Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

First time stopping in this thread. It’s hilarious,
cause I work with 90% females and they always talk about these dating sites and how they so
Excited to on dates and blah blah blah. Male and female version of a story is hilarious. Some of these women even if y’all tell them y’all trying to have fun they get sprung of the weirdest ish
Grine Grine 😂😂😂
Think the key is just being straight up with them...chat it up for a few messages, check the gram, then "yo, whats your plans tomorrow night? Wanna grab a drink at ____?", if they don't respond, keep it moving, if they do, grab a drink and see where the night goes. Have a few go to spots in your city that won't run you a giant *** bill at the end of the night. In my peak in 2018/19, was doing 4-5 dates a week. Hinge was wildin, still is, shoot would even run into girls that I had just met a few nights prior on dates with other dudes a few nights after, its all a game, keep it moving.

Don't know how it is in smaller cities, if you're on the fence about creating a profile just do it. Have a friend take some semi professional photos of you, no selfies, work on your prompts and get going.
Think the key is just being straight up with them...chat it up for a few messages, check the gram, then "yo, whats your plans tomorrow night? Wanna grab a drink at ____?", if they don't respond, keep it moving, if they do, grab a drink and see where the night goes. Have a few go to spots in your city that won't run you a giant *** bill at the end of the night. In my peak in 2018/19, was doing 4-5 dates a week. Hinge was wildin, still is, shoot would even run into girls that I had just met a few nights prior on dates with other dudes a few nights after, its all a game, keep it moving.

Don't know how it is in smaller cities, if you're on the fence about creating a profile just do it. Have a friend take some semi professional photos of you, no selfies, work on your prompts and get going.
If youve travelled recently, put pics of you from your trip.

Easy conversation starter.
Think the key is just being straight up with them...chat it up for a few messages, check the gram, then "yo, whats your plans tomorrow night? Wanna grab a drink at ____?", if they don't respond, keep it moving, if they do, grab a drink and see where the night goes. Have a few go to spots in your city that won't run you a giant *** bill at the end of the night. In my peak in 2018/19, was doing 4-5 dates a week. Hinge was wildin, still is, shoot would even run into girls that I had just met a few nights prior on dates with other dudes a few nights after, its all a game, keep it moving.

Don't know how it is in smaller cities, if you're on the fence about creating a profile just do it. Have a friend take some semi professional photos of you, no selfies, work on your prompts and get going.

The problem now is what's our game plan with this pandemic?
I'm not playing games with the pandemic...I've had friends pulled over by the police and stopped at 9:30-10 PM asking where they were coming from..plus it's not even safe to be out in San Francisco right now given the amount of violence even in nice areas. I'm keeping a few convos here and there but I know as soon as this is over and the bars are open, the apps will be flooded. Then it's showtime.
:lol: im chilling for now til this **** passes. Got 3 in my city i been fw so im good

Been messing with this passport thing though, putting in cities i want to visit in the future and seeing whats good there.

Atl, NO, Rio, London, Mombasa, Nairobi, Casablanca, Rabat, Lagos etc

Chess not checkers - you making me proud fam
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