Houston Rockets 09-10 Season 42-40 See you next season

Haha. Is Jeffries really that bad? I remember Knicks fans praising him for his defense. Overpaid for sure though.

The Rockets will need a lot of luck to get the first pick. Don't even know if it's possible.

Another thing is with the age of Yao, Scola, and Battier, shouldn't the Rockets go for IT now before it's too late? I don't even know if they can re-sign all their young players too.
There's really no chance we get the first pick in the draft, but 11-15 is reasonable, but like I've said that pick can be used in a trade.

But if we keep the pick we'll probably go and get an athletic big man to back up Yao or the best player available.

We have a lot of assets at our disposal for this off-season which makes next season look very promising.

I'm pretty confident that the Rockets will be a contender next season, barring any injuries.
Morey has already said he will be re-signing both Scola and Lowry and Les Alexander is willing to take that luxury tax hit if it makes this team better.
We won

But Chase had a career high with 24
I still enjoy watching this team play hard

And we have yet to find that athletic 5 we've been looking for, someone who can score here and there, and really block shots.
Good season, we saw Aaron Brooks grow a lot.
Chase turned out to be a great pick.
Luis had a great season.
Trevor was ok but I expect him to fit better next year when he isn't forced to create and can just hit the open shot, play d, and slash to the rim.
We'll see how Martin looks for an entire season with us.

Next season should be fun, I trust Morey will make the right off-season moves and make us contenders.

Go Rockets!
Pg- Brooks
Sg- Martin
SF- Ariza
PF- Scola
C- Yao

Hayes off bench givin some big man depth... looking strong but they will only go as far as Yao can take em
Great effort this year, a winning year, taking everything into consideration.

Scola is as solid as they come, and AB should really win Most Improved. This dude was balling.
  Ariza played much better when Kev-Mart came aboard, easing up the load that Ariza had to handle. Sucks to see Landry go, but, at least he got a starting gig now.
Hopefully Yao can come back healthy.


I thought this year was a success, about 10 more wins that I thought they'd get at the beginning of the year.
Originally Posted by zube42

You guys will be contenders next season.

Always nice to see a classy laker fan

But like my man franchise said, C'MON PING PONG BALLS!
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