Hostage Situation in Silver Spring, Maryland

He took the extreme route to prove his point, just like the dude that crashed the plane into that Austin building months back. When are these crazy folks gonna realize that taking the extreme measures to get their message across won't work? The other guy had valid points too and people were giving him props but in the didn't change anything and no one even remembers him or his message anymore. So he failed. Thank goodness no one else died today though.
He took the extreme route to prove his point, just like the dude that crashed the plane into that Austin building months back. When are these crazy folks gonna realize that taking the extreme measures to get their message across won't work? The other guy had valid points too and people were giving him props but in the didn't change anything and no one even remembers him or his message anymore. So he failed. Thank goodness no one else died today though.
So here come more strict gun laws and rights taken away...These incidents are really starting to make me question if they're really that "random." 
So here come more strict gun laws and rights taken away...These incidents are really starting to make me question if they're really that "random." 
Originally Posted by Kojomesa

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by luxurious24

seriously sad, he wants a world with no humans, how crazy is that

No what is crazy is how human feel the world revolves around them. He isn't as crazy as the folks that trash this earth. See the big picture here. Or at least try to. He is out of line yes but can we really disagree with anything he has said? I know I can't.

I don't know if you are being serious or just weird.  You can't be serious. If you are, then you should go hang with him in jail or something. This man threaten to hurt innocent people. He wants all humans dead. You know what that means? He wants you dead and himself dead. Just animals and bugs and plants and water.

Get out of here with that crap.
I guess you didn't read when I said he is going too far to prove his point.
Originally Posted by Kojomesa

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by luxurious24

seriously sad, he wants a world with no humans, how crazy is that

No what is crazy is how human feel the world revolves around them. He isn't as crazy as the folks that trash this earth. See the big picture here. Or at least try to. He is out of line yes but can we really disagree with anything he has said? I know I can't.

I don't know if you are being serious or just weird.  You can't be serious. If you are, then you should go hang with him in jail or something. This man threaten to hurt innocent people. He wants all humans dead. You know what that means? He wants you dead and himself dead. Just animals and bugs and plants and water.

Get out of here with that crap.
I guess you didn't read when I said he is going too far to prove his point.
Originally Posted by The R0yal Family

Originally Posted by Method Man

Dirty has had enough with the Yuku server.
Honestly, guys, there's a time and place for the humor - but bear in mind there are human lives at stake here.  I just found out five minutes ago that a good friend who works in that building made it out. 

Even if you don't care about anyone else, at least have some respect for yourselves.
I apologize for my insensitivity.

And I do care about people, Meth.

I appreciate that.  It takes courage to admit you've made a mistake. 

It's a tragic situation.  James Lee, if we're to take his statements at face value, cared great deal about the planet, but lost faith in humanity and ultimately held little respect for human lives. 
We'd be making a bad situation worse if we reacted in a way that wound up reducing it, and those involved, to a source of cheap laughs.
Originally Posted by The R0yal Family

Originally Posted by Method Man

Dirty has had enough with the Yuku server.
Honestly, guys, there's a time and place for the humor - but bear in mind there are human lives at stake here.  I just found out five minutes ago that a good friend who works in that building made it out. 

Even if you don't care about anyone else, at least have some respect for yourselves.
I apologize for my insensitivity.

And I do care about people, Meth.

I appreciate that.  It takes courage to admit you've made a mistake. 

It's a tragic situation.  James Lee, if we're to take his statements at face value, cared great deal about the planet, but lost faith in humanity and ultimately held little respect for human lives. 
We'd be making a bad situation worse if we reacted in a way that wound up reducing it, and those involved, to a source of cheap laughs.
He lost his mind, case closed. It wasn't the first time someone snapped and it damn sure won't be the last.
He lost his mind, case closed. It wasn't the first time someone snapped and it damn sure won't be the last.
Thing is while this dude went about it the complete wrong way, he was doing it for a righteous cause...It's going to end up backfiring though cause your going to see Fox news using this as "evidence" that enviormnetalists are crazy, just giving them more ammo
Thing is while this dude went about it the complete wrong way, he was doing it for a righteous cause...It's going to end up backfiring though cause your going to see Fox news using this as "evidence" that enviormnetalists are crazy, just giving them more ammo
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