Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

The f "population growth" gotta do with this :lol:

Dudes stay doing the most. You can not ghost somebody without giving them a 2023 economic impact report 🤣 and to top it off she still need clarification so he gotta reply again or ghost

My guy could have dropped the time tested classic “it’s not you, it’s me” but got fancy with it and pinned it on population growth then she not only worked him into the shoot of responding, she also asked him out on a third date :rofl:
:rofl:Reminds me of Steph
nachobroadweezy nachobroadweezy how long is the commute from your spot to NYC (I am assuming via train since parking is a ***** in NYC but I could be wrong). Variant Jessica Alba sounds like it could be worth the commute but travel duration is the deciding factor.
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Hilarious, I do talk like T.I. in real life, I'm old in NT terms, KG to y'all Ja Morants. That drive used to be 30 mins 7 years ago, now it's an hour + $25 in tolls, plus city girls typically got no car.
I don't feel you gotta be personal with it, you don't know each other like that, if she was 10 mins away fk a connection lol
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Hilarious, I do talk like T.I. in real life, I'm old in NT terms, KG to y'all Ja Morants. That drive used to be 30 mins 7 years ago, now it's an hour + $25 in tolls, plus city girls typically got no car.
I don't feel you gotta be personal with it, you don't know each other like that, if she was 10 mins away fk a connection lol

Wow. An hour by car is a lot. That’s a 50/50 ball. It’s right on the edge of being doable but also understandable why someone wouldn’t want to do it long term. Like you said, it’s probably worth one more shot to try see what’s there but if there’s nothing there then it’s onto the next one
Most convenient situation I had was a chick that was less than 10min drive from me.

Actually had two like that, both on the same street. One north of me, the other south of me lol. Different times though
Shorty got dumped by the Riddler and asked for another chance :smh:
That 2nd date was like the Goodfellas scene where Ray Liotta gets walked through the kitchen and gets sat front row of the stage. Came back begging like a starving dog.

On another note, a great line I've been using after matching is "what drew you to my profile", puts the onus on them and they basically spill everything you can target on, closed one same day.
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Absolutely my dude! I travel a lot for work and when I was about that life it was EXTREMELY useful. Allows you to get all the BS ahead of the time and build a rapport. That way you can just set something up one of the nights you’re there and she knows that it is a limited time special, it should lead to something. Picking your time for the meet and day of the week wisely kind of matters too IMO but the others in here are probably more versatile in weekday dating so they’d can probably give better advice about that.

When is this trip?
So going to Seoul next week. Rome in aug. And a few east coast things here and there in between
So going to Seoul next week. Rome in aug. And a few east coast things here and there in between

Gotcha - that’s awesome! Not sure what app(s) you are using but I have found international passporting to be a bit of a challenge because it’s like “Why the **** is this dude checking into Seoul from the West Coast?” I have noticed some yambs start their bios with “Visiting <Insert location they are passported into> from 6/7-6-16” so that you know what’s up. I have never done that because it takes away valuable characters but it’s something to consider.

As for passporting across coasts, it’s kind of the same thing but they are usually more willing to entertain it since you are at least domestic.

Put it this way - you have nothing to lose and if it is only for the summer, it shouldn’t run you too much money. I have traveled heavily for the last four years and it has never steered me wrong
x Buddha Bless x x Buddha Bless x posted this in another thread but I think photoshop's new generative fill can lowkey be used to boost success on the apps

Bruh. I have been on this mountain top for awhile and I hate that I have to continually say it but this is ENTIRELY too far, man. I am all about technology but **** like this can be extremely dangerous considering how many low IQ people fall for Fake News in text. You give them a fake image that they can point to for evidence? All discourse and media is about to hit a new all-time low. Hell, even for everyday life. :smh:
Bruh. I have been on this mountain top for awhile and I hate that I have to continually say it but this is ENTIRELY too far, man. I am all about technology but **** like this can be extremely dangerous considering how many low IQ people fall for Fake News in text. You give them a fake image that they can point to for evidence? All discourse and media is about to hit a new all-time low. Hell, even for everyday life. :smh:

Somewhat random and I thought I had brought it up in this thread, but can't find it. But this is the Doctor that my former FWB told me damn near raped one of her friends, and they only busted him because all those women in the FB "are we dating the same guy?" groups all had the same story about him:

Somewhat random and I thought I had brought it up in this thread, but can't find it. But this is the Doctor that my former FWB told me damn near raped one of her friends, and they only busted him because all those women in the FB "are we dating the same guy?" groups all had the same story about him:


Dude has those crazy eyes. Read the article - he's a terrible human being and I hope they throw him under the jail. I am glad someone had the courage to speak up and now he is getting aired out in court before he has to rot in jail.
What’s you guys views on dating someone with a child? For the longest time, I have been completely against it. However, I’m slowly starting to open up about dating someone with a child. Reason being is, I’m getting older and I’m realizing that I could be passing on blessings on a potential long term committed relationship. It’s someone I’m talking to now that has potential. She has a 10 in the half year old daughter and she is a vice principal, so obviously she’s makes really good money. I’m going to see where it goes..

Just wanted people’s opinion on dating or getting in a committed relationship with someone with kids?
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