how do you bring yourself to go to school? (college students)

because you don't want to work for footlocker forever lol.

seriously, I wasn't very driven to go until I realized i was wasting every bit of potential on a dead end job. So i made my goals and am sticking to them, in the process I realized i wanted to write if I can't make it in the footwear industry so I actually was opened up to new possibilities. Seriously, some of my classes suck,are boring, and I have tons of morons in them, but I just get through the day, do my work and hope to grab that piece of paper society puts so much bearing on.
Originally Posted by silvermatrix12

i've been procrastinating for the past few weeks and haven't been going to school. how do the rest of you college students bring yourself to go to classes and what not? i know i'm paying for the classes but i don't know why i do this...i know a bunch of you guys do this too, so whats good?

i could be very wrong here, but i'm assuming you go to community college right?

if not... how in the hell do you throw away thousands of dollars like that??!?!?
if you actually taking courses on something YOU LIKE it's not hard.
i've never missed a day of school due to procrastination. knowledge is power
and power is money. they go hand and hand.

...if school is not for you withdraw. 
Originally Posted by CherryRed

lol i get stressed about missing one day and Op hasn't been to school in a few weeks.
i only have 2 classes on thursdays and my first one was canceled last week so i didnt feel like driving out there for one class and it drove me crazy
i should just went to class
I've hired 3 midgets to wake me up, bathe me, fix breakfast and drive me to school everyday. It's an investment but it will be worth it in the end.
the fact of getting kicked out because of a low gpa and having a hard $%! time geting back into school is my motivation. And plus college is expensive, so I cant mess over money
-Im blessed to be in the position I'm in and I'd be an idiot to take it for granted
-Long term goals
-Doing well in my classes

Thats my motivation.
Oh yeah i did that when i started college. The school was cool with it, missing assignments and screwing up grades, all they gave was a little academic suspension, no big deal.
You have two choices in life:

1. Work hard now and live life easier in the future
2. Relax now and work hard for the rest of your life

you choose
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