how do you bring yourself to go to school? (college students)

I might skip a day every once in a while if I'm really tired.

But weeks?
I graduated in December with a 3.53. Not bragging, and I know it's not the greatest, but just trying to state that school was really important for me. At least college was. I cruised through high school not caring too much, but I always knew once college hit, it was time to put in work. Here's a few reasons why:

1. The obvious, you're paying for it.

2. "Work hard now for a little and play hard for the rest of your life. Or play hard now for a little and work hard for the rest of your life." My parents engraved this into me.

3. I think more than anything, the experiences in college make you a more well rounded person. You become more accepting and better at analyzing things. Not just taking them for face value.
lol @ OP skipping WEEKS..

.....I miss ONE class and my whole day is filled with heartburn, chest tightness and stomach cramps.
Originally Posted by derventa

lol @ OP skipping WEEKS..

.....I miss ONE class and my whole day is filled with heartburn, chest tightness and stomach cramps.

Originally Posted by TeemOhtee

1. I'm paying for it.

2. Financial Aide/Student Loans

3. I have a couple side hustles. My family (right now and the future)

4. The girls.  Education is a lifestyle bra  
I find myself in the same situation as OP skipping weeks but sometimes i'm really not motivated to be in school
of course you can say you should go because you paid for it, but the bottom line is it's paid for whether you go or not...the value of the dollar used to pay for your credits isn't gaining or depreciating in value it's basically in stalemate, you aren't getting money back if you don't go...your choice to go is on you.  The benefits from going out way the negative from not attending so you just have to suck it up and try to obtain some knowledge from the courses.  If you aren't attending class as you should be, at least get out and network with others who are attending...I've realized college has too many opportunities in front of you that are just waiting to be taken advantage of
Originally Posted by derventa

lol @ OP skipping WEEKS..

.....I miss ONE class and my whole day is filled with heartburn, chest tightness and stomach cramps.

seems like you have some anxiety problems.
straight up, people who take school for granted are dummies to me.

if you don't like it, dont go.. drop out and do something else. but dont sit here and complain.

there are millions of children in the world who would KILL to be in our position. education is at our fingertips and it is a true blessing that education resources are so easily accessible in the states.

i love school. im blessed to be able to have a great education (yes, it is expensive.. but it's worth it). it really REALLY bothers me when people  COMPLAIN about school.......
Originally Posted by DJ bana

straight up, people who take school for granted are dummies to me.

if you don't like it, dont go.. drop out and do something else. but dont sit here and complain.

there are millions of children in the world who would KILL to be in our position. education is at our fingertips and it is a true blessing that education resources are so easily accessible in the states.

i love school. im blessed to be able to have a great education (yes, it is expensive.. but it's worth it). it really REALLY bothers me when people  COMPLAIN about school.......
riiightt...but school is also a learning experience for some
some don't learn the importance of education at a young age, and get into college just off going through the motions and some do and are just hard headed
I'll be the first to admit I've been very ungrateful when it comes to the opportunities I have been placed with , with that said I'm aiming to be more like you
gpa is at 3.4 rt now
Originally Posted by Hizzle

I graduated in December with a 3.53. Not bragging, and I know it's not the greatest, but just trying to state that school was really important for me. At least college was. I cruised through high school not caring too much, but I always knew once college hit, it was time to put in work. Here's a few reasons why:

1. The obvious, you're paying for it.

2. "Work hard now for a little and play hard for the rest of your life. Or play hard now for a little and work hard for the rest of your life." My parents engraved this into me.

3. I think more than anything, the experiences in college make you a more well rounded person. You become more accepting and better at analyzing things. Not just taking them for face value.

Working hard for 50+ years (until you retire) is a little?!?!?

Can't play too hard when your that old.
The way I see it.. I'm paying for it so unless O have a really good reason not to.. I'm going to class. Plus If I miss a day I get completely lost..
Originally Posted by I HIT LICKS

Originally Posted by Hizzle

I graduated in December with a 3.53. Not bragging, and I know it's not the greatest, but just trying to state that school was really important for me. At least college was. I cruised through high school not caring too much, but I always knew once college hit, it was time to put in work. Here's a few reasons why:

1. The obvious, you're paying for it.

2. "Work hard now for a little and play hard for the rest of your life. Or play hard now for a little and work hard for the rest of your life." My parents engraved this into me.

3. I think more than anything, the experiences in college make you a more well rounded person. You become more accepting and better at analyzing things. Not just taking them for face value.

Working hard for 50+ years (until you retire) is a little?!?!?

Can't play too hard when your that old.

LOL nah. I mean work hard now for a little as in graduate when you're around 21-23. Then when you've established yourself in your mid twenties, you can play hard from then on until well after you retire. It's much better than forgoing education, playing hard while others are in school, and then spending your weekends working some low paying job when you're 30 something because you didn't put in work early and can't afford school because you now have a family to support.
Honestly, it's all will.

I wake up at 7:15 AM regardless of when my first class is, and I just plan out my day.

First thought in the morning when I wake up, "let's get it."

No matter what the day holds, I tell myself that I'm gonna take over.

It works for me. Last year, living in the dorms, I missed almost one class per day, but this year, I've only missed class a handful of times.
breh thats why your in school. TO GO TO SCHOOL. how hard is it to go to school for an hour and not pay attention. but just to show up. Partying and whatever is fun in college but thats not why we are here. if you wanted to party all the time and be a lazy piece of sack, then move back to a community and let someone who wants to go to college go to college. you are only messing up your own life by not goin to college. Take some adderall and turn your life around
I don't understand this...If you question why your getting up to go to school...then stop going (and Definitely stop paying for the %+*!)...
School isn't for everyone...and it damn sure isn't the only way for success...
If it isn't working do something else...(just don't waste time, which it seems like your doing now) 
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