Hipsters Unappreciation

Originally Posted by CasperFromKIDS

On topic though, a bunch of yall know a whole lot about these kids, like you pay CLOSE attention when theyre around.
Daily exposure to hispters for 5+ years will do that. And "when they're around" .. if they are always around, how do you not notice them?

I guess you don't see many hispters in Seattle though. It always has been a third-rate city, afterall.

The hell you talking about? Starbucks started in Seattle. It was the first stop on their trail mainly because it was their first watering hole. Then thepopulation dispersed to the midwest and finally NYC.
OMG....I HATE hipsters.

A few of my freinds used to live in Williamsburg and then all the hipsters started moving in. If I remember correct its the L train and they all get off atBedford Ave.

Everyone had a guitar on their back. What a bunch of rejects.
Originally Posted by instant klassic

Originally Posted by GORDON GARTRELLE

I don't particularly like hipsters, but not because of their dress, style or even affectations, but moreso because they're turned a truly great, vibrant and dynamic city like NY in a venerable shopping mall atmosphere that seems more and more generic and has less edge everyday. The whole IRONIC (irony, being a hipster troll's most favorite lifestyle choice and weapon) thing is that today's hipsters are tomorrow's yuppies just like yesterday's hippies became the establishment we are living under. Nothing against bland and faceless people from Ohio and places like that, but you're really not welcome in NYC if all you do is move here and bring your own brand of exclusionary attitude along with you all the while sucking the life's blood of this wonderful city.

NYelectric - I didn't even read your initial point. I just dislike these people enough to have a go at it on my own, but after going back from the beginning, you pretty much nailed it on the head and then some. I think you might be one of my new favorite NT'ers. LOL

postives and negatives of gentrification. my neighborhood used to be one of the grimiest areas of the city. now theres nothing but coffee shops, art galleries, boutiques, bars, restaurants and clubs which is pretty awesome. but it drove up the rent in the whole area and forced out longtime citizens/great establishments that were crucial to the culture in the neighboorhood. give manhattan and brooklyn like another 10-15 years and it really will be nothing but yuppies and hipsters dwelling there. hell, all the projects would probably get demolished too and replaced with luxury condos and highrise hotels. i just hate that these people make certain longtime affordable lower class income areas impossible to live in nowadays. not to mention, i went to buy a few pbr 22oz the other day which are usually a dollar from what i remember a couple months back and now they're 1.50-75 with a new fancy bottle cap, WTH? and who pays for american apparel?

very interesting read:


10-15 years? Unless there's a recession I'm going to say 8-10 years tops. Between the Nets stadium and what they're doing to Coney Island, well,don't even get me started. If everything goes as planned in 8 years there will be no more Brooklyn.
NY heads...

williamsburg is definitely hipster central, but have you been to astoria lately? over here, we have euro hipsters who sit outside on sidewalk cafes all day anddrink coffee
yo, seattle isn't a third rate city. quit hating.

luckily for me, living in the middle of nowhere in the midwest, there aren't many if any hipsters or hypebeasts around here. but then again... there'salso the people who can't dress, but that's not too bad since it's not my problem.
On the contrary, I LOVE hipsters.

I just bought 10 prs of nike classics @ 29.99 each and resold them to (mostly) these airheads for 85.00


Let them be who they think they are. They all think with one mind, so if you are an individual..well rake in the money my people and getting it poppin'.

as bad as racism.

for christ's sake, you five people who keep going on and on about hipsters need to get off NT and get a life. who knew that 5 people could fuel a 9 pagethread. i commend you.

i think you guys are just mad that your parents can't afford to keep supporting you guys. yes i said CANT AFFORD.

as bad as racism.

Way to belittle racism by comparing it to a thread complaining about 25 year old babies with credit cards.
Some of you took this thread way too seriously. It's not called the "Hipster Extermination Thread." I'm allowed to grumble about styles andmentalities I don't agree with. Why don't you stay out of the thread if you find it so offensive?

for christ's sake, you five people who keep going on and on about hipsters need to get off NT and get a life. who knew that 5 people could fuel a 9 page thread. i commend you.
Thanks for bumping it.
i think you guys are just mad that your parents can't afford to keep supporting you guys. yes i said CANT AFFORD.
I think you're the one that's mad.
like another 10-15 years and it really will be nothing but yuppies and hipsters dwelling there.

Yeah no kidding. And yeah, astoria is going to be just as bad as Williamsburg VERY soon if it isn't already.

And to all the people getting all uptight and claiming that we're persecuting the hipsters, let me just remind you that somewhere, sometime, someone hasprobably looked at each and every person in this thread and said "damn, that dude/chick looks RIDICULOUS". I don't expect everyone to like myappearance.

However, there is a certain mentality that this particular group of people has that makes them particularly unsavory. And no, in this case I don't thinkit's just opinion.
Originally Posted by Zen Baller

like another 10-15 years and it really will be nothing but yuppies and hipsters dwelling there.

Yeah no kidding. And yeah, astoria is going to be just as bad as Williamsburg VERY soon if it isn't already.

And to all the people getting all uptight and claiming that we're persecuting the hipsters, let me just remind you that somewhere, sometime, someone has probably looked at each and every person in this thread and said "damn, that dude/chick looks RIDICULOUS". I don't expect everyone to like my appearance.

However, there is a certain mentality that this particular group of people has that makes them particularly unsavory. And no, in this case I don't think it's just opinion.

Oh man. They just started invading Jackson Heights. If this neighborhood gets hipsterified then they'll be no turning back.
Georgetown in DC is crawling with them.

And that damn Urban Outfitters on Mst NW is their epicenter.............
just the next up and commin poser brand, the sad thing is they're the same exact thing as hypebeast without the "hyped' clothing.
see i can understand the argument that the sneaker community's "hypebeast" is really the same as a hipster. i can say right now that ALL of usare guilty of hypebeasting about something at some point. for me, it was jordans back in 5th grade. but a true hypebeast is one who has no passion for they arehypebeasting for. they just do it because

a) if its expensive, of course it's cool!
b) they try to not conform as hard as possible

hipsters are different. i just don't like their attitude and their lifestyle. hell yeah, im mad that my parents can't support me like that
Originally Posted by instant klassic

Originally Posted by HYPEDKICKSdotCOM

just the next up and commin poser brand, the sad thing is they're the same exact thing as hypebeast without the "hyped' clothing.

okay, wait...huh?!?

chalk that one up to the fact that people on NT love making comments on things they have no clue about.
Curious - who are the 5 NTers who are tryin to bring down hipsters? I would like to slain them all
Originally Posted by instant klassic

Originally Posted by NYelectric

Originally Posted by instant klassic

Originally Posted by GORDON GARTRELLE

I don't particularly like hipsters, but not because of their dress, style or even affectations, but moreso because they're turned a truly great, vibrant and dynamic city like NY in a venerable shopping mall atmosphere that seems more and more generic and has less edge everyday. The whole IRONIC (irony, being a hipster troll's most favorite lifestyle choice and weapon) thing is that today's hipsters are tomorrow's yuppies just like yesterday's hippies became the establishment we are living under. Nothing against bland and faceless people from Ohio and places like that, but you're really not welcome in NYC if all you do is move here and bring your own brand of exclusionary attitude along with you all the while sucking the life's blood of this wonderful city.

NYelectric - I didn't even read your initial point. I just dislike these people enough to have a go at it on my own, but after going back from the beginning, you pretty much nailed it on the head and then some. I think you might be one of my new favorite NT'ers. LOL

postives and negatives of gentrification. my neighborhood used to be one of the grimiest areas of the city. now theres nothing but coffee shops, art galleries, boutiques, bars, restaurants and clubs which is pretty awesome. but it drove up the rent in the whole area and forced out longtime citizens/great establishments that were crucial to the culture in the neighboorhood. give manhattan and brooklyn like another 10-15 years and it really will be nothing but yuppies and hipsters dwelling there. hell, all the projects would probably get demolished too and replaced with luxury condos and highrise hotels. i just hate that these people make certain longtime affordable lower class income areas impossible to live in nowadays. not to mention, i went to buy a few pbr 22oz the other day which are usually a dollar from what i remember a couple months back and now they're 1.50-75 with a new fancy bottle cap, WTH? and who pays for american apparel?

very interesting read:


10-15 years? Unless there's a recession I'm going to say 8-10 years tops. Between the Nets stadium and what they're doing to Coney Island, well, don't even get me started. If everything goes as planned in 8 years there will be no more Brooklyn.

you're right lol. i was being optimistic. soon, there will be no more rent stabilized apartments.

recon got it right: "i miss the old new york."

Man Brooklyn is dying. I don't even want to get started about that..I live in Gravesend and thankfully as of now I don't see anything close toGreenpoint/Williamsburg but I guess it's a matter of time with all these condo's opening up across the street from me. But I work in Bay Ridge and thecommunity is changing with all these rents becoming sky high in the area,hipsters coming out of the woodwork to be near Shore Road and such. Damn.

That being said I really enjoyed reading through this post. Alot of truth here. NYelectric got it right from the start.
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