How can you tell when a girl is checking you out?

When she's sitting across from you on the bus and you look up to see where you are and shes staring
when she stops eating from her pudding cup during snack time and starts looking at you while her friends ask her if she wants the rest of the pudding in her pudding cup.
If shes licking a lollipop but wen u sit next to her she starts sucking it.


When u first meet them and they give u that "im gonna f him" look.

Women know immediately if they gonna give you the titi.

Also in class, if they all ofa sudden talk about the same music or interests u into.....fb stalking a big giveaway if u on the computer and u ask for her helpand she puts her hand over yours on the mouse for example.

If they let down their hair.. figuratively or literally around you

But i mean all that is just basic ish

If u know then u know?
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If she looks up to you and rubs her hands together while some birds are flying in the background. usually the birds are white ...crows are a sign for std's so dont hit it raw.
she makes eye contact and then looks away real fast. If she makes eye contact again, go up to her.
I caught a girl staring at my junk. Then she noticed me noticing and quickly looked away. It was a strong boost to my ego even though she was a 6/10 at best. This must be why girls dress slutty.
No. Haha. I was wearing regular work slacks. I had to ask her something so I was standing at her desk. She was sitting but rather than looking up at me she looked straight ahead. When she answered my question she talked into my meat like it was a microphone.
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