How do you deal with one of your good homies coming out of the closet


F the politically correctness...if its me personally i cant even do it..

wouldnt be rude, or talk down to him..just straight up tell him we cant be cool...

i mean cmon, i dont wanna be talking bout dudes boy problems...dont wanna be shooting at the court talking bout a new bad shorty i knocked down, then he follows up wit a story bout some dude...

not my cup of tea. plain nd simple...
you realize you don't have to talk about those things with him, right?

One of my best friends came out of the closet last year. Hasn't impacted our friendship in the least. If you cut someone out of your life because they're attracted to the same sex, I consider you a bad person and an even worse friend.
I wish NT had a thread that was "Ask A Gay Dude" cause I can't seem to understand them.

what would you like to know?

was hoping you'd show up in here.

how did you tell your friends? how did they take it?

how do you deal with insecure morons thinking you want them/not wanting to be near you cuz they're afraid of their homosexual thoughts?

have you had any experiences with females?
was hoping you'd show up in here.
how did you tell your friends? how did they take it?
how do you deal with insecure morons thinking you want them/not wanting to be near you cuz they're afraid of their homosexual thoughts?
have you had any experiences with females?

most of my friends i told in person, particularly the ones that i live near. others i've told as the situation arises (even via e-mail, text, phone, etc). and some still (presumably) don't know. i can honestly say i haven't had a single negative reaction. and this is coming from the deep, deep south. luckily, i haven't even encountered any of the "insecure morons" you describe, lol. and fwiw, my experiences with females have been purely platonic.

oh, and here's how it played out on NT:
It shouldn't' t matter. We all have friends that do stuff that we might not do and we still hang out with them.

1. I have a friend that's been committed of murder. He broke into a old ladies house and beat her to death. I still go see him in prison.

2. I have a cousin and another friend that moves major weight and I still hang out with him. The place I work at I could bust them both but I don't. They respect my point of view and I respect theirs. We don't talk about what we do. They do what they need to do and I do what I need to do. We are friends/ family and if it came down to it I could not bust them if asked.

3. I got friends smashing chicks left and right, I cant do it cause I'm scared I might get that "Die Slow". I don't look at them any different now.

4. I have a friend that has just recently started dating an Hispanic Lady-Boy. We still cool and what he does in his own house is no concern with me.

If the friend respects your wishes I see no problem with staying friends. Let them cook.
I'd find it a bit awkward at first too. People acting like nothing has changed and that he is still your friend, while he may still be your friend a lot has certainly changed. As heterosexual males we go out check women out and what not. Now that you know he is gay/bisexual how are you suppose relate when he tells you damn that man is fine. I'm not homophobic but lets not act like things aren't going to be different. I'm sure he will still be a great friend but things will be different if you haven't been around gay people.
It shouldn't' t matter. We all have friends that do stuff that we might not do and we still hang out with them.

1. I have a friend that's been committed of murder. He broke into a old ladies house and beat her to death. I still go see him in prison.

2. I have a cousin and another friend that moves major weight and I still hang out with him. The place I work at I could bust them both but I don't. They respect my point of view and I respect theirs. We don't talk about what we do. They do what they need to do and I do what I need to do. We are friends/ family and if it came down to it I could not bust them if asked.

3. I got friends smashing chicks left and right, I cant do it cause I'm scared I might get that "Die Slow". I don't look at them any different now.

4. I have a friend that has just recently started dating an Hispanic Lady-Boy. We still cool and what he does in his own house is no concern with me.

If the friend respects your wishes I see no problem with staying friends. Let them cook.
Fam, :lol: you keep hanging with some of these friends, wrong place wrong time and you and some of your other friends will get to spend more time with your friend that's a murder.

The friendship with the murder is one sided btw, you go see him when you want. You guys don't plan to meet up places and there's only so many favors you can do for him and a extremely limited amount he can do for you. That friendship just comes down to an hr or more a month where yall get to talk. The dealers are a risk but that's your choice.
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Honestly I couldn't even do it and if I did I'd keep speaking to a minimum. I'm not homophobic, ppl can live however they want but there's a lot of factors that come into play when dealing with this. That would pretty much ruin our friendship however I'd still be cool with homie just not boys anymore.
If he was really a cat u been down wth for years and u couldn't tell he was

Sweet then u wasnt really he homie.
was hoping you'd show up in here.
how did you tell your friends? how did they take it?
how do you deal with insecure morons thinking you want them/not wanting to be near you cuz they're afraid of their homosexual thoughts?
have you had any experiences with females?
most of my friends i told in person, particularly the ones that i live near. others i've told as the situation arises (even via e-mail, text, phone, etc). and some still (presumably) don't know. i can honestly say i haven't had a single negative reaction. and this is coming from the deep, deep south. luckily, i haven't even encountered any of the "insecure morons" you describe, lol. and fwiw, my experiences with females have been purely platonic.

oh, and here's how it played out on NT:
When did you realize that you were gay initially? 
When did you realize that you were gay initially? 

as early as middle school i began to recognize that i felt differently about other boys, but i didn't really have a name for it at the time. it wasn't until 30 years old that i looked in the mirror and forced myself to say it aloud.

(sorry OP for hijacking your thread...)
what would you like to know?

Whoa, was not expecting a response.

Well where do I start. The best friends you grew up with and maintained over the years, they don't seem to mind? Have you been treated differently?

I'm trying to compare it to being friends with a girl, but I've come to realize that friends who are girls I've either hooked up with, tried to hook up with, and if I didn't it wasnt a real friendship. Guys are naturally more sexually aggressive and aroused, that's why I find it so difficult for male and females to be true friends. If my best friend says he's gay I'm going to flip out man, cause I know being a guy - we have a high sex drive but he just so happens to be a homosexual so I wouldn't feel comfortable watching a game on the couch, or going to the movies, or even being in the same car with the dude because it's awkward. Don't judge me, I'm not an arrogant person, but guys are guys - even if they like dudes. (In my opinion)

So my question is are you sexually attracted to the male friends you have?

30 years old you came out, seems late to come out? What was holding it back?

All the loonies say people aren't born gay, I disagree. You are who you are but have you ever tried to "not" be gay? I'm sure it was difficult in the south? Why are you still living there?
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He probably waited so long to tell you because he was scared you'd react exactly the way you are.
as early as middle school i began to recognize that i felt differently about other boys, but i didn't really have a name for it at the time. it wasn't until 30 years old that i looked in the mirror and forced myself to say it aloud.
(sorry OP for hijacking your thread...)

Never thought you'd be gay, you got some nice sneakers too. :nerd:

For the topic though, I'd most likely feel different about hanging with one of my homies if they turned out to be gay, prolly be weird for awhlie until I get over it but I've never been in a situation like this so who really knows how they'll act.
He probably waited so long to tell you because he was scared you'd react exactly the way you are.
Then I guess he shouldn't have told him at all. Just one day send him an invitation to his gay wedding :lol:
push them back in the closet.... this whole movement of u gotta be cool with ppl just because they gay notion is stupid. if it wasnt such a big deal in the media and a play to distract from real issues this wouldnt be a topic for discussion... ur initial reaction is ur true reaction and how u truly feel... it made u feel weird and uncomfortable... but now all of a sudden u changing and pretending u have a change of heart for fear to be looked at as a homophobic...(which is stupid btw cause just cause u arent something/disagree/dislike something doesnt mean u r afraid of it)

so basically u r asking i initially didnt like/uncomfortable with something but should i pretend to like/agree with something so i dont feel bad or be looked at as a bad person? cause u already said how u truly feel ur just asking should i fake it and just force/pretend a certain way to save face

and b4 ppl say associate race with it... totally different... race isnt a lifestyle... it can be associated with a lifestyle actions based on prejudice thoughts and stereotypes... whereas the lifestyle/actions etc of a homosexual is different then a str8 person
so one of my close homey just came out of the closet yesterday... he said hes bi-sexual but he feels more attraction to guys and he said he could actuallly fall in love with them.... we hang out alot nowadays, and after he told me i was SHOCKED... i didnt know what to think... im not homophobia or anything like that but im kinda mad. I feel like he shouldve told me sooner... he saids he only sees me as friends and he values our friendship alot. Im still in shock.... and cannot believe that hes gay..... everytime i talk to him or see him i keep thinking oh-my-god hes gay... this is some frank ocean ****z..

experienced NTers how do yall deal with this? cut him out of my life? or just let it go and hopefully this awkward feeling will go away? :x

you sick sack of crap.
what would you like to know?

Whoa, was not expecting a response.

Well where do I start. The best friends you grew up with and maintained over the years, they don't seem to mind? Have you been treated differently?

I'm trying to compare it to being friends with a girl, but I've come to realize that friends who are girls I've either hooked up with, tried to hook up with, and if I didn't it wasnt a real friendship. Guys are naturally more sexually aggressive and aroused, that's why I find it so difficult for male and females to be true friends. If my best friend says he's gay I'm going to flip out man, cause I know being a guy - we have a high sex drive but he just so happens to be a homosexual so I wouldn't feel comfortable watching a game on the couch, or going to the movies, or even being in the same car with the dude because it's awkward. Don't judge me, I'm not an arrogant person, but guys are guys - even if they like dudes. (In my opinion)

So my question is are you sexually attracted to the male friends you have?

30 years old you came out, seems late to come out? What was holding it back?

All the loonies say people aren't born gay, I disagree. You are who you are but have you ever tried to "not" be gay? I'm sure it was difficult in the south? Why are you still living there?

cause you're so damn fine and irresistible right?
Honestly I have a few gay friends and you pc dudes in here sound like idiots. Yall have no idea what type of friendship these dudes have, and to say it shouldnt affect him without that knowledge is insane. If he came out of the closet to you, it's cause he feels comfortable around you, I myself am cool with some gay people, but it's due to the fact that their personality allows me to be comfortable with them. Off top I know plenty off good friends i'd no longer be cool with if they came out, and I also know some who most likely are, but I am fine with it and would still be cool if they came out. As to my best friends, i'd still have their back, but everything else would change. They'd become the brother you don't care to be around although that bond still exist
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