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Just curious but what makes you wanna move south?

the housing crisis.

housing supply has not kept up with population growth. and unlike america we do not have a sunbelt for people to move to, to take the pressure off of major cities like Toronto and Vancouver.

the housing crisis.

housing supply has not kept up with population growth. and unlike america we do not have a sunbelt for people to move to, to take the pressure off of major cities like Toronto and Vancouver.

Just be prepared for major culture shock if you plan on moving to the sun belt to grab a crib :lol:
My mom wants me to buy some 900000 dollar office building in Jersey city with her. What questions should I be asking?

Interesting study on banning investment properties.

In certain places (so cal) the “shortage” is so bad that I think some type of “ban” or limitation on investment properties would help. Many investors buy up houses and rent them out. They now control the rent market. They have the capital to pay cash and/or overpay for a house. The “regular Joe” hands are tied because they can’t do either of those. Forces them to rent.

Now I don’t know how you would control/ban investors from buying multiple properties. Possibly first time home buyers get some record low interest rates and if you’re not a 1st time homebuyer you get a crazy high interest rate, although that wouldn’t help the cash buyer. I have seen some “low income housing” rules that if you sell/move out within x amount of years you would have to pay back x amount of money.

I think I read Florida was banning foreign citizens from buying or something to that tune.
In certain places (so cal) the “shortage” is so bad that I think some type of “ban” or limitation on investment properties would help. Many investors buy up houses and rent them out. They now control the rent market. They have the capital to pay cash and/or overpay for a house. The “regular Joe” hands are tied because they can’t do either of those. Forces them to rent.

Now I don’t know how you would control/ban investors from buying multiple properties. Possibly first time home buyers get some record low interest rates and if you’re not a 1st time homebuyer you get a crazy high interest rate, although that wouldn’t help the cash buyer. I have seen some “low income housing” rules that if you sell/move out within x amount of years you would have to pay back x amount of money.

I think I read Florida was banning foreign citizens from buying or something to that tune.

that was what the study was looking at,

and it turns out those type of bans

- didn't reduce the price of housing
- increased rental prices
- and displaced poorer renters for upper income owners.

Foreign investments bans are also dumb imo, why would you ban capital investment in your country?
it's crazy to me.
The new wave of McMansion is hillbilly chic. They started using a lot of darker exterior colors whether black or navy blue contrasted with exposed beams.
I did my home in those type colors in 2013 when I first bought and my neighbors had soooo many questions "why'd you paint the brick, I've never seen black gutters before" 10 years later and I need a new style as the neighborhood is now littered with dark houses.
All the new builds around me are white with black trim everywhere
They just started popping up like that a couple years ago and now I see a bunch
Yeah this is definitely the current aesthetic.

My girlfriend loves it, but I wouldn’t want a house with this look because 1. it’s played out, and 2. I worry that it will end up looking dated.
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