How do yall feel about smashing sub-par females?

If you haven't waxed a sub-par woman, you haven't lived. 

No self respecting grown man, can call himself a grown man...without waxing a sub-par lookin woman once in your life. 

Those women will teach you some things that the majority of pretty women don't know/won't do. 

Don't make it a regular habit...but you should have at least done it once. 

Looking back on it, she changed my life 
You are definitely losing dignity and self respect by smashing someone your not even attracted to. Pretty sure everyone would feel at least a little bad about doin somethin like that
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

STDs do not discriminate! All it takes is to catch it from ONE person. A girl who has been a virgin her whole life can catch a curable or non-curable one, even with protection. Get tested.
You really don't believe that women don't in fact place their P on a pedestal? kidding me bruh?...even the ugliest do, because their is always dudes who will lower their standards to chase after them, depending on the amount of drinks, time of night or left of drought...the demand for P and surplus for D will always be there.
Originally Posted by eiddyfouw

If you haven't waxed a sub-par woman, you haven't lived. 

No self respecting grown man, can call himself a grown man...without waxing a sub-par lookin woman once in your life. 

Those women will teach you some things that the majority of pretty women don't know/won't do. 

Don't make it a regular habit...but you should have at least done it once. 

Looking back on it, she changed my life 
Spoiler [+]
I love NT. Some of yall portray yourselves to be the coldest dudes and not have a heart/feeling in the world. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in yall lives cause some of this has to purely be entertainment for the interwebz.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

How do you know a random girl at a bar is JO to not have a conversation with her though?...and why do you think the only thig a woman can bring to the table is P?...ultimately the P is your Mt. Everest?...correct?...once you've achieved it, it's done for the most part?...yup, sounds like you are enslaved to the P may think you are in control, but it seems like even the ugliest of women at the right time of the night has you on lock...

Put your D on a pedestal the same way they place their P on one.
It is because they do not look at women as humans at that point. She is just objectified. It is the outlook some men have on women, especially if they view them from a degrading perspective. He mentioned it right above me. At times, if he sees a girl, he just sees the P, not just as a human to have a conversation with, and he compared it to watching a movie or drinks. No value to her as a human. That's the answer. Might as well just smash anything with a hole then at that point. That is the difference between men with standards when it comes to sex and those who don't.  All comes down to how they view women. 
solarius49 wrote:
Bc if shes not good looking then the topics of my conversation will tell me if shes what I'm looking for that night. And there are plenty of good women who bring much more to the table, like I said, I was with the same woman for 6 years, but if I'm out trying to get laid, im not looking for a good woman I'm looking for a J/O. And women dont put their P on a pedestal, men do that by thinking that hitting a J/O is some big deal.

But some people have different morals and values when it comes to sex. I havent had sex in weeks, just because I havent really felt like it, but when I do its not some emotional meeting of the minds, its simply something to do. Emotionless sex is the same thing as going outside to play sports or watching a movie you like, its simply a way to get your endorphin levels up, and get a nut off

We first must recognize this. I used to be very chaste and paticular to say the least, now I'm having fun. And I wouldnt say it's emotionless all the time, I do like these girls that I talk to but there are times when I hookup with a chick i have no real interest in. In the words of Drake its just something to do when there's nothing to do, right or wrong. I liken those times to eating fast food, I dont really care for it but if Im hungry and its late and someone offers to pick some up, why wouldnt I take it?
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by ksteezy

How do you know a random girl at a bar is JO to not have a conversation with her though?...and why do you think the only thig a woman can bring to the table is P?...ultimately the P is your Mt. Everest?...correct?...once you've achieved it, it's done for the most part?...yup, sounds like you are enslaved to the P may think you are in control, but it seems like even the ugliest of women at the right time of the night has you on lock...

Put your D on a pedestal the same way they place their P on one.
It is because they do not look at women as humans at that point. She is just objectified. It is the outlook some men have on women, especially if they view them from a degrading perspective. He mentioned it right above me. At times, if he sees a girl, he just sees the P, not just as a human to have a conversation with, and he compared it to watching a movie or drinks. No value to her as a human. That's the answer. Might as well just smash anything with a hole then at that point. That is the difference between men with standards when it comes to sex and those who don't.  [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]All comes down to how they view women. [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Key point.[/color]
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by eiddyfouw

If you haven't waxed a sub-par woman, you haven't lived. 

No self respecting grown man, can call himself a grown man...without waxing a sub-par lookin woman once in your life. 

Those women will teach you some things that the majority of pretty women don't know/won't do. 

Don't make it a regular habit...but you should have at least done it once. 

Looking back on it, she changed my life 
Spoiler [+]
 hell nawww
She was a student of Bobbi Bliss' teachings 

She wasn't ugly, she was just around average.
Speaking for myself I dont go out of my to get a girl thats a 6 or lower in face and a 9 in the body most of time they approach me. Im sure its the same with alot of dudes. I rarely see a dude chase some ugly chick just for some ([]). ksteezy I just dont get why you would rather be at the crib beating off than be behind some cheeks. We all have our diffrerent opinions as far as whats "sub-par" but if her body is on point why not smash. I would rather be with a nice body than my hand.
Originally Posted by Maximus Meridius

Speaking for myself I dont go out of my to get a girl thats a 6 or lower in face and a 9 in the body most of time they approach me. Im sure its the same with alot of dudes. I rarely see a dude chase some ugly chick just for some ([]). ksteezy I just dont get why you would rather be at the crib beating off than be behind some cheeks. We all have our diffrerent opinions as far as whats "sub-par" but if her body is on point why not smash. I would rather be with a nice body than my hand.

Then you are attracted to her, I said I rather beat off than have to lower myself to sleeping with a woman I'm not attracted to in the least..
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by devildog1776

some of yall dudes in here acting like you got 12 inches , drive 60k cars, live in gold plated apts, and have the bodies of the cast of 300....

there was a point in my life where you had to be a 7 or above to be apart of my history but after being deprived from the P due to deployments and field ops , i learned to appreciate all women, except the morbidly obese....

so go ahead and embrace those 4s and 5s... make her feel good and you will find out the pretty girls are just that pretty girls? nothing more nothing less....

Again with the shot throwing. If we thought we had "12 inches" ect., why would we be talking about smashing "sub-par"(which basically means women that are not as attractive as the chicks we aspire to be with) chicks?
im not throwing shots at anyone who didn't fit the criteria of coming off as a pompous douche bag. If u read most of these post in here, the majority look down on anything under a 7 and wouldnt even hold a converstion with .... Seriously??? NT has always had its share of dweebs but now the majority are a bunch of tools who dont know how to drill properly...
All this $%$% boils down to is that we as men value/want sex more than women and they know this but whether someone wants to smash a 6 or only goes after 9's doesnt matter at the end of the day. It's their D and i'm not gonna knock them for what they do. Sure in a perfect society we all would be smashing 10's but this is real life...
Originally Posted by eiddyfouw

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by eiddyfouw

If you haven't waxed a sub-par woman, you haven't lived. 

No self respecting grown man, can call himself a grown man...without waxing a sub-par lookin woman once in your life. 

Those women will teach you some things that the majority of pretty women don't know/won't do. 

Don't make it a regular habit...but you should have at least done it once. 

Looking back on it, she changed my life 
Spoiler [+]
 hell nawww
She was a student of Bobbi Bliss' teachings 

She wasn't ugly, she was just around average.
Oh if that's the case, carry on then.
Spoiler [+]
"And to top it off she had a little mini-fridge stocked up with Wild Cherry Capri Suns so after smashing and recovering from the fetal position I would grab a cold Capri Sun and it was like IV fluids going straight in my veins."

My life bar went from 100 to 0
Originally Posted by devildog1776

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by devildog1776

some of yall dudes in here acting like you got 12 inches , drive 60k cars, live in gold plated apts, and have the bodies of the cast of 300....

there was a point in my life where you had to be a 7 or above to be apart of my history but after being deprived from the P due to deployments and field ops , i learned to appreciate all women, except the morbidly obese....

so go ahead and embrace those 4s and 5s... make her feel good and you will find out the pretty girls are just that pretty girls? nothing more nothing less....

Again with the shot throwing. If we thought we had "12 inches" ect., why would we be talking about smashing "sub-par"(which basically means women that are not as attractive as the chicks we aspire to be with) chicks?
im not throwing shots at anyone who didn't fit the criteria of coming off as a pompous douche bag. If u read most of these post in here, the majority look down on anything under a 7 and wouldnt even hold a converstion with .... Seriously??? NT has always had its share of dweebs but now the majority are a bunch of tools who dont know how to drill properly...

Who ever said subpar women weren't attractive? They just aren't wifey in the looks dept. But they are attractive. Once again you guys are confusing subpar with beasts and ducks. Honestly if a chick is in decent shape, has good hygiene, and a nice smile she's somewhat attractive. A lot of yall on that polo high horse. And honey hazel or whatever isn't making sense. Since a man wants too smash a chick he's not considering her human? Please stop it. Nothing wrong with wanting the "yambs" and nothing else. Sex drive is different for everybody also. Some of yall are good smashing once a year while others arent.
This is what I think. Sub par females give good loving. Meaning you could have it ur way like the golden arches. Where as pretty girls are restrictive. They could do so much because they don't wanna break a nail. Subpar you could say listen I want u to wear this do this and say this and u good.and when u doing the doo u close ur eyes an imagin them as kim or amber or tony braxston. Or if ur a girl picture richard simmons.
These cats, thinking they is some playboy w/ some dime.  LOLZ
Ya'll look geeky w/ your fitted, tight pants, hoodies, and whacked out shoes.  Thing is, your GF dresses the same.


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