How Do Some Guys Do It?

Originally Posted by juggy4805

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by taimaishu123

no job, bounced 2 checks over 1,300 to my roommate for gambling fees. no car, and he dropped outta school. idk how he does it...

the one in the middle. im not gonna say much because im good friends with both of em. but somtimes, i sit and wonder how they ever hooked up.

I have a feeling that deep down you wish she was your girl

nah, my dude is smashing that. i can hold my own.
Originally Posted by Diego

So it never occured to anyone that sometimes the baddest chick can have the lowest self esteem?
Better yet, a female being good looking does not mean SHE is doing anything to better herself.

Doesnt seem abnormal to me.

^^^ i agree.
You guys are kinda funny.

What about dudes that leave the "good girl" for that chick who leaves the house w/ nothing but an inch of cloth on her and no type of legit future.
Plenty of those.
I think it's safe to say that all of us youngsters are pretty darn insecure regardless of gender.
BALLYNN wrote:
some females actually like to take on the "sponsor" role w/ males that don't have anything going for themselves... because they like to feel "in control" and "dominant." some females have a predilection that they can at anytime "cut them loose" and enjoy the chase... because half the time a man that has nothing will come back...

lol... in my friend's cases... they tell their "sponsors" every sweet nothing in the book and make them feel like a true woman just to keep that financial support system intact. and sadly, it works. lol. males know how to work the system (a woman's mind) through words and in most cases, they can put it down under the sheets...

some female's work up the false pretense in their minds that men actually mean what they say 99.9% of the time and get used to that one male gassing them up that they actually stay due to the fact that they make them feel good about themselves... the self esteem factor.

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

You guys are kinda funny.

What about dudes that leave the "good girl" for that chick who leaves the house w/ nothing but an inch of cloth on her and no type of legit future.
Plenty of those.
I think it's safe to say that all of us youngsters are pretty darn insecure regardless of gender.

its simple most men can hold their own, although its great to have an equal counterpart, most really dont care and only want something good to aslong as she looks good, her future means nothing, simply because her future is not affecting his and once he is tired of her, he will move on to the next.
Some dudes just know how to lie and have time to practice their swag. Plus they are available 24-7 jobless. Some ppl have jobs or school so the pipe has tohave reservations sometimes as apose to spurr of the moment
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

You guys are kinda funny.

What about dudes that leave the "good girl" for that chick who leaves the house w/ nothing but an inch of cloth on her and no type of legit future.
Plenty of those.
I think it's safe to say that all of us youngsters are pretty darn insecure regardless of gender.

its simple most men can hold their own, although its great to have an equal counterpart, most really dont care and only want something good to as long as she looks good, her future means nothing, simply because her future is not affecting his and once he is tired of her, he will move on to the next.

You're great.
dreClark wrote:

They slangin' that pole.

females talk about how they want good dudes, but if he ain't beating them guts right they creeping with bum dude with good sex

good pound game> job, car, house to most women

I when i was down and out on my luck all i had to rely on was my pound game
i gotta get goin so i havent read all of this thread but....

"From beats to skeets I F!!!d every B!!! who ever said I was a Jerk"
if you know how to say the right things.. you'd get any female..

i don't bag the baddest chicks on the planet but i bag good looking ones..

i am in school, but i have no job..

i got a chick that takes me out to the movies, to eat, buy me clothes, and i smash..

some people will call me trifelin' (sp?)..

most respect it..

and no i'm not no broke dude.. i'd rather spend someone else money instead of mine..

the key is being a good liar and give a girl something to complain about..
Originally Posted by JRThumper85

Some dudes just know how to lie and have time to practice their swag. Plus they are available 24-7 jobless. Some ppl have jobs or school so the pipe has to have reservations sometimes as apose to spurr of the moment

So you saying being jobless = better swag?
I have no idea where all of you are from but I don't know anyone that acts or thinks in that way and I certainly don't associate myself with those typeof people.
Originally Posted by NationalTruckerDave

if you know how to say the right things.. you'd get any female..

i don't bag the baddest chicks on the planet but i bag good looking ones..

i am in school, but i have no job..

i got a chick that takes me out to the movies, to eat, buy me clothes, and i smash..

some people will call me trifelin' (sp?)..

most respect it..

and no i'm not no broke dude.. i'd rather spend someone else money instead of mine..

the key is being a good liar and give a girl something to complain about..

You dont have to be a liar to get them, ive seen dudes who are themselves and still bag em, was Grace one of them?
Originally Posted by HI PROFILE

I know chicks who pay the rent, utilities, food, and a car for their "boyfriend"

The girl is always older

Can't tell you how or why but I would presume it's to do with the female having "power" over them which girls crave

I know a girl who pays her and her bf i phone bills
a dude with no job future car etc has to have a solid bs game. i have many friends that are losers and still pull bad chics. but once you get older you realizethat no matter how good a chic looks does not exactly define her as ""bad""
it is what it is.

a good personality and people skills will get you further with a good looking girl then a girl with those same qualitys would get with a guy thats out of theirleague.

i've been on both sides of the fence with this though. i've been the dude who wasn't smashing while the girl decided to mess with some bummy dudewho treated her like crap instead of me. she called me crying about how he did her wrong one day and i just told her i was playing street fighter iv with myfriends and i'd call her later. later never came.

currently i'm jobless and going to school so when i go out girls pay for almost everything and i have alot more free time to go out and do stuff so thatworks in my favor as well.
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