Horror as Hofstra University (21-year old girl shot dead)

My cousin lives right off of Uniondale Ave I believe on Braxton Street and that entire area is hood now bruh... when I was young I used to spend summers out there for two months and the area was so different. Fast forward 20 years I rather live in parts of Queens, and Brooklyn before I live out there. I don't know how that **** happened too I remember I was chilling with my pothead cousin and we're driving around and I'm looking around at **** out there asking him like yo when the **** did this area turn into Jamaica Ave :smh:
Yeah one time I was passing by and my cousin was waiting to serve one of his customers and we rolled up to see some dude out cold on the floor getting his face kicked and stomped :smh:
They broke his eye sockets and all his front bottom and top teeth were knocked out.

Bra read my post again.

Have you ever been past Uniondale Ave?

I'm asking because I have and trust me when I say I'd rather be on Uniondale Ave Anytime of the day then walking down MLK at night, and I used to live right off of MLK in Hempstead if you know where Lincoln park is.

I've been all around this place as opposed to just visiting somebody here for a couple of days.
Lawsuit probably on the way against the police department. Doesn't reflect positively on law enforcement for the fact that he wasn't apprehended last month following a parole violation. The man was a career criminal and if he was in jail as he should have been, this probably doesn't happen.
[h1]Police Say Officer Mistakenly Killed Hofstra Student in Standoff[/h1][h6]By MICHAEL SCHWIRTZ[/h6]
A 21-year-old Hofstra University student who was killed in a home invasion on Friday was mistakenly shot in the head by an officer who fired eight times at an armed suspect holding her in a headlock, the police said on Saturday. Seven of the bullets hit the suspect, who was also killed.

On Saturday, the Nassau County police identified the man, Dalton Smith, 30, a Hempstead, N.Y., resident with an extensive criminal record who was wanted for violating parole on a robbery conviction, as the suspect. Mr. Smith was identified through fingerprint analysis, the police said.

The police said Mr. Smith forced his way into a home rented by Hofstra University students and took several people hostage. Among them were Andrea Rebello, a junior from Westchester County, and her twin sister, Jessica. Andrea Rebello was killed during the encounter.

About 15 or 20 minutes elapsed from the time the gunman burst into the home about 2:15 a.m. Friday until the last shot was fired. It was unclear if the house was chosen at random or whether the gunman had a reason. Neighbors said they heard what sounded like a woman begging for her life just before shots were fired.

Kenneth Lack of the Nassau County Police Department said that investigators had hoped to give additional details at a news conference on Saturday morning, but that the forensic analysis was not prepared in time. He said he did not know when the results would be available.

Given Mr. Smith’s criminal past, questions are likely to be raised about why he was not more closely monitored. The authorities issued a warrant for his arrest on April 25 after he failed to check in with a parole officer. He was released on parole in February after serving a nine-year sentence.

The authorities said Mr. Smith lived in Hempstead, near the university, but there is no address for anyone by his name in public records.

The uncertainty has left residents near the university fearful at a time when many would be celebrating the end of exams and preparing for graduation. Officials at Hofstra said the university would go ahead with commencement ceremonies scheduled for Sunday.

Around campus on Saturday, many students were preparing to leave for summer vacation, lugging suitcases and boxes to waiting cars. While most said they felt secure on campus, some expressed concern about security in the neighborhoods surrounding it, where some students prefer to rent houses rather than live in cramped dorms. Ms. Rebello and her sister lived in a home on California Avenue, a typically quiet block in Uniondale that some said was uncomfortable to walk through after dark.

“Walking after class after 7 p.m. or 9 p.m., it feels really unsafe to walk outside of campus across Hempstead Turnpike,” said Jack Qiu, 20, a sophomore who said he preferred to live in the dorms because they are safer. “If you walk around California Avenue and the streets around them, there are streets there that don’t have street lamps and they feel pretty unsafe to walk.”

A funeral for Ms. Rebello has been scheduled for Wednesday in Tarrytown, N.Y., the Coffee Funeral Home said in a statement. She will be buried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery.

Angela Macropoulos contributed reporting.
Lawsuit probably on the way against the police department. Doesn't reflect positively on law enforcement for the fact that he wasn't apprehended last month following a parole violation. The man was a career criminal and if he was in jail as he should have been, this probably doesn't happen.
[h1]Police Say Officer Mistakenly Killed Hofstra Student in Standoff[/h1][h6]By MICHAEL SCHWIRTZ[/h6]
A 21-year-old Hofstra University student who was killed in a home invasion on Friday was mistakenly shot in the head by an officer who fired eight times at an armed suspect holding her in a headlock, the police said on Saturday. Seven of the bullets hit the suspect, who was also killed.

On Saturday, the Nassau County police identified the man, Dalton Smith, 30, a Hempstead, N.Y., resident with an extensive criminal record who was wanted for violating parole on a robbery conviction, as the suspect. Mr. Smith was identified through fingerprint analysis, the police said.

The police said Mr. Smith forced his way into a home rented by Hofstra University students and took several people hostage. Among them were Andrea Rebello, a junior from Westchester County, and her twin sister, Jessica. Andrea Rebello was killed during the encounter.

About 15 or 20 minutes elapsed from the time the gunman burst into the home about 2:15 a.m. Friday until the last shot was fired. It was unclear if the house was chosen at random or whether the gunman had a reason. Neighbors said they heard what sounded like a woman begging for her life just before shots were fired.

Kenneth Lack of the Nassau County Police Department said that investigators had hoped to give additional details at a news conference on Saturday morning, but that the forensic analysis was not prepared in time. He said he did not know when the results would be available.

Given Mr. Smith’s criminal past, questions are likely to be raised about why he was not more closely monitored. The authorities issued a warrant for his arrest on April 25 after he failed to check in with a parole officer. He was released on parole in February after serving a nine-year sentence.

The authorities said Mr. Smith lived in Hempstead, near the university, but there is no address for anyone by his name in public records.

The uncertainty has left residents near the university fearful at a time when many would be celebrating the end of exams and preparing for graduation. Officials at Hofstra said the university would go ahead with commencement ceremonies scheduled for Sunday.

Around campus on Saturday, many students were preparing to leave for summer vacation, lugging suitcases and boxes to waiting cars. While most said they felt secure on campus, some expressed concern about security in the neighborhoods surrounding it, where some students prefer to rent houses rather than live in cramped dorms. Ms. Rebello and her sister lived in a home on California Avenue, a typically quiet block in Uniondale that some said was uncomfortable to walk through after dark.

“Walking after class after 7 p.m. or 9 p.m., it feels really unsafe to walk outside of campus across Hempstead Turnpike,” said Jack Qiu, 20, a sophomore who said he preferred to live in the dorms because they are safer. “If you walk around California Avenue and the streets around them, there are streets there that don’t have street lamps and they feel pretty unsafe to walk.”

A funeral for Ms. Rebello has been scheduled for Wednesday in Tarrytown, N.Y., the Coffee Funeral Home said in a statement. She will be buried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery.

Angela Macropoulos contributed reporting.
so the robber was shot 7 times and the girl shot once? why so many shots to kill one person?
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I'm sure nobody's gonna feel bad for the robber, but as the law enforcement say's they are trained to shoot until you are no longer a threat.

Now to a cop I don't know what that means but I can guess you are not standing or able to move your bowls unless it's by a nurse in a hospital with a plastic bag :lol:
RIP to the girl.

Hofstra is an absolute dump and same with the surrounding area.

Not sure if serious.

Hofstra is by far a dump compared to NCC.

Also where hofstra is located is not bad at all, head towards hempstead and further down the Uniondale area (where I live by the way) that's a different story.

hofstra is in hempstead though, and there are a lot of robberies and muggings that occur around the campus from non-students from the outside neighborhood

NCC is in Garden City, Hofstra is in the ghetto lol.

Cute girl. Not as dope as people are making her out to be, but that's irrelevant. Senseless violence.
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im in hempstead all the time.............some real hood &$^# ##&(* out there

those my ppls though
Damn. So he had her in a headlock and the officer was firing at them. I know you want to put the gunman down but you want to try and save the hostages too.

Also weird seeing so many people posting about Nassau County.
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NT has a lot of NYC/LI members including those that go to Hofstra. One of them was even found to be not guilty in the alleged gang rape a few years ago.
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NCC is in Garden City, Hofstra is in the ghetto lol.

I'm not arguing with you guys anymore :lol:

All I'll say is I used to go down California all the time and nothing happened to me, Could be because I don't look like a Vic though.

For all yall know that guy is probably from the stead and went over there cause that house was know to have parties.
Can't just let anybody in your house cause you can get scoped.

That's why I'm trying to move out of here cause my House mate likes to throw mad wild parties all the time and he just be inviting god knows who. Last time Mofo's from Queens and Canarsie showed up and of course ninja's was ready to fight and the cops closed everything down @ 3 am in the morning.
NT has a lot of NYC/LI members including those that go to Hofstra. One of them was even found to be not guilty in the alleged gang rape a few years ago.
someone on NT was accused of being one of the rapists in that case 4 years ago?
[h1]Police Say Officer Mistakenly Killed Hofstra Student in Standoff[/h1][h6]By MICHAEL SCHWIRTZ[/h6]
A 21-year-old Hofstra University student who was killed in a home invasion on Friday was mistakenly shot in the head by an officer who fired eight times at an armed suspect holding her in a headlock, the police said on Saturday. Seven of the bullets hit the suspect, who was also killed.
What can you even say at this point?  Eight shots seems OD when the victim and the robber were that close, but then again the officer could've fired four and still hit her
.  Either way, RIP
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so the robber was shot 7 times and the girl shot once? why so many shots to kill one person?
cause a double tap doesnt kill people all the time...especially with adrenaline running..shoot until ur sure hes dead..
Cop should lose his badge, btw.
no he shouldnt..nothing out of protocol, just collateral damage...its very sad, very unfortunate..im willing to bet the cop is devastated...ptsd is no joke..
NCC is in Garden City, Hofstra is in the ghetto lol.
Completely different situation, though. Hofstras campus is literally smack dab in the middle of town south of Hempstead Turnpike. You can walk out of some of the halls on campus, take a few steps, and be on someones private property. Whereas with NCC, its Garden City by name, yes, but its still about 2 miles from any of the real homes in town. Its location is FAR more Hempstead/Uniondale than Garden City. Even the LIPA building that's on the same plot of land as NCC's physical complex is Uniondale by address. The schools are down the block from each other, only really being "separated" by Mitchell field, hardly enough to say its a major difference as you imply. Plenty still make it to the NCC campus, as proof by all the crime alerts issued by the SUNY network.
RIP ... so many what if's in this situation

What if they cop didn't shoot 8x

What if he wasn't released from prison yet

What if he was arrested after parole violation

What if the friend that was released didn't call the cops and came back w/ the funds

Sad story ...
it wasn't a rape the hofstra story... it was what dumb sluts do. get drink, act slutty, and save face by crying rape.

not to dismiss rape ranging from girls being completely taking advantage of while unable to stand, or physical force but the wholed runk thing...

these guys names were dragged throught he mud, and everyone called for their heads. and the only thing that saved them was the fact is they filmed the skeez in action.
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[h1]'I just heard POP POP': Survivor tells of how he and sorority twins tried to give felon who took them hostage TVs, computers and jewelry before he saw Andrea Rebello, 21, shot dead[/h1]
  • Andrea Rebello, a junior at Hofstra, was shot dead at 2.20am on Friday in her Uniondale sorority house
  • A masked male intruder, today named as Dalton Smith, was also shot dead
  • The victim's twin, Jessica, was also held hostage along with her boyfriend
  • Police were alerted when their friend Shannon Thomas was allowed out to get cash from an ATM and immediately called the authorities
  • Police accidentally killed Robello after Smith grabbed her and used her as a human shield
  • Smith had three previous convictions for robbery and one for assault, there was a warrant out for his arrest after he absconded parole in April

PUBLISHED:  12:33 GMT, 19 May 2013 | UPDATED:  14:16 GMT, 19 May 2013

The survivor of a horrific hostage situation at an off-campus Hofstra University house told of how he and and sorority twins Andrea and Jessica Rebello tried tried to appease their captor by giving him their TVs, computers and jewelry.

John Kourtessis revealed on Saturday that he heard the 'POP POP' of police gunshots that accidentally killed 21-year-old Andrea as she was used for a human shield by convicted felon Dalton Smith. 

Smith, who was wanted for a parole violation at the time he took the students hostage, had grabbed the diminutive college student in a headlock and declared 'I can't go back to jail!' when Nassau County police officers entered the house. 

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Deadly ending: Police say Dalton Smith, 30, held 21-year-old Andrea Rebello, right, and her twin sister at gunpoint before Smith and Rebello were killed by police


Tragic: Andrea's boyfriend, Brad Wilson, parted ways with her after partying at a bar near the Hofstra University campus on Thursday night. He never got to say goodbye to his sweetheart before she was killed


Horrific: John Kourtessis, who is dating Jessica Rebello - the surviving twin sister - recalled how he tried to keep the gunman calm throughout the ordeal

Mr Kourtessis - who is Jessica's boyfriend -  told the New York Post  that he and the Rebello twins and their friend Shannon Thomas desperately tried to appease Smith after he burst into their house near the campus of Hofstra University on Long Island, New York. 

None of it, though was enough, for Smith - who had an extensive criminal history dating back 15 years. 

Andrea's boyfriend, 22-year-old Brad Wilson, told the Post that he is anguished he wasn't there when his girlfriend was taken hostage. Mr Wilson has been partying with the twins, Miss Thomas, and Mr Kourtessis at the popular student bar McHeeb's on Thursday night to celebrate the end of the school year. 

But Andrea wasn't having a good night and Mr Wilson parted ways with the group after they left the bar about 2am, he said. He and Andrea were separated abruptly. 

'We never got a chance to say goodbye,' Mr Wilson said.


Victim: Andrea Rebello (right), has been shot dead by a masked intruder during an invasion of the home she shares with her twin sister Jessica (left). The suspect was also shot dead at the scene


Loss: The twins reportedly lived at the home just a block from campus with more of their sorority sisters

The Rebello twins, Mr Kourtessis and Miss Thomas went home after a trip to 7-11.

They were settling in when suddenly, a ski-mask clad man burst into the house and pointed a gun at the horrified students. 

'Somebody in this house f***** up and owes this Russian guy $10,000,' Smith, 30, demanded. 

None of the students knew anything about the 'Russian guy' that Smith was talking about - but they knew the gun he was wielding meant business. 

The Post reports that Smith followed the home to the  girls' California Avenue sorority house. He targeted them after seeing them spending large amounts of money in the drinking spot.

Around 2.20am he allegedly peered through the window in his ski mask and knocked on the door before forcing himself in and taking the group hostage. 

Raiding the home he shouted: 'I saw you at the bar drinking. I know you have more money than this!', according to police sources quoted in the Post report. 

Mr Kourtessis said he tried to calm everyone down, believing that if they gave Smith what he wanted, he would leave.


Escaped: Shannon Thomas, right, was close friends with Andrea Rebello and was at the house on Friday night when they were robbed. She escaped and called police

'He was saying . . . that he just needed us to cooperate. I said, "Listen, we have all this money here."'

The students handed over their computers, their TVs, their jewelry. 

Mr Kourtessis said he tried to show Smith that they were doing what he asked, explaining, 'This is worth $3,000, this is worth $1,500, we’re almost there.'

But it wasn't enough for the greedy Smith. The Rebello twins and Miss Thomas were sobbing. Mr Kourtessis said he was doing his best to protect the women by keeping them - and especially Smith - calm. 

They moved to the upstairs of the home to go through the twins' jewelry box.

When Miss Thomas, a high school friend, said she could give him $700 cash, if she could go to an ATM, he let her out of the house. 

As soon as she left, she called the police. 

Nassau County police officers arrived and knocked on the door. Thinking that Miss Thomas has returned, Jessica answered the door. When she saw police - she ran to safety.

Police radio calls during student home invasion shooting



Horror: It is unknown at this time whether Rebello's twin sister witnessed the killing, but police confirmed that her sister had remained in the home while another girl was allowed outside

However, Mr Kourtessis and Andrea were still upstairs with Smith - who was now panicking that officers were in the house. 

'I can’t go back to jail! One of you, get over here,' Smith said. 

He grabbed Andrea in a headlock and forced Mr Kourtessis to crawl with him down the stairs in an effort to evade the officers inside. 

'I see an officer there, with his gun out, standing by the steps. So I’m thinking, "Good, there’s a cop there,"' he told the Post.

At that point, he escaped, running and hiding behind a couch. 

Police spotted Smith and trained their guns on him.

'Put the gun down and let her go,' officers shouted.

Smith replied, 'I'm going to kill her.'

'I hear POP POP, two shots,' he said. 


Sisters: Jessica and Andrea Rebello, pictured, remained in the home while another girl was allowed out to collect money from an ATM. The girl called police immediately and they arrived minutes later


Break in: Police said that the masked, armed intruder knocked on the front door before forcing his way inside the home and holding the friends, including Andrea (left), hostage

'I run out and I run toward where they are.' 

He then saw officers fire twice more at Smith. 

He screamed for Andrea. She did not answer.

Nassau police said she was shot in the head. Officers fired eight times at Smith. 

He was hit by seven bullets and died at the scene. The eighth struck Andrea Rebello.

Nassau County Police Commissioner Thomas Dale said he had traveled to Rebello's Tarrytown, New York, home to explain to Rebello's parents what happened.

The shooting came just days before the school's commencement ceremonies, which are scheduled to take place Sunday.

A university spokeswoman said Saturday students will be handed white ribbons to wear in memory of Rebello.

Smith, 30, of Hempstead, had a warrant put out for his arrest on April 25.

He had been found guilty of robbery in the 1st degree and had an extensive criminal background going back to 1999 with multiple convictions for theft and assault.

He also spent time in prison and was convicted again for handling contraband goods while behind bars.


Two of a kind: Jessica is back home with her family in Weschester County, morning the loss of her sister Andrea

Victoria Dehel, who lives four doors down told the New York Times that she heard shouting.

At first is sounded like 'a bunch of drunk college students,' she told the Times.

'And then the screaming just got worse and worse and worse. And then we heard thuds, like five bangs,' she said. 

Dehel said she and her boyfriend stepped onto their porch and they could hear what sounded like a woman pleading for her life, just as police cars raced down the street.

'I turned to my boyfriend and I said, 'I think someone just got murdered'. It was awful,' she said.

'[Police] drew their weapons and went inside,' neighbor Frank Pugliese, 19 told the Post.

'She was pleading for her life. You could tell she was scared. It was a surreal moment... She was pleading — her voice was trembling and she yelled, "No, no!"'


Scene: Officers guard the area leading to the white house, background, where the shooting broke out


Scene: She was home with two other girls and a male when the break in took place around 2.30am

Thomas told the 911 dispatcher that he had a silver handgun pointed at her friend's head in a bedroom, NBC reported.

The dispatcher passed the information to police and less than a minute later, Nassau County police officers reached the home.

Anthony Kourtessiss said his son was being questioned by police last night and Jessica was 'inconsolable'.

'It’s a terrible situation,' he told the newspaper. '[Jessica] was very upset, inconsolable right now.'


Distraught: Hofstra University students gather near the house where the girl and an armed intruder were killed

Rebello was a member of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority and lived with six of her sorority sisters at the home, including her sister.

Students flocked to Twitter to express their grief at the killing, with many writing 'R.I.P' messages to Andrea and sending her twin sister their best wishes and prayers.

A private vigil was held at the Hofstra Student Center last night and it was announced today that her funeral will take place on Wednesday. 

Rebello's father, Fernando, was too distraught to discuss the incident outside the family's home in Tarrytown, New York, yesterday.

'It's my daughter, my baby daughter,' the landscaping company chief told the Journal News  outside the home he shares with wife Nella. 

'She was so beautiful. I'm so confused. 'I don't know what to do,' he added.

Her godmother told the newspaper: 'It's just too tragic'.

Andrea was a junior at Hofstra studying Public Relations and Sociology and had attended Sleepy Hollow High School alongside her sister. 

'I'm 100% Portuguese and have an identical twin sister so I guess that makes me kind of unique?' she wrote on her blog.

Principal  Carol Conklin-Spillane  said the girls were 'a set' and Andrea was devoted to her family who are close to other members of the Portuguese community in the area. 

'She had a devotion to family and sense of purpose and of opportunity,' she said. 


Sadness: The suspect and the girl were both shot after police arrived at the Long Island home

Photographs on her Facebook page show the girl as a popular student who enjoyed hanging out with friends and her twin sister, while her blog documents her cooking hobby.

Neighbors said their house had a vegetable garden and the twins would sometimes drop off the produce.

'They brought me some vegetables from their garden. They’re very nice people. They’d do anything for you,' Harris Bank told the New York Post.

Her funeral will be held at St. Teresa of Avila Church in Sleepy Hollow and will be officiated by the Rev. Osvaldo Franklin, of Our Lady of Fatima in Yonkers, who gave the twins their first communion. 

He said they helped with Mass for several years after that.

Authorities said Andrea's twin sister is now with their family.

On Friday morning, Hofstra University President Stuart Rabinowitz released a statement condemning the shooting as a 'senseless act of violence'.

'The Nassau County Police have notified us that early this morning a Hofstra student was killed during a tragic crime which took place in a rental house off campus,' the statement read.


Home: The victim lived at the home which is just a block from the university campus with sorority sisters


Campus: The private university, on Long Island in New York, has nearly 13,000 students

'The police investigation is ongoing, and we do not yet know all of the relevant details. What we do know is that a young member of the Hofstra family has been taken from us in a senseless act of violence.'

Friday was the last day of exams for students at the university and graduation is being held on Sunday, but Rabinowitz added that the ceremonies would go ahead as scheduled.

'The accomplishments of our graduates must be recognized, and together our community will heal and find the strength to move forward,' he said.

Hofstra University is a private college on Long Island, New York. Nearly 13,000 students attend the university, which is about 25 miles east of New York City.

Read more:

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...g-Andrea-Rebello-shot-dead.html#ixzz2Tl30yA76  
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look I understand they're in college, and they're in a sorority and they're young and having fun. But what's with posting all these photos of them of pretty much their personal life. Like **** if I die I really don't want me being drunk or certain outfits going public. Why not just some clean more professional / tame pictures... just my two cents.
see this story right here is why the so called, 'jail for life' mentality is sticking around.  this dude needed to be watched 24/7 OBVIOUSLY.  but no, he was 'rehabbed' right guys?  this pc **** gotta go bruhs.  this chick should be waking up in her own vomit on this sunday morning after a night of partying not in a morgue and all because we can't just keep dudes like this in that lock up.  also, police shot her?!  thinkin they on some tv movie where the cops never miss 
see this story right here is why the so called, 'jail for life' mentality is sticking around.  this dude needed to be watched 24/7 OBVIOUSLY.  but no, he was 'rehabbed' right guys?  this pc **** gotta go bruhs.  this chick should be waking up in her own vomit on this sunday morning after a night of partying not in a morgue and all because we can't just keep dudes like this in that lock up.  also, police shot her?!  thinkin they on some tv movie where the cops never miss 

Incarceration is not rehab. Maybe if it was, people could come out of jail and not fall into the same habits. I'm not making excuses for dude at all, so don't even assume or mention that. I'm glad that he is dead. Dude was wanted for parole violation anyways, so he would have been locked up if they caught him.

I don't know where you are from, but down here an armed robbery charge is a guaranteed 15 to life. That revolving jail door myth that was perpetuated by Republicans and Dirty Harry movies in the 80s is just that; a myth.They do keep people locked up in jail for 20+ years to life, they are called "drug offenders".
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Wait so a cop is the one who actually killed her? Well said cop NEEDS to be fired ASAP. Absolutely ridiculous!

Does "protecting and serving" mean nothing anymore? How you fire 8 times at the perp. when he has the victim in a headlock? Where's the ******g common sense? This is soo unbelievably stupid.

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