella walks give him treats all the time.

Then we break up. After spending the night at each other's places for weeks

Out of nowhere neither of us talks to the other for 4 days.

And then she texts me. Guess on what day, NT?

How many days from when we started our "3 month trial period"?

can you not guess it?

almost EXACTLY on day 90.

- you can take dogs in Ubers
- sometimes the chicks you underrate are the dopest ones
- red flags are only obvious in retrospect - we all have blind spots

big takeaways
- the "3 month contract" thing is genius if and only if you're willing to let them walk away
- if you live with someone who is crazy you will go crazy.
- going crazy can help your art, craft, and/or work. Also, if you take it too far then you can hurt yourself.

what's next?
- back on the apps as of a few days ago, and the apps are interesting. They’ve changed in the last 3 months.
- just had a dope first and second date with this cool surfer chick last weekend , looking forward to that if it continues and if not I'll listen to Gucci - girls are like buses- if you miss one, next fifteen one comin'
- keen on more exploring

That’s all folks

(damn, this city deserves a better class of ninjahood)

But what did she text you to end the 90 day contract?
Going from the 30 day contract ask to giving out keys to the apartment days later is wild :lol:

Shout out to him tho. Seems like he’s having a good time from his initial situation he posted.
Yea his relationship/contract escalated quickly. I would never give my keys to my apt that fast.

This 3 month contract really works?
Stop encouraging nonsense.

fluid hips fluid hips reposted one of the "pictures". He was being VERY nice with his assessment.

Couldn't even see much outside of her tongue being as white as her skin and that she was rail thin.

Think Soft White Underbelly.

If y'all want this thread to stay alive don't egg him on.
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I am checking back in after a brief hiatus and this last page leads me to believe I missed out on pure pandemonium. "Soft white underbelly" and this post below got me howling and I haven't even seen the pics or read the full story yet
3 month contract, key to apartment, no talk of smashing what so ever, wall of text, basic/mid chick

Am I missing anything else?

The concept of dudes handing out 90 day contracts for a trial run like they are NBA 10-Day contracts :lol: But giving out the keys to the palace shortly after doe :wow: Shorty could have been pulling the long con after 90-Day offer and you could have come home to an empty apartment :smh:
But what did she text you to end the 90 day contract?

Eyyy I got you oidreez oidreez

Screenshots attached . (Dip dip set)

calikev34 calikev34 in all seriousness y’all do seem perfect for each other.

She just ghosted you after the 3 months? Any convos on extending that contract?

We were perfect muses.

We both used each other.

But long term or genetic compatible? nah.

I don’t believe in ghosting. To see what she said after 3 months (peep attached screenshots.)

No Congo’s on extending. And that’s the lesson here. So glad you asked ballinsam23 ballinsam23

If you do a contract AND you might want to keep them around longer term, talk about extensions before it’s too late and they get spooked

Imma leave on one more note.

Hood talk > NT


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