How did you ask your date to prom?

she asked me

still thinking if i should go though (don't dance)
I was asked by one girl. Said yes, but I didn't wanna go with her, so I called it off. A few days later, another chick asked me
HS was fun
what i did for homecoming senior year: my date played tennis, so I went to one of her matches with a huge sign that said "Of all the players on this court, you're the once I want to escort. HC?" with roses. I interrupted the game too
and of course she said yes.

for prom: with the help of my dates mom, i went to her house while she wasn't there and we filled up her entire room with balloons (over 200 with the help of a auto pump). I left a sign next to a door that said "The easiest way to get rid of them" with an arrow pointing to a safety pin. The balloons in the back, where she would get to last, had sheets of paper in them that said "PROM?"
she said yes
Walked up to her table at lunch.

Me: You got a prom date?
Her: No
Me: Well, you got one now.

Her friends and my friends:

i got asked by like 3 hot girls from my grade and i told them all yes. 
at the time but then once they found out it was 
I went to prom solo. A lot of people did. My gradyear didnt have any dimes, so its all good. I got asked too, i said naw, taken. Showed up solo, chick was all upset. Oh well *kanyeshrug
Originally Posted by nom de guerre

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

i got asked by girls

you ugly though
Apparently not ugly enough not to get asked

I said no bdw, used the money I wouldve used for prom for videogames and clothes.
*On the phone with my girl*

her: hey your prom is coming up
me: oh %#++ it is
her: ima just wear the same dress I wore to mine
me: yea thats cool

And all was good in the land.
I got asked... I had no plans of going, but this chick with huge jahoobs expressed interest so I jumped on it. On the way to prom, one of the straps holding up her yabbos broke and we had to repair w/duct tape.

I ended up leaving her there b/c she instantly went on some Loretta Lockhorn tip... I paged her at like 4 to see where she was; at home upset, I went over all "sowwy" and got the buns.

And oh, those buns were majestic.
Originally Posted by Space DooDoo Pistols

I got asked... I had no plans of going, but this chick with huge jahoobs expressed interest so I jumped on it. On the way to prom, one of the straps holding up her yabbos broke and we had to repair w/duct tape.

I ended up leaving her there b/c she instantly went on some Loretta Lockhorn tip... I paged her at like 4 to see where she was; at home upset, I went over all "sowwy" and got the buns.

And oh, those buns were majestic.

Current pics?
Girl asked me...

Hid in my ride right before lunch time, wrote "Prom?" on my windshield and windows, and came out to ask me. had mad balloons inside with our names on them and what not. It was crazy. She outdid herself. Back then it wasn't really appreciated but now that i think back....

Girl was on another level too.
I was running out of time to get one and I knew my future date liked me and wanted me to ask her out but I played it out talking to her about my problem like "damn its close and I don't have a plan or a girl yet" She was putting in extra work in order to get me to notice her when I knew she was there waiting
, even asked her younger sister, who was/is still hotter than her but she said she had plans that night, I'm guessing the sisters talk and obviously let her know who they each like. finally just asked her and later that day and week friends were telling me on Myspace she was
beaming in every status and post

she couldn't dance though, as much as a statue as Kim K in the tape
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