Horror as Hofstra University (21-year old girl shot dead)

Here goes NT acting like it's call of duty.

[NTer] they should've shot the gun out his hand [NTer]
Incarceration is not rehab. Maybe if it was, people could come out of jail and not fall into the same habits. I'm not making excuses for dude at all, so don't even assume or mention that. I'm glad that he is dead. Dude was wanted for parole violation anyways, so he would have been locked up if they caught him.

I don't know where you are from, but down here an armed robbery charge is a guaranteed 15 to life. That revolving jail door myth that was perpetuated by Republicans and Dirty Harry movies in the 80s is just that; a myth.They do keep people locked up in jail for 20+ years to life, they are called "drug offenders".
man i hope that one day that's possible, srs.  
the cop probably shouldnt be fired, because I wasnt there and neither was anyone here so we dont know the circumstances. Who's to say the guy wouldnt have shot the cop if he backed down, then finished off the other hostages? Its a sad thing, but if that guy wouldve been cornered in the house and a standoff ensues, thats probably worse because he has nothing to lose
RIP to that girl, and I'm sorry there needs to be a repercussion for the cop killing that girl. I don't understand why would you shoot an array of bullets at a suspect with a victim that close in proximity. Shouldn't you have shot once or twice and while the suspect is in shock let the girl run?

Btw I read that whole article and this kind of bothered me

"Nassau County police officers arrived and knocked on the door. Thinking that Miss Thomas has returned, Jessica answered the door. When she saw police - she ran to safety."

I'm also certain she feels horrible because honestly there's no way I'm leaving my brother alone in that situation
look I understand they're in college, and they're in a sorority and they're young and having fun. But what's with posting all these photos of them of pretty much their personal life. Like **** if I die I really don't want me being drunk or certain outfits going public. Why not just some clean more professional / tame pictures... just my two cents.

isn't school out by now???

sad story.
I have a good friend that goes to Hofstra, they just got out on on the 17th.

RIP Andrea.
yeah the 17th was the last day of finals for us and this happened early in the morning of the 17th. even if finals are over, people still stay in their apartments til the month is over since they probably paid rent for the whole month
RIP babygirl reading all this and how she died is soo sad i will be at her funeral on friday tho crazy **** 
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