Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

I'm on the older side now so kids are no biggie though my limit really is 1. 2 if she's an indisputable dime. It really is annoying though when it comes to kids how many people choose to be a disruption when they don't have to be.
How many females you meeting with just ONE? Thats almost powerball odds 🤣

Edit also, I think I'd rather them just come out and tell me i gotta pay for the P than to ask me for gas money over text..before we've even met!
I think you're 26, right? How do convos with new yambs go? Are they all successful? Personally I believe that not all four year gaps are the same. Once you get in the real world and get "experience" then the gap shrinks over time but 26 to 22 is still pretty wide.


Do you have any kids yourself? That seems like a heavy burden to bear but if you are REALLLLYY into her then I guess give it a try. Going from a single guy with no kids to doing carpool duty, driving a 11 y/0 and her girlfriends to school dances, going to parent teacher conferences, etc. is deep.

Yeah I’m 26. Going to be 27 next month and honestly for the most part it’s not that bad.

Most women my age don’t differ from the 20-22 year olds outside of maybe wanting more commitment sooner.

As long as 20 year olds like me I’m going to keep dating them. Leonardo DiCaprio got it right. I want to get married at 30 though, so I’m either going to lock down my current situation seriously soon or mingle a few more years, find a 22-23 year old then hang it up.
Yeah I’m 26. Going to be 27 next month and honestly for the most part it’s not that bad.

Most women my age don’t differ from the 20-22 year olds outside of maybe wanting more commitment sooner.

As long as 20 year olds like me I’m going to keep dating them. Leonardo DiCaprio got it right. I want to get married at 30 though, so I’m either going to lock down my current situation seriously soon or mingle a few more years, find a 22-23 year old then hang it up.

Damn, that's interesting. I'm just thinking back, even about myself, but I was moving way different at 26 turning 27 than 21 to 22 and I know the yambs were too. Impressive if you are able to find ones that mature.

I don't know if this will happen to you, or if it happened to anybody else, but I feel like at some point after 30 that the thought of finding a 22-23 year old and hanging was better than actually finding a 22-23 year old and hanging it up. It would be like expecting a rookie to come in to tip the scales for a championship contender. It just doesn't happen these days. But again, you're finding them rare ones so go for it :pimp: I am sure Leo doesn't give AF because he's a Hollywood actor and anything goes there tbh and he probably doesn't care what any of those birds have to say :lol:
How many females you meeting with just ONE? Thats almost powerball odds 🤣

Edit also, I think I'd rather them just come out and tell me i gotta pay for the P than to ask me for gas money over text..before we've even met!

The problem about explicitly paying for P is that you are going to be paying that second apron, repeat offender luxury tax on it because they are going to overvalue their P like MFer :lol: No yamb is going to devalue the P to the price a half tank of gas. However, if you buy the tank of gas then they will use that as justification that you're a nice guy and give up the yambs willingly but no money was exchanged.

I go through similar all the time at the work but it's kind of like the difference between a gift and a bribe. It's all about optics and there is a very fine line and it is big grey area.
Yeah I’m 26. Going to be 27 next month and honestly for the most part it’s not that bad.

Most women my age don’t differ from the 20-22 year olds outside of maybe wanting more commitment sooner.

As long as 20 year olds like me I’m going to keep dating them. Leonardo DiCaprio got it right. I want to get married at 30 though, so I’m either going to lock down my current situation seriously soon or mingle a few more years, find a 22-23 year old then hang it up.

Why you looking to get married by 30??
Damn, that's interesting. I'm just thinking back, even about myself, but I was moving way different at 26 turning 27 than 21 to 22 and I know the yambs were too. Impressive if you are able to find ones that mature.

I don't know if this will happen to you, or if it happened to anybody else, but I feel like at some point after 30 that the thought of finding a 22-23 year old and hanging was better than actually finding a 22-23 year old and hanging it up. It would be like expecting a rookie to come in to tip the scales for a championship contender. It just doesn't happen these days. But again, you're finding them rare ones so go for it :pimp: I am sure Leo doesn't give AF because he's a Hollywood actor and anything goes there tbh and he probably doesn't care what any of those birds have to say :lol:

Says more about the 25-27 year olds tbh 😂.

Interests are mostly the same, the early 20’s just want to go out and have fun, they actually care less about the expensive dates from my experience. Them for the most part have been cool with museums, comedy shows, getting tea, and a lot of more chill moves.

Them mid 20’s are the ones that want to see you open that wallet.
Let's say I ignored my conscience and dated a 22 year old
All I see in that future is having to teach her about life in the short term
And in the long term her resenting me when she's older and more experienced
That sounds annoying and I haven't even gotten into my family's reaction :lol:
Let's say I ignored my conscience and dated a 22 year old
All I see in that future is having to teach her about life in the short term
And in the long term her resenting me when she's older and more experienced
That sounds annoying and I haven't even gotten into my family's reaction :lol:

Very well said. You get it :lol:
I just want them to look good tbh.

Everything else is second if we’re just having fun.

I remember smashing a girl around 22 year old during my lame duck period when I was 26 about to be 27 and the **** she was talking about was so..... banal. I don't even know how else to describe it but I would just constantly think "This is what you do and think about ALL day?" :lol:

There are plenty of 21-24 year olds not with the TikTok movement.

The cultured ones are just as mature as the older 28-30+ year olds too.

I could see it although you probably have to be in a major city or near a university for that to happen IMO. I had the opposite of the Dazed and Confused experience when I was a young bol. When I was 22/23 and going to bars and clubs in Philly I would always get something going with a yamb then she'd ask my age and be like "Ohh mmyy gawwddd you're such a baby!" because they were like 26/27 or older :lol: Nothing used to rustle my jimmies like that. It was like Dazed and Confused except I was catching up to the clientele who were staying the same age at the bars/club :lol: :smh:
Between 19 and 23 I literally had no game. My entire game was going to the clubs/bars, grinding on chicks, making out with them, then taking em back to my dorm.

If the head game or cuddle game was proper id spend some of my dining dollars and we’d get food and eventually she’d be my gf.

When I got to the real world and had to talk more and dance less **** was rough. I don’t even remember the last time I grinded like that with a chick unless I’m at the strip club.

Had the right people around me after that though so sharpened that up real quick.
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Between 19 and 23 I literally had no game. My entire game was going to the clubs/bars, grinding on chicks, making out with them, then taking em back to my dorm.

If the head game or cuddle game was proper id spend some of my dining dollars and we’d get food and eventually she’d be my gf.

When I got to the real world and had to talk more and dance less **** was rough. I don’t even remember the last time I grinded like that with a chick unless I’m at the strip club.

Had the right people around me after that though so sharpened that up real quick.

This might be realest **** you ever wrote. For me 18-22 was college and my school was extremely clique-y and silo'd which presents a challenge when all the yambs are clout chasing. My game was similar to yours except I only had one gf from fresh-soph year.

Once I got to the real world, **** was DIFFERENT man. There are no cliques, no background, no bias. It's no longer about an affiliation on your shirt but it becomes purely about looks and your mouthpiece. It was a wrap for me from there. It's like how folks say Coach K/Coach Calipari's systems limits guys showcasing their true talent in college :lol:

The analogy I always like to use is speed. There is college speed which is girls consider you moderately attractive to good looking and you have no mouthpiece or are awkward but you still pull because of an affiliation.

Then there's real world speed when you are going up against the field and pulling requires charm, finesse and wits. College speed doesn't always translate to the real world.

The tools were always there but I wasn't in the right setting to showcase them. We good now though :lol: :nthat:
There are plenty of 21-24 year olds not with the TikTok movement.

The cultured ones are just as mature as the older 28-30+ year olds too.
If a 21 year old and a 31 year old have the same level of maturity, it's not because the 21 year old is mature, it's because the 31 year old is immature. Either way it's not for me.

When I was 22/23 and going to bars and clubs in Philly I would always get something going with a yamb then she'd ask my age and be like "Ohh mmyy gawwddd you're such a baby!" because they were like 26/27 or older :lol: Nothing used to rustle my jimmies like that.
I HATED this. And the older I got, the less women would believe me when I told them my age, so it wasn't even like getting older made it go away because now I'm being called a liar to my face :lol: Damn beardless genetics :smh:
I HATED this. And the older I got, the less women would believe me when I told them my age, so it wasn't even like getting older made it go away because now I'm being called a liar to my face :lol: Damn beardless genetics :smh:

THIS!!!!!!! Except I was Team Beardless By Choice. Still am :lol::smokin
If a 21 year old and a 31 year old have the same level of maturity, it's not because the 21 year old is mature, it's because the 31 year old is immature. Either way it's not for me.

I dont view it that way at all. Could also mean as a 31 year old you can relate to all age groups in some way.

Theres a reason some younger girls like older men too.

Works both ways.
When I was in my late 20s, was hard for me to date college girls cause I was at different stage of my life. I was working on getting my credit score right for a mortgage, my profession and college girl talking about her classes, after-school dance, and stipend from her parents.

I wouldn't mind dating a girl younger than me like that, but we got to be near the same place in life
When I was in my late 20s, was hard for me to date college girls cause I was at different stage of my life. I was working on getting my credit score right for a mortgage, my profession and college girl talking about her classes, after-school dance, and stipend from her parents.

I wouldn't mind dating a girl younger than me like that, but we got to be near the same place in life
What do yall think about this? I met a girl on bumble, 33 divorced, 1 kid and she lives about 25 minutes outside of Houston. Im ok with a kid and the drive. We plan Wednesday to meet up half way. Yesterday she changes her mind and says she wants Chinese food from Chinatown, which is IN Houston. Im like cool, I know a spot. This morning, before I can even ask about the transportation situation she sends me this:


In my mind, this is a red flag, but maybe Im tripping.
I asked a few women about it, my sisters, my mom, my boy’s, wife and a couple of co-wokers. It seems to be a generational divide. All the older, more mature women say don’t do it. The younger women are saying its a test. Do they not realize they’re in question with me just as much as I am in question with her???

What do yall think? FYI, this has already played out. I sent a reply.



Some people are just garbage
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