Honda/Kia Drivers: Do you feel like a lame? Vol. You're Broke....

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Originally Posted by Ebonics

WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!...DUDE JUST IMED ME..THIS IS NOT DARKO..OMG..THIS EXPLAINS WHY HE MADE THIS THREAD..MY FAV TROLL!...WOW YOUR BACK!...get on aim or you been?..damn..i never thought you will be allowed back on NT..welcome

Oh snap. I think I know who it is....Vizio/The journal ahhh man welcome back.
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by MONEY x GIRLS

Originally Posted by InTheBean

I drive a Honda and i would bet my life I get more play then you. A car is something to get you from point A to point B, it's not the same as the clothes you're wearing. No 18 year old kid can afford a 50,000+ dollar car, unless daddy buys it for them, which im sure is the case with you.
Me personally, I'm remaining a pedestrian until I can afford a car in that price range...

And yes an "18 year old kid" can afford a $50,000 car...

It's 2008, we've got billionaire in their early 20s, and Teenage Millionaires.

There's no reason why you can't clock atleast Six Figures in this day an long as you have a functioning brain and all of your limbs, there's no excuse for being a broke/mediocre individual.

Hit up some Robert Kiyosaki or Jim Cramer books, get on the grind and apply what you've learned.
O.K. ready..
tell us how old you are?
how much do you make a year?
do you live with your parents?
do you have a car?
do you have a job?
.. how the hell can you compare $150 jordans to a $50,000 car???.. oh and they do have acura's that cost 50k they even had one that cost 90k..
my 05 MDX and 01 honda accord >>> your shoes
I answered the others in previous posts, but:
Don't have a job, but I plan to create jobs, holla @ me 1st quarter '09, I might hire you...

Yes I still live with my parents, I need to keep all my expenses down so I can raise enough money to finance my business projects.

As soon as my business starts generating profit, I'm going to get a luxury condo Downtown, with a solarium in the roof
I love late night NT

So you would rather walk than drive a $49,000 car? Do you realize that average income is like basically $30k many jobs with a degree, so buying a 30k whipwould stupid. Also look up how many these crappy companies employ
Originally Posted by MONEY x GIRLS

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by MONEY x GIRLS

Originally Posted by InTheBean

I drive a Honda and i would bet my life I get more play then you. A car is something to get you from point A to point B, it's not the same as the clothes you're wearing. No 18 year old kid can afford a 50,000+ dollar car, unless daddy buys it for them, which im sure is the case with you.
Me personally, I'm remaining a pedestrian until I can afford a car in that price range...

And yes an "18 year old kid" can afford a $50,000 car...

It's 2008, we've got billionaire in their early 20s, and Teenage Millionaires.

There's no reason why you can't clock atleast Six Figures in this day an long as you have a functioning brain and all of your limbs, there's no excuse for being a broke/mediocre individual.

Hit up some Robert Kiyosaki or Jim Cramer books, get on the grind and apply what you've learned.
O.K. ready..
tell us how old you are?
how much do you make a year?
do you live with your parents?
do you have a car?
do you have a job?
.. how the hell can you compare $150 jordans to a $50,000 car???.. oh and they do have acura's that cost 50k they even had one that cost 90k..
my 05 MDX and 01 honda accord >>> your shoes
I answered the others in previous posts, but:
Don't have a job, but I plan to create jobs, holla @ me 1st quarter '09, I might hire you...

Yes I still live with my parents, I need to keep all my expenses down so I can raise enough money to finance my business projects.

As soon as my business starts generating profit, I'm going to get a luxury condo Downtown, with a solarium in the roof

You can drive a 50k car but you are still a shallow, ignorant human... you can talk about being rich and starting a business, but you are still a poor,meaningless 18 year old kid. The world doesnt recognize you, neither should we. We dont care about you. If you are so confident in your goals and your methodsof reaching them, shut up and get to it, instead of proclaiming it to the world. We dont care.
Originally Posted by MONEY x GIRLS


I don't understand why people buy lower-end cars like Hyundai, Acura, Chrysler, Buick, Mazdas, Infiniti Fords etc...I'd rather be a pedestrian.

I said to myself a long time ago, I'd never drive a car that retails under $50,000.

The only exception I'll make is Old Schools, but even then I'll accesorize them as much as possible (Rims, Candy Paint, Woodgrain, Customized Interior, Audio System, Plasma TVs in the back).

The best analogy I can make is...drivin a $50,000+ car is like rockin a pair of Jordans, while drivin a car that costs under is rockin Wal-Mart shoes with the velcro straps that ******ed/Wheel Chaired Kids wear.

Anybody feel me?

Man, drivin a Honda must hinder your ability to interact with the Female population

Ain't no dimes/respectable ladies effin with a dude who drives a Honda...

Originally Posted by MONEY x GIRLS

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by MONEY x GIRLS

Originally Posted by InTheBean

I drive a Honda and i would bet my life I get more play then you. A car is something to get you from point A to point B, it's not the same as the clothes you're wearing. No 18 year old kid can afford a 50,000+ dollar car, unless daddy buys it for them, which im sure is the case with you.
Me personally, I'm remaining a pedestrian until I can afford a car in that price range...

And yes an "18 year old kid" can afford a $50,000 car...

It's 2008, we've got billionaire in their early 20s, and Teenage Millionaires.

There's no reason why you can't clock atleast Six Figures in this day an long as you have a functioning brain and all of your limbs, there's no excuse for being a broke/mediocre individual.

Hit up some Robert Kiyosaki or Jim Cramer books, get on the grind and apply what you've learned.
O.K. ready..
tell us how old you are?
how much do you make a year?
do you live with your parents?
do you have a car?
do you have a job?
.. how the hell can you compare $150 jordans to a $50,000 car???.. oh and they do have acura's that cost 50k they even had one that cost 90k..
my 05 MDX and 01 honda accord >>> your shoes
I answered the others in previous posts, but:
Don't have a job, but I plan to create jobs, holla @ me 1st quarter '09, I might hire you...

Yes I still live with my parents, I need to keep all my expenses down so I can raise enough money to finance my business projects.

As soon as my business starts generating profit, I'm going to get a luxury condo Downtown, with a solarium in the roof
.. how in the can you talk about %%!! aboutother people driving honda/acura/toyota/nissan..
son has no whip, stays at home, no job, has a "business" that hasn't turned a profit....

why would anyone care what you have to say about automobiles? I'd rather have a Honda than get dropped off at the library by my mom. That's just metho.

And you listed two luxury brands as being lame (Acura and Infiniti) since you're so brand conscious and familiar with cars (wait, no you aren't, youdon't own a car). Do you even have a license?

*insert attention *@*%% gif*

Clearly you don't get enough from mom and dad at home. Must be an only child.
Shut the +#+% up you @%!%% %!* dude. Are you #%%@$%$ forreal? I bet you're whipping a $50k chevy thinking its better than an Accord. What a piece of %%@*.Get the +#+% outta here.
I don't understand why people buy lower-end cars like Hyundai, Acura, Chrysler, Buick, Mazdas, Infiniti Fords etc...I'd rather be a pedestrian.
Infiniti, as in the luxury side of Nissan > this post.
To the OP, what kind of car do you drive again? I don't feel like going through the pages to see if it's been answered
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

I wanna know what this guy thinks about our current economic state, break it down for me please
For a true entrepreneur like myself, the Recession doesn't effect me.

Keep in mind I'm just starting in the business world, but if I had a successful business prior to the Recession, I'd simply switch markets.

For example...lots of people are losing their homes due to foreclosure's etc.

I can easily grab these homes at auctions etc for a small amount $$$.

Now, alot of people who lost their homes are complete familys with kids and all, so they want to Rent, but they don't want to live in an apartment..

So I'll start renting the foreclosured homes out like Apartments.

Any successful business man knows how to adapt to different markets, and change with the times...
Originally Posted by MONEY x GIRLS

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

I wanna know what this guy thinks about our current economic state, break it down for me please
For a true entrepreneur like myself, the Recession doesn't effect me.

Keep in mind I'm just starting in the business world, but if I had a successful business prior to the Recession, I'd simply switch markets.

For example...lots of people are losing their homes due to foreclosure's etc.

I can easily grab these homes at auctions etc for a small amount $$$.

Now, alot of people who lost their homes are complete familys with kids and all, so they want to Rent, but they don't want to live in an apartment..

So I'll start renting the foreclosured homes out like Apartments.

Any successful business man knows how to adapt to different markets, and change with the times...

Sounds like a great idea

Only problem is you're 18 with no job and no credit history. You're not gonna get a loan to purchase these houses, ESPECIALLY after the market doingwhat it's doing. So unless you keep an extra few hundred K in cash (which I doubt or else you'd have your 50k+ car
) I doubt it will work this easily. Any other examples?
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