Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Think the key is just being straight up with them...chat it up for a few messages, check the gram, then "yo, whats your plans tomorrow night? Wanna grab a drink at ____?",

Honestly, Making statements and declarations are better than questions.

Asking questions, you're just inviting her to stall on you and weigh out her options with other dudes. Kinda like when you ask a girl what she wants to eat. Most times, they can't decide. You have to lead.

I'm gonna be at happy hour at 6 at so and so, See you there is better than you asking her, do you want to do happy hour at 6?
Honestly, Making statements and declarations are better than questions.

Asking questions, you're just inviting her to stall on you and weigh out her options with other dudes. Kinda like when you ask a girl what she wants to eat. Most times, they can't decide. You have to lead.

I'm gonna be at happy hour at 6 at so and so, See you there is better than you asking her, do you want to do happy hour at 6?

Have to disagree. I think most people would be like....uhm okay? They have other dudes but most of those dudes are playing themselves out by the 10th message.

I think most would even come back with "where do you wanna go?" sure it gives them the time to think if they have a spot where they wanna go, San Francisco is 7 miles by 7 miles with the majority of people in a small radius inside that. Getting them to even suggest a spot, makes them feel in power. That's when you come back with " well how bout ___, I'll be there at 7, see ya there". Coming out with straight out the bat seems like a risky tactic. Each their own though.
Have to disagree. I think most people would be like....uhm okay? They have other dudes but most of those dudes are playing themselves out by the 10th message.

I think most would even come back with "where do you wanna go?" sure it gives them the time to think if they have a spot where they wanna go, San Francisco is 7 miles by 7 miles with the majority of people in a small radius inside that. Getting them to even suggest a spot, makes them feel in power. That's when you come back with " well how bout ___, I'll be there at 7, see ya there". Coming out with straight out the bat seems like a risky tactic. Each their own though.
Of course you don't do what I suggested right off the bat. It works once you get her comfortable
Man, yall got me going through fomo. I paused my Hinge like 2 weeks ago. I miss women hitting me up outta nowhere. I can't help but think of all da baddies who I might be missing out on.
Kicked it with a new hinge chick a couple nights ago, I came over and had a few drinks at her place which was walking distance. The alc caught up to her cuz she was being annoying as **** (repeating phrases, speaking in a baby voice, begging for ****)

But she was cute so I proceeded. I think my **** knew I wasn’t feeling her like that because my **** was on wet noodle mode. I was at like 47% and I wasn’t really that drunk.

she was making loud *** noises and I’m thinking I’m not even hard this can’t feel that good, finished up and got outta there lol onto the next
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Hinge? Should I download? Bumble is big dead.

New kinds of pipe pills? We still on the rhino/black stallion or nah?
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