How do yall feel about smashing sub-par females?

Put it like this I'm messing with a chick now who is nothing special, decent body GREATEST sex of my life, unbelievable in the kitchen, sucks a mean D, and will pick me up from anywhere at the drop of a far the coolest chick I been able to hang out with, easy to talk to and all that, bottom line she make a brotha feel comfortable and that's what it comes down to

Other subpar chicks I was either PAST drunk or on an extreme drought, 6-6.5 and up for wifey got to be about an 8
Originally Posted by devildog1776

some of yall dudes in here acting like you got 12 inches , drive 60k cars, live in gold plated apts, and have the bodies of the cast of 300....

there was a point in my life where you had to be a 7 or above to be apart of my history but after being deprived from the P due to deployments and field ops , i learned to appreciate all women, except the morbidly obese....

so go ahead and embrace those 4s and 5s... make her feel good and you will find out the pretty girls are just that pretty girls? nothing more nothing less....

Again with the shot throwing. If we thought we had "12 inches" ect., why would we be talking about smashing "sub-par"(which basically means women that are not as attractive as the chicks we aspire to be with) chicks?
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

 I have nothing against you dudes who smash anything, except for the fact that it's you fools who are spreading new and terrifying STDs like wildfire
 too much REAL LIFE.
Every dude has a few L's on his record..
I just try to make sure my next chick, is better than my previous, but thats only if Im pursuing them..

Sometimes kittykat just falls n ya lap... As a man sometimes you just have to handle ya business, and take it down.. Especially if shawty got benefits
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

I have a very simple way of doing things

0: A women I would not have relations with
1: A women I would have relations with

I seem to be in the minority, but aesthetic appearance isn't the #1 thing I look for. I actually find quite a few of these "dimes" incredibly annoying, and would pick a woman who is cute and tolerable over a "dime" most of the time. I have nothing against you dudes who smash anything, except for the fact that it's you fools who are spreading new and terrifying STDs like wildfire

I have smashed one or two girls that I
after, though. Nobody's perfect.

And that's the thing, it goes beyond looks...dudes in here will literally sleep with someone they don't find remotely attractive or can't even hold a conversation with, simply because she's DTF and they have this "need" sons have 0 self control and are slaves of the P.I'm sure I've slept with women that were not dimes per say, but I found them attractive, the sex is just a step through a relationship between two people for me, not the ultimate goal.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by ksteezy

I never placed my D into anything that I'd feel embarrassed walking down the street with....never been desperate fr sex to that point and will never understand why dudes need to lower their standards simply to please their urge, I rather jerk off.
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

i rather fap


Son I just smashed a chick who was like a 4 at best a few months back...and talk about anxiety, and depression.

That %*%% had me all messed up in the head...
Originally Posted by Gmills23

Hit a couple muggle's id rather forget but most of the time it was just to have a funny story to tell.

Son said muggles
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

I have a very simple way of doing things

0: A women I would not have relations with
1: A women I would have relations with

I seem to be in the minority, but aesthetic appearance isn't the #1 thing I look for. I actually find quite a few of these "dimes" incredibly annoying, and would pick a woman who is cute and tolerable over a "dime" most of the time. I have nothing against you dudes who smash anything, except for the fact that it's you fools who are spreading new and terrifying STDs like wildfire

I have smashed one or two girls that I
after, though. Nobody's perfect.

And that's the thing, it goes beyond looks...dudes in here will literally sleep with someone they don't find remotely attractive or can't even hold a conversation with, simply because she's DTF and they have this "need" sons have 0 self control and are slaves of the P.I'm sure I've slept with women that were not dimes per say, but I found them attractive, the sex is just a step through a relationship between two people for me, not the ultimate goal.
Slaves of the P though? naw man.  I would never go out of my way for the vag regardless of who the female is or what she looks like.  I just like new P on a pretty regular basis
Feel great about it, as long as they don't tell anyone and blow up my FB wall. Then again, I would never add them on FB
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

I have a very simple way of doing things

0: A women I would not have relations with
1: A women I would have relations with

I seem to be in the minority, but aesthetic appearance isn't the #1 thing I look for. I actually find quite a few of these "dimes" incredibly annoying, and would pick a woman who is cute and tolerable over a "dime" most of the time. I have nothing against you dudes who smash anything, except for the fact that it's you fools who are spreading new and terrifying STDs like wildfire

I have smashed one or two girls that I
after, though. Nobody's perfect.

And that's the thing, it goes beyond looks...dudes in here will literally sleep with someone they don't find remotely attractive or can't even hold a conversation with, simply because she's DTF and they have this "need" sons have 0 self control and are slaves of the P.I'm sure I've slept with women that were not dimes per say, but I found them attractive, the sex is just a step through a relationship between two people for me, not the ultimate goal.

Pssshh...So what if I don't want a relationship rt now? I'm supposed to wear a chastity belt until I find "The 1"?? Nahh son. Ive been down that road. At this point in my life, I like having sex and it's plentiful rt now.

I used to be the type that only messed with chicks that I was "in love with" or really cared about. COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME. If I'm not head over heels for a girl but she's really cool, not ugly and she's with it, I'm most likely taking it down. Also, we need to define what sub-par means. To me it's just a chick I wouldnt be in a relationship with for any number of reasons. Honestly, for a sexually active single male if you're only having sex with women that you're sprung over you're doing it wrong.

If some dudes wanna save themselves for that special someone, go ahead. I respect it, just don't want to live that way anymore. Once I get back into relationship mode the casual sex will def be a thing of the past. But for now, I'm caving walls in like there's no tomorrow.
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Aight...full disclosure my dudes.

I once talked to this chick at one of the HBCU's in NC that I met in the mall with my boy one day. I mean when your three pointer aint hitting sometimes you gotta make a few layups until you get your range back namean? Well she was a sweet girl, she just wasn't going to be stopped in the mall by any modeling agencies if you know what I mean. Still she was sexy slim working with a a perfectly shaped bubble and a little hips to go with it. She was rocking a natural, that was a little too dry and close to nappy for my taste, but then again like I said I was like 0-5 from downtown so I was like whatever...

So I went to her dorm and since she was an RA she had a room to herself and put both the twin sized beds together to make a ghetto-king sized bed. Let me tell you...the crevice was so wet that I thought the chick got exited and peed on me or something...and I aint talking the lotion type creamy wetness, I am talking like the chick seemed like she had a faucet up in her nook. I done messed around and got P-whupped. And to top it off she had a little mini-fridge stocked up with Wild Cherry Capri Suns so after smashing and recovering from the fetal position I would grab a cold Capri Sun and it was like IV fluids going straight in my veins.

So anyway she got tired of us only meeting up in her room and playing hide my %$!+, so I eventually had to take her out...we went to a movie that had been out for 5 weeks at the least populated movie theatre I could find. Eventually she caught on and cut off my supply of rug and that was the end of that. I was kinda sad my dudes...Moral of the story...heck I don't know. I just figured I tell the story of the chick who I once considered sub-par. I have found a picture of her, but I'm afraid the NT detectives would find her account and put me on blast to her.

At the age I'm at now, I do place a higher emphasis on potential than anything else. But for a guy like me, sex is sex....and it all boils down to sex appeal.
Nobody is saying be in a relationship with them, but at the very least find them attractive, when dudes cross that line where they are smashing a girl with their eyes closed because they can't bare to look down upon what they are doing, that's when dudes are seriously desperate, deprived and enslaved to the P.... Is like a drug, no matter who or what it is, they must have the P...then what?... You get it and it's get the same satisfaction from stroking it without the added extra guilt, disgust and chance of getting an STD or worst getting the wrong JO preggo.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Nobody is saying be in a relationship with them, but at the very least find them attractive, when dudes cross that line where they are smashing a girl with their eyes closed because they can't bare to look down upon what they are doing, that's when dudes are seriously desperate, deprived and enslaved to the P.... Is like a drug, no matter who or what it is, they must have the P...then what?... You get it and it's get the same satisfaction from stroking it without the added extra guilt, disgust and chance of getting an STD or worst getting the wrong JO preggo.

So attractive women cant have STDs or get pregnant?  The only way you can be a slave to the P is if you go out of your way for it.  The dudes who are slaves to the P are the ones who are takin these J/Os out to dinner/movies and babysitting their kids.  If I pick a chick up, pipe and then drop her off at the bus stop, I aint a slave to nothin
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Nobody is saying be in a relationship with them, but at the very least find them attractive, when dudes cross that line where they are smashing a girl with their eyes closed because they can't bare to look down upon what they are doing, that's when dudes are seriously desperate, deprived and enslaved to the P.... Is like a drug, no matter who or what it is, they must have the P...then what?... You get it and it's get the same satisfaction from stroking it without the added extra guilt, disgust and chance of getting an STD or worst getting the wrong JO preggo.

So attractive women cant have STDs..
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Of course they can, but like a sizable number of NT'ers agreed to in one of these kind of threads (very recently too), pretty girls are less likely to smash any dude, because they have options. The ducks are the ones who will let any dude hit for validation or w/e other insecurities, thus the chances for STDs and the likes, for the duck, is increased. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)][/color][color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Control your penis, don't let your penis control you.

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Nobody is saying be in a relationship with them...
 If I pick a chick up, pipe and then drop her off at the bus stop, I aint a slave to nothin
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]This dude is hittin prostitutes  [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] .. More power to to you breh[/color]
what is it with sub-par chicks having the best head and Niagra nooks?! je ne sais pas
I smashed a biggums before (bbw off the bucket list) had my hood rat, and trailer trash, also.. Never thought I could recoup from the bbw, because that was my all-time low, but I took her V, and wanted an encore after she got some experience.
 A year later, best chumps on earth. I thank her.

Quality > 

from here on out. 
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Nobody is saying be in a relationship with them, but at the very least find them attractive, when dudes cross that line where they are smashing a girl with their eyes closed because they can't bare to look down upon what they are doing, that's when dudes are seriously desperate, deprived and enslaved to the P.... Is like a drug, no matter who or what it is, they must have the P...then what?... You get it and it's get the same satisfaction from stroking it without the added extra guilt, disgust and chance of getting an STD or worst getting the wrong JO preggo.

So attractive women cant have STDs or get pregnant?  The only way you can be a slave to the P is if you go out of your way for it.  The dudes who are slaves to the P are the ones who are takin these J/Os out to dinner/movies and babysitting their kids.  If I pick a chick up, pipe and then drop her off at the bus stop, I aint a slave to nothin

You are in denial bro, you are helpless...the thought of having new P over any circumstances has clouded your judgment and you don't even know It
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Nobody is saying be in a relationship with them, but at the very least find them attractive...
Agreed.  I mean if  you don't find em attractive at all, i don't even understand how your D gets up?  I mean I would have to watch some porn first, get A+ dome, then I can probably perform.  However after a few pumps, I would go soft knowing what I am smashing.
 Clearly in my experience, I have failed too many times with sub-par chicks so I don't bother anymore! 
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Nobody is saying be in a relationship with them, but at the very least find them attractive, when dudes cross that line where they are smashing a girl with their eyes closed because they can't bare to look down upon what they are doing, that's when dudes are seriously desperate, deprived and enslaved to the P.... Is like a drug, no matter who or what it is, they must have the P...then what?... You get it and it's get the same satisfaction from stroking it without the added extra guilt, disgust and chance of getting an STD or worst getting the wrong JO preggo.

So attractive women cant have STDs..
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Of course they can, but like a sizable number of NT'ers agreed to in one of these kind of threads (very recently too), pretty girls are less likely to smash any dude, because they have options. The ducks are the ones who will let any dude hit for validation or w/e other insecurities, thus the chances for STDs and the likes, for the duck, is increased. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)][/color][color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Control your penis, don't let your penis control you.

nah pretty chicks sometimes be the ones that fall fastest it depends on self-esteem. I know of two bad bittys right now that *@%@ with no regard and dudes would never but I know they got some really terrible STDs but I make sure I do extensive background checks and research before I even talk to dudes out here. The world is small. And I care about my life and I'm trying to be somebody's mother one day on some real life $%*@ and I can't be living that way opening myself up wildest.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Nobody is saying be in a relationship with them...
 If I pick a chick up, pipe and then drop her off at the bus stop, I aint a slave to nothin
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]This dude is hittin prostitutes  [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] .. More power to to you breh[/color]

What? naw not at all...but if they know what it is, and I know what it is, then there shouldnt be a problem.  They want some penis not a chauffeur service
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Nobody is saying be in a relationship with them, but at the very least find them attractive, when dudes cross that line where they are smashing a girl with their eyes closed because they can't bare to look down upon what they are doing, that's when dudes are seriously desperate, deprived and enslaved to the P.... Is like a drug, no matter who or what it is, they must have the P...then what?... You get it and it's get the same satisfaction from stroking it without the added extra guilt, disgust and chance of getting an STD or worst getting the wrong JO preggo.
I'm with you on the smashing a girl with the eyes closed part but I have to strongly disagree with the bolded part.

A glorious nut from some good P >>>> fapping. It's not even close. Now people have different beliefs about whether it's worth it or not but do you really believe fapping gives you the same satisfaction as sex?
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Nobody is saying be in a relationship with them, but at the very least find them attractive, when dudes cross that line where they are smashing a girl with their eyes closed because they can't bare to look down upon what they are doing, that's when dudes are seriously desperate, deprived and enslaved to the P.... Is like a drug, no matter who or what it is, they must have the P...then what?... You get it and it's get the same satisfaction from stroking it without the added extra guilt, disgust and chance of getting an STD or worst getting the wrong JO preggo.

So attractive women cant have STDs or get pregnant?  The only way you can be a slave to the P is if you go out of your way for it.  The dudes who are slaves to the P are the ones who are takin these J/Os out to dinner/movies and babysitting their kids.  If I pick a chick up, pipe and then drop her off at the bus stop, I aint a slave to nothin

Exactamundo!! Steezy from what I've read you're kinda automatically disqualified from this discussion because you don't believe in having sex with a bunch of women no matter how attractive they are, you need that certain connection before you can get intimate, I completely respect that. And yes, having mutiple partners def increases your chances of something bad happening if you aren't careful. But this is a discussion for ppl that are 1) sexually active 2)not tied down to one person and 3) dont want anything too serious rt now, and simply asks if they have relations with women that aren't that attractive. We're not even on the same playing field so your opinion doesn't hold much weight with us "savages"
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Nobody is saying be in a relationship with them, but at the very least find them attractive, when dudes cross that line where they are smashing a girl with their eyes closed because they can't bare to look down upon what they are doing, that's when dudes are seriously desperate, deprived and enslaved to the P.... Is like a drug, no matter who or what it is, they must have the P...then what?... You get it and it's get the same satisfaction from stroking it without the added extra guilt, disgust and chance of getting an STD or worst getting the wrong JO preggo.

So attractive women cant have STDs..
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Of course they can, but like a sizable number of NT'ers agreed to in one of these kind of threads (very recently too), pretty girls are less likely to smash any dude, because they have options. The ducks are the ones who will let any dude hit for validation or w/e other insecurities, thus the chances for STDs and the likes, for the duck, is increased. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)][/color][color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Control your penis, don't let your penis control you.

Some of the baddest girls out there are JO's
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by solarius49

 If I pick a chick up, pipe and then drop her off at the bus stop, I aint a slave to nothin
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]This dude is hittin prostitutes  [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] .. More power to to you breh[/color]
What? naw not at all...but if they know what it is, and I know what it is, then there shouldnt be a problem.  They want some penis not a chauffeur service
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] I hear you man[/color]
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Nobody is saying be in a relationship with them, but at the very least find them attractive, when dudes cross that line where they are smashing a girl with their eyes closed because they can't bare to look down upon what they are doing, that's when dudes are seriously desperate, deprived and enslaved to the P.... Is like a drug, no matter who or what it is, they must have the P...then what?... You get it and it's get the same satisfaction from stroking it without the added extra guilt, disgust and chance of getting an STD or worst getting the wrong JO preggo.

 The only way you can be a slave to the P is if you go out of your way for it.  The dudes who are slaves to the P are the ones who are takin these J/Os out to dinner/movies and babysitting their kids.  If I pick a chick up, pipe and then drop her off at the bus stop, I aint a slave to nothin
Not true sir. You are also a slave if you are getting in the sack with women you are not really attracted to just because you "need" it.

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