Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Just had to drop a girl out of the rotation...girls out here playing games, even in covid, hang out 5-6x, smash and then you come back and like "yeah I just don't know if I like you"...***** you played yourself cause I got what I wanted HA
You hurt
I’ve never messed with hinge. Just tinder n bumble. But the way my game is.. I don’t think it favors me. I light have to peep tho
Thought this was the new YaMs thread
This girl had "please roast me. if it makes me cry I'll give you my snap." as her bio.

I roasted her, she got hurt, and she changed her bio lmao.

Can't believe Tinder is free. This app is too funny.
Shout out to you for actually listening to what she said
That's such a strange desire.
Back in the early 00s, there was a pickup artist named "Mystery" who introduced the concept of negging.

The premise, instead of coming up to a girl with a compliment/chatting about current events, a personal insult will knock em off their pedestal.

If you notice, flamboyant gay dudes do this effortlessly. Khloe Kardashian used to have a talk show and on one episode she had this guy Ross Matthews alongside Carmen Electra. Dude was on fire the entire show negging both Carmen and Khloe:wow:
Back in the early 00s, there was a pickup artist named "Mystery" who introduced the concept of negging.

The premise, instead of coming up to a girl with a compliment/chatting about current events, a personal insult will knock em off their pedestal.

If you notice, flamboyant gay dudes do this effortlessly. Khloe Kardashian used to have a talk show and on one episode she had this guy Ross Matthews alongside Carmen Electra. Dude was on fire the entire show negging both Carmen and Khloe:wow:
Yeah i remember reading about that around 05 and it was always weird to me. There's something about toxic or savage behavior that people are drawn to. I don't know the reason why or the science behind it and not sure that I want to know.
It reminds me of when Married with Children was first pitched to networks. No one wanted to air it bc they didn't understand the appeal of a family being mean to each other. But it played out well in the show.
Logically the stuff doesn't make sense but for some reason it seems to work.
If i had to guess, it has to be linked to a verbally/sexually/emotionally abusive childhood.
Back in the early 00s, there was a pickup artist named "Mystery" who introduced the concept of negging.

The premise, instead of coming up to a girl with a compliment/chatting about current events, a personal insult will knock em off their pedestal.

If you notice, flamboyant gay dudes do this effortlessly. Khloe Kardashian used to have a talk show and on one episode she had this guy Ross Matthews alongside Carmen Electra. Dude was on fire the entire show negging both Carmen and Khloe:wow:

Yeah i remember reading about that around 05 and it was always weird to me. There's something about toxic or savage behavior that people are drawn to. I don't know the reason why or the science behind it and not sure that I want to know.
It reminds me of when Married with Children was first pitched to networks. No one wanted to air it bc they didn't understand the appeal of a family being mean to each other. But it played out well in the show.
Logically the stuff doesn't make sense but for some reason it seems to work.
If i had to guess, it has to be linked to a verbally/sexually/emotionally abusive childhood.
This sounds the same as when some dudes be saying “the best way to get women is to not give them any attention”

It’s not going to work significantly more than it would. The concept of negging sounds very incel-ish
I done gave a chick that’s been in and out of my life that toxic henny rhino pipe. Pray for me because I already started to get wild text at the start of quarantine but we’ll see how this goes.
Dangerous actions bruh. You flagrant. Henny x rhino.... toxicityyyyyy
Back in the early 00s, there was a pickup artist named "Mystery" who introduced the concept of negging.

The premise, instead of coming up to a girl with a compliment/chatting about current events, a personal insult will knock em off their pedestal.

If you notice, flamboyant gay dudes do this effortlessly. Khloe Kardashian used to have a talk show and on one episode she had this guy Ross Matthews alongside Carmen Electra. Dude was on fire the entire show negging both Carmen and Khloe:wow:
The game :wink:
Back in the early 00s, there was a pickup artist named "Mystery" who introduced the concept of negging.

The premise, instead of coming up to a girl with a compliment/chatting about current events, a personal insult will knock em off their pedestal.

If you notice, flamboyant gay dudes do this effortlessly. Khloe Kardashian used to have a talk show and on one episode she had this guy Ross Matthews alongside Carmen Electra. Dude was on fire the entire show negging both Carmen and Khloe:wow:

Lmao I remember reading about this "mystery" dude. IIRC this whole "negging" thing, according to him only works on 8s, 9s and 10s cuz they used to hearing nothing but compliments.

He's wack IMO. :lol:
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