Horror as Hofstra University (21-year old girl shot dead)

Senseless shootings, random bombings, gay becoming the new fashion, mother's killing their children..... how many more signs do we need people?
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Senseless shootings, random bombings, gay becoming the new fashion, mother's killing their children..... how many more signs do we need people?

Signs of what? This is the world we live in. Crazy has been going on forever.
Senseless shootings, random bombings, gay becoming the new fashion, mother's killing their children..... how many more signs do we need people?

Man miss me with all that. The world has always had things like this going on from ancient times to now, nothing is different we're no less violent than we were a thousand years ago.

Its a shame that this happens, its hard to think about the things we do to each other. :smh:
Yeah shorty would still probably be here if her friend would have followed orders got the money and returned back the intruder would have no reason to go into panic mode all out like that.

Then call the cops...

The bank might have reimbursed her that money probably, but even not the most you can withdraw would be $1K.

Shoulda, coulda, woulda scenario though so...

My cousin lives right around that area too in Uniondale and they be having some bad bunnies all up in those houses around there

Know he going to be tight because he hustles day and night out there and not the entire hood going to be hot.
in hindsight thats easy to say..

in the heat of the moment tho i think shorty did the right thing...no way she should of went back in that house after he released her....

what if she gets the money,takes it to him then he shoots her along with the others?? then theres no witnesses, then this dude is probably free right now...too risky...

only way i would be against her calling the police is if she could of came back with a gun (or someone with a gun)..but even then she risks losing loved ones..

i think she did the right thing, maybe the police should of came in stealthy instead of sirens blaring and blue and whites shining....as to not let him know the police were there...but idk if thats what they did...i mean this aint a movie, idk protocol..  

sad situation overall, sad to wake up to..
I had a similiar situation with someone banging on my door at 3:30 am. I had just bought a gun a week prior. My wife and I were knocked out cold when I heard what sounded like someone kicking the door. I grabbed my gun and locked and loaded. I walked down the stairs very slowly and peeked out the side window. I saw two big guys out there. One had a huge flashlight and the other had some club looking thing. I yelled "Who is it" through the door. The guy said he was a repo man here for a Kia. I yelled at him that I dont even own a Kia. I told him to leave because I was calling the police. He just stood there so I grabbed the phone and called 911. They dispatched a unit. Few mins later cops show up and it turns out the repo dudes had an old address. I was legit scared but wouldnt have hesitated for a second to give those guys a few new air holes.
RIP to the girl.

Hofstra is an absolute dump and same with the surrounding area.

Yeah, that area is terrible. Always craziness happening around there. I would never want to live in that neighborhood.

I wonder how it would have turned out if she just came back with the money and gave it to him.

I honestly don't know what I would've done in that situation. Maybe just told the guy he could take my car and atm cards and i'll give him the pin. I definitely wouldn't want to leave him alone with my fam or friends and not know what would happen to them.
I had a similiar situation with someone banging on my door at 3:30 am. I had just bought a gun a week prior. My wife and I were knocked out cold when I heard what sounded like someone kicking the door. I grabbed my gun and locked and loaded. I walked down the stairs very slowly and peeked out the side window. I saw two big guys out there. One had a huge flashlight and the other had some club looking thing. I yelled "Who is it" through the door. The guy said he was a repo man here for a Kia. I yelled at him that I dont even own a Kia. I told him to leave because I was calling the police. He just stood there so I grabbed the phone and called 911. They dispatched a unit. Few mins later cops show up and it turns out the repo dudes had an old address. I was legit scared but wouldnt have hesitated for a second to give those guys a few new air holes.
I remember reading somewhere that if you hear someone or something late at night or in the early hours of the morning to press the panic button on the car keys so alarms go off and that will startle the intruders
A lot of assuming the intruder killed her, police state they are unsure where the bullet came from. Possibly could have been hit with a stray round from them.
i go to hofstra university. i was in school yesterday and there were cop cars everywhere and streets blocked off. crazy story, last day of school too. sad that the year had to end this way
. no one knows exactly who shot who but one girl died and the robber died. not sure if they mentioned if there were multiple culprits but they're still investigating

i was planning on renting an apartment close to the school next semester also, but i think im just going to commute everyday. people get mugged and robbed there all the time. the neighborhood outside of hofstra is terrible
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RIP to the girl.

Hofstra is an absolute dump and same with the surrounding area.

Not sure if serious.

Hofstra is by far a dump compared to NCC.

Also where hofstra is located is not bad at all, head towards hempstead and further down the Uniondale area (where I live by the way) that's a different story.
Yeah, that area is terrible. Always craziness happening around there. I would never want to live in that neighborhood.
It doesn't help that you have lots of kids from Hofstra, Adelphi, Molloy, and even Nassau living in housing around there, with plenty more going to the strip of bars. Just asking for trouble.
RIP to the girl.

Hofstra is an absolute dump and same with the surrounding area.
Not sure if serious.

Hofstra is by far a dump compared to NCC.

Also where hofstra is located is not bad at all, head towards hempstead and further down the Uniondale area (where I live by the way) that's a different story.
hofstra is in hempstead though, and there are a lot of robberies and muggings that occur around the campus from non-students from the outside neighborhood
It's between the border of Hempstead and Uniondale, Most of the Housing is located in Uniondale the actual campus I belive is Hempstead Go west hempstead ave that's Hempstead go east that's uniondale.

I don't know if California street is considered the Hempstead side or the Uniondale side, possibly hempstead but i digress.

All I know is you can't say the whole area around hofstra is a dump cause that's a lie.
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Wow smoking girl rip though Hofstra is a wild college to attend mad ish always happens at the bars, well it use to when I went
It wasn't clear who fired the fatal shots or how many rounds were fired, but authorities said police were involved in the shooting, which happened at about 2:30 a.m.

Someone in the Yahoo comments suggested that it may have been a murder suicide. If that was the case, how would the police have been involved in the shooting? Unless the person wanted to be killed by the police...

another angle...could the girl have been killed by a stray bullet?

I'm surprised that not a lot of details have come out yet other than what was reported yesterday. So many things are unexplained.
Story is wild vague seeing as there were two eye witnesses... im sayin it was a stray n the familys gettin a settlement for ridin it out n silence
It doesn't help that you have lots of kids from Hofstra, Adelphi, Molloy, and even Nassau living in housing around there, with plenty more going to the strip of bars. Just asking for trouble.

Those strip of bars that are 18+ are just asking for trouble
My boy got jumped at one of those bars and had to have his face reconstructed.
It's between the border of Hempstead and Uniondale, Most of the Housing is located in Uniondale the actual campus I belive is Hempstead Go west hempstead ave that's Hempstead go east that's uniondale.

I don't know if California street is considered the Hempstead side or the Uniondale side, possibly hempstead but i digress.

All I know is you can't say the whole area around hofstra is a dump cause that's a lie.

My cousin lives right off of Uniondale Ave I believe on Braxton Street and that entire area is hood now bruh... when I was young I used to spend summers out there for two months and the area was so different. Fast forward 20 years I rather live in parts of Queens, and Brooklyn before I live out there. I don't know how that **** happened too I remember I was chilling with my pothead cousin and we're driving around and I'm looking around at **** out there asking him like yo when the **** did this area turn into Jamaica Ave :smh:

My boy got jumped at one of those bars and had to have his face reconstructed.

Yeah one time I was passing by and my cousin was waiting to serve one of his customers and we rolled up to see some dude out cold on the floor getting his face kicked and stomped :smh:
They broke his eye sockets and all his front bottom and top teeth were knocked out.
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