Horror as Hofstra University (21-year old girl shot dead)

I wonder how it would have turned out if she just came back with the money and gave it to him.
damn man 

 rip.  ya know if i get a knock at the door at 2AM i ain't opening it doe.

Real talk.
That's what had me like 2:30 am...knock at the door?


You'll be left outside. 
That's what had me like 2:30 am...knock at the door?


You'll be left outside. 

Last summer, someone started POUNDING on my door at 2 in the morning. I didn't have a gun at the time, so I didn't even approach the door. My window was open and I hear a phone ring and him saying "I'm banging one more time and if nobody answers, I'm kicking that ***** in". The person on the phone (probably out in the car) must have told him to go to the back door because he went straight to the back door and kicked it in...

I stayed at the top of the stairs in the dark, just waiting for him to come up the stairs and I would have bashed his head in. The way my stairs are, his head would have popped up before he seen me. He also would have been 10-12 stairs up (no carpet) and caught an aluminum bat to the very top of the head..

The dumb 911 operator was telling my wife to make me come back in the room lol lol...I grabbed the phone and asked if he was stupid or just a moron because my kids were in their rooms right next to mine. He didn't reply...

The guy heard me upstairs and ran. Cops didn't find him.

The next week, someone cut the entire screen out of the window next to my back door. It was cut out perfectly with a box cutter..

For the next couple weeks I had a driveway alert sensor hidden in the dark on my back porch so if anyone came up my stairs, it would wake me and I'd have the jump on them..

I bought 2 guns and a dog.

People always say how they'd confront them, catch them, beat them up, etc, but once it really happens to you, it's scary. You have no idea what their intentions are...psychos out there...
And America wants to take our guns away? I have my AR, shotty and handgun ready. These fools can take a pick if they want to step in my private property
yo real talk fambs, i am SERIOUSLY considering getting a standard Mossberg shotty and fillin that **** with bird shot.  i don't wanna murk nobody but ima make you feel the pain....
In all seriousness, im not too keen on gun control laws. But being a NY resident, what gun can i buy just to keep at the crib?
Yeah shorty would still probably be here if her friend would have followed orders got the money and returned back the intruder would have no reason to go into panic mode all out like that.

Then call the cops...

The bank might have reimbursed her that money probably, but even not the most you can withdraw would be $1K.

Shoulda, coulda, woulda scenario though so...

My cousin lives right around that area too in Uniondale and they be having some bad bunnies all up in those houses around there :smh:

Know he going to be tight because he hustles day and night out there and not the entire hood going to be hot.
Last summer, someone started POUNDING on my door at 2 in the morning. I didn't have a gun at the time, so I didn't even approach the door. My window was open and I hear a phone ring and him saying "I'm banging one more time and if nobody answers, I'm kicking that ***** in". The person on the phone (probably out in the car) must have told him to go to the back door because he went straight to the back door and kicked it in...

I stayed at the top of the stairs in the dark, just waiting for him to come up the stairs and I would have bashed his head in. The way my stairs are, his head would have popped up before he seen me. He also would have been 10-12 stairs up (no carpet) and caught an aluminum bat to the very top of the head..

The dumb 911 operator was telling my wife to make me come back in the room lol lol...I grabbed the phone and asked if he was stupid or just a moron because my kids were in their rooms right next to mine. He didn't reply...

The guy heard me upstairs and ran. Cops didn't find him.

The next week, someone cut the entire screen out of the window next to my back door. It was cut out perfectly with a box cutter..

For the next couple weeks I had a driveway alert sensor hidden in the dark on my back porch so if anyone came up my stairs, it would wake me and I'd have the jump on them..

I bought 2 guns and a dog.

People always say how they'd confront them, catch them, beat them up, etc, but once it really happens to you, it's scary. You have no idea what their intentions are...psychos out there...

Jesus Christ... :smh:

What city do you live in?

If he's trying to burglarize your home, why would he bang on your door like that at 2am?

Maybe it was mistaken identity and he was trying to settle a score over something?
You know many cats get killed going outside cause a "friend called" to come out or to check the door :smh: RIP
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This part is kinda confusing to me....

Dude goes in...takes hostages...then allows one to leave to withdraw money from an ATM as if she wouldn't call police the second she was out the door? Like, was this even thought out?

makes sense to me. the dude trusted the girl to think with her heart and not her brain.

honestly HE MAY have not killed anyone had she given up the money and returned without police.

that's not to say you shouldn't go to the police but she played roulette with her friends lives.

cops made a move girl got killed im guessing
makes sense to me. the dude trusted the girl to think with her heart and not her brain.

honestly HE MAY have not killed anyone had she given up the money and returned without police.

that's not to say you shouldn't go to the police but she played roulette with her friends lives.

cops made a move girl got killed im guessing

I don't know....you may be right, but I think we're giving the shooter too much credit for being clever. His plan seemed awful. IMO, if he wanted cash so badly, he should have posted up by an ATM and gotten a victim or waited for someone coming out of the bars.
Jesus Christ... :smh:

What city do you live in?

If he's trying to burglarize your home, why would he bang on your door like that at 2am?

Maybe it was mistaken identity and he was trying to settle a score over something?

I live in a small town (14,000 +/-) in the middle of illinois lol.

He was either making sure nobody was home before entering, which I doubt because he was pounding SO loud, it sounded like he was kicking the door OR he got inside and realized he had the wrong house and ran...possibly came back the next week after he seen stuff inside and tried to get through my window..

I think he had the wrong house. He was definitely PISSED OFF that's for sure.

I caught a quick glimpse of him outside. When I heard the phone ring, I went to my window and he walked out behind a tree to talk. He came out from behind the tree and I seem him for like 3 seconds. He went straight around to the back..

If he would have came upstairs, I would have killed him. No doubt. My adrenaline was crazy..

My wife was petrified for like 3 weeks. She wanted to move.

I used to say "I'd aim for the knees. I wouldn't kill him" pffffft let it happen again. Someone comes into my home, I'm murdering them. I got no time for games and chances...

Funny side story about this - the night before, I had a couple friends over to play cards and one of my buddies had a big "pill bottle" he got from a Colorado dispensery...

It is a big blue bottle that says "7g Maui Wowie" right on the side. Well, his *** left it at my house and it was sitting on my computer desk. Like 4 cops show up and we are all standing around talking and it's sitting there, sticking out like a sore thumb. I'm just thinking "please don't grab that and look at it"!! :lol:

One cop kept looking over at it but I don't think he realized what it was...
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Funny side story about this - the night before, I had a couple friends over to play cards and one of my buddies had a big "pill bottle" he got from a Colorado dispensery...

It is a big blue bottle that says "7g Maui Wowie" right on the side. Well, his *** left it at my house and it was sitting on my computer desk. Like 4 cops show up and we are all standing around talking and it's sitting there, sticking out like a sore thumb. I'm just thinking "please don't grab that and look at it"!!

One cop kept looking over at it but I don't think he realized what it was...

:lol: :smh: If you would have caught a weed charge after having your home invaded.
Yeah shorty would still probably be here if her friend would have followed orders got the money and returned back the intruder would have no reason to go into panic mode all out like that.

Then call the cops...

The bank might have reimbursed her that money probably, but even not the most you can withdraw would be $1K.

Shoulda, coulda, woulda scenario though so....

I thought the same thing. Its bad enough that her twin sister died but you know that "could of, would of" scenario is going to play through her mind forever. :frown:
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