How do you deal with one of your good homies coming out of the closet

OP...don't let anybody here tell you how to feel.

Go w/ your gut. If that **** bothers you...then you ultimately have to decide how to deal w/ that or not deal w/ it at all.

Ain't no right or wrong behind that...regardless of what anyone here will tell you.
Just as long as anyone isn't taking advantage of children, then dealing with consenting adults, I could give a flying ***** as to who anyone is sleeping or associating with. 

If you are my friend, you are my friend, period. I know some gay dudes and lesbians that I'd want in my foxhole, before any random cat who adheres to some supposed rules and societal standards.
While we are at it, I can go a step further.

One of my best friends growing up, is now transgender, after years of being supposedly straight. This cat was my road dawg, as I even knew chicks that he boned, constantly. Handsome dude as well, then even has a son. She now does not consider herself Gay, as she is only a top sexually, and she only deals with straight men. She went through the hormone treatments, then has long hair, a pair of implants on top of the hormone treatments which gave her small breasts, but now she is about a d cup, and a J Lo ***, which I find hysterical! What they can do with these treatments, is simply amazing. I haven't seen her in about a year and a half, as she lives in Texas. But the last time I saw her was in an airport, which was by mistake. I didn't recognize him, quite obviously, as this was when I found out about his change after not seeing him in about four years, but I embraced him, I'd be lying if I didn't say that it was weird and uncomfortable, but we chatted.

The conversation was odd, because you all know that I wanted to know if he always liked dudes, but he didn't. It's some weird stuff, and I still do not understand, however, he is still a friend. I'd be lying if I said that I'd hang with him at the drop of a hat, as that would take some getting used to. 
We been only friends with a year but i trust him ALOT because hes a good dude.
and ^^^ to the guy above.. im christian and my family background is STRICT hardcore christian. so thats probaly why i made this thread.

I think this is why .. it takes years to build a friendship
this dude wants me to go to gay clubs with him.. and im not down for that

lol whatever.. i just wanted a simple advice from nt fams, but yall always hold me down like always :x :rolleyes
yeah, he's mistaking you for a good friend. let him know that ain't you.

but imagine if we just went off of majority of what ppl say think regardless if we new it to be not true or ignorant... all whites are thieves lazy racist... asians cant drive... blacks are stupid lazy etc.... to know something is wrong and yet go with it just cause is just as foolish... better yet more foolish then going with doing something wrong and not knowing.
you're trying to compare stereotypes to how a word is commonly used.

he clearly isnt comfortable with it but he should disregard his feelings, his faith, religion because being gay accepting is the latest media trend and fear of being ostracized... his whole friendship would be phony and be based on others perception...
no he'd be learning to understand someone for who they are and wouldn't be judging them by something that should have no affect on their friendship. tc doesn't have to be friends with this guy, but if friendship is actually important, this guy being gay shouldn't matter. this has nothing to do with outside perception. perhaps you care too much about outside perception and you're projecting here. i don't know.
How did you not see it coming? I have a friend who is definitely gay but he hasn't come out of the closet yet. He goes to gay bars with girls. I seen it a mile away ever since I first met the dude. The tone of his voice, his sassyness (sp) and how he never compromises and wants everything his way.
A lotta b.s. in this thread....I know for sure it's a good mindset to say "hey my homie is gay now/been gay, and he just came out to me, BUT this is my dog and i'ma still be his friend" but in reality it's always looking out the corner of your eye wondering if this dude is checking you out and getting skeeved by it.

It takes a good friend to rock with it, it takes a great friend to not be affected by it in the slightest.

And plus some of you dudes on here crave that attention, especially since you guys using the word swag so much so you dudes would def. benefit from having a gay friend who'll tell you you look nice in your skinny jeans :lol:

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man, just continue as you were initially, i fell out of touch with some of my friends from hs because they came out but they kept saying they were only friends with me because they wanted me to beat in the bathroom at school or suck me off, if he starts makin stuff awkward like that then you cut ties, but some of my gay friends are cool and not weird so we still cool and hangout and stuff
A lotta b.s. in this thread....I know for sure it's a good mindset to say "hey my homie is gay now/been gay, and he just came out to me, BUT this is my dog and i'ma still be his friend" but in reality it's always looking out the corner of your eye wondering if this dude is checking you out and getting skeeved by it.

have you never had a female friend that you check out?
A lotta b.s. in this thread....I know for sure it's a good mindset to say "hey my homie is gay now/been gay, and he just came out to me, BUT this is my dog and i'ma still be his friend" but in reality it's always looking out the corner of your eye wondering if this dude is checking you out and getting skeeved by it.
It takes a good friend to rock with it, it takes a great friend to not be affected by it in the slightest.
And plus some of you dudes on here crave that attention, especially since you guys using the word swag so much so you dudes would def. benefit from having a gay friend who'll tell you you look nice in your skinny jeans :lol:
How old are you GrimlocK?
yeah, he's mistaking you for a good friend. let him know that ain't you.
you're trying to compare stereotypes to how a word is commonly used.
no he'd be learning to understand someone for who they are and wouldn't be judging them by something that should have no affect on their friendship. tc doesn't have to be friends with this guy, but if friendship is actually important, this guy being gay shouldn't matter. this has nothing to do with outside perception. perhaps you care too much about outside perception and you're projecting here. i don't know.
again just cause its commonly used wrong still doesnt mean its right.... again ur basically saying ull fo against what u know for what some tells u despite knowing its false....

u can understand someone.... doesnt mean u have to associate urself with them nor be their friend because of it... I understand drug dealers... the ends/outs hell i did it... but i choose not to associate be friends with someome who does it... i have nothing against them nor hate them etc... its just at this point in my life i choose too associate myself with someone different... i understand over religious ppl esp... black folks... so should i hit up church everyday... be cool with any and every black person whose a holy roller?

And its not my outside perception its society as a whole... being gay just didnt come out,,, but ud think it id the way everyone is overly sensitive to gays... and all of a sudden loooking to bff with gays,,, make sure they go over and beyond nice and accepting towards gays.

And to say being gay and str8 is the same.... iuno what to tell u.. but thats the problem with society everyone wanna be we are the world and act like everyone is the same... and thats the problem... instead of trying to view/make ppl out to be the same how bout we as a society accept ppl and treat/view them as equals for there differences...?

This white/black/asian gay/str8 we are all the same cause we human bs... is stupid... yes we the same in terms of we are all the same species... but culturally etc we are different and ppl need to accept that and treat view ppl and embrace the differences...

But again like i said if he feels uncomfortable and dont agree with his lifestyle... because gay just isnt same sex... its a lifestyle a culture etc... he should be able to do so... im not saying treat him less than... or view him inferior beause of the differences... but accept and acknowledge it. and if he wants to continue the friendship great... if not then thats cool tooo... but he shouldnt be typecast as insensitive, discriminatory or prejudice or closed minded because of it...

And like i said why should someone pretend to be cool/like someone just cause they dont want to be alienated or viewed in a certain light... I am not attracted to fat chicks... if there was a big uproar/hoopla about fat chicks like there is about gays... i still wouldnt be attracted to date fat chicks... does that mean im closed minded/hate them/treat them different...nooooo it just means im not attracted to them and choose not to date/sex with them... same logic applies.
^ Drug dealers choose to be drug dealers. Fat chicks choose to be fat.

Gay people don't choose to be gay.

And the rest of your post doesn't make a lick of sense. You contradict yourself throughout the entire thing.
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Plain and simple, if you can't accept him for who he is and has been as your friend. You were never his friend to begin with. I'm pretty sure he excepts you and your life choices. He just goofed in thinking you and him were cool like that.
i always thought i'd end up disowning one of my male friends if they turned out to love penis. to this day i dont have any friends that turned out to be homosexuals but theres a buddy we have who we all think is probably gay/bi or has been raped by gay men via the raving scene (because what 30 year old man suddenly thinks raving is cool at that age)... theres a ton of weird posts on his fb and he went to EDC in vegas and did not post 1 single pic with a human female.. so we're just waiting for him to announce it so we can break his balls pause not literally and harass him for it but we wont be disowning him or anything liek that. 

[ghostface] if u suck ur thumb yo, suck ur thumb yo[/ghostface]
again just cause its commonly used wrong still doesnt mean its right.... again ur basically saying ull fo against what u know for what some tells u despite knowing its false....

u can understand someone.... doesnt mean u have to associate urself with them nor be their friend because of it... I understand drug dealers... the ends/outs hell i did it... but i choose not to associate be friends with someome who does it... i have nothing against them nor hate them etc... its just at this point in my life i choose too associate myself with someone different... i understand over religious ppl esp... black folks... so should i hit up church everyday... be cool with any and every black person whose a holy roller?

drug dealing is significantly different than having a friend with a sexual orientation different than yours.

And its not my outside perception its society as a whole... being gay just didnt come out,,, but ud think it id the way everyone is overly sensitive to gays... and all of a sudden loooking to bff with gays,,, make sure they go over and beyond nice and accepting towards gays.

no one said go out of your way to become best friends with a gay person. no one said to treat them differently. in fact, this topic is about treating them the same. if you're already friends with someone and they come out to you, why would you treat them differently? you're already friends with them. the difference is, now you know they are attracted to the same sex.

But again like i said if he feels uncomfortable and dont agree with his lifestyle... because gay just isnt same sex... its a lifestyle a culture etc... he should be able to do so... im not saying treat him less than... or view him inferior beause of the differences... but accept and acknowledge it. and if he wants to continue the friendship great... if not then thats cool tooo... but he shouldnt be typecast as insensitive, discriminatory or prejudice or closed minded because of it...

someone is insensitive if they choose not to be someone's friend because they are gay. bottom line. it's one thing to disown a friend because they steal from you, it's another to disown a friend because they like the same sex. "i don't want to be friends with you because you're gay." explain how that's not insensitive.

And like i said why should someone pretend to be cool/like someone just cause they dont want to be alienated or viewed in a certain light... I am not attracted to fat chicks... if there was a big uproar/hoopla about fat chicks like there is about gays... i still wouldnt be attracted to date fat chicks... does that mean im closed minded/hate them/treat them different...nooooo it just means im not attracted to them and choose not to date/sex with them... same logic applies.

it's not a matter of pretending to like someone, it's a matter of acknowledging their difference and realizing that they're the same friend they were just moments before you knew they were gay.
^ Drug dealers choose to be drug dealers. Fat chicks choose to be fat.
Gay people don't choose to be gay.
And the rest of your post doesn't make a lick of sense. You contradict yourself throughout the entire thing.
not always true some ppl do it because thats they only option... and some ppl are naturally big boned and will never be slim... unless cancer aids crack etc.... ans unless ur gay how would u know... we still dont know if they choose or not... some could be because of situations/events occurances in life so many variables to being gay that to say a blanket statement as oh they just dont choose... and born that way is too simple...

and he was/is friends with the guy based on who he believed he was... and saying he is the same isnt true... being str8/gay isnt the same... was my point...

ill use religion as an example some ppl say they were born insert race... its like if u werent a religious person and a friend said he was and always was... is he a different person yes... because just like homosexuality it is a different culture lifestyle etc.... if urs and theirs dont align y pretend... just for the sake of proving to them or anybody u get it or understand,,,, as u put it, in actuality unless u walked in there shows and was apart of their culture lifestyle u really dont understand.

But to say that the person is the same isnt true... because they are not... all im saying...
not always true some ppl do it because thats they only option... and some ppl are naturally big boned and will never be slim... unless cancer aids crack etc.... ans unless ur gay how would u know... we still dont know if they choose or not... some could be because of situations/events occurances in life so many variables to being gay that to say a blanket statement as oh they just dont choose... and born that way is too simple...

and he was/is friends with the guy based on who he believed he was... and saying he is the same isnt true... being str8/gay isnt the same... was my point...

ill use religion as an example some ppl say they were born insert race... its like if u werent a religious person and a friend said he was and always was... is he a different person yes... because just like homosexuality it is a different culture lifestyle etc.... if urs and theirs dont align y pretend... just for the sake of proving to them or anybody u get it or understand,,,, as u put it, in actuality unless u walked in there shows and was apart of their culture lifestyle u really dont understand.

But to say that the person is the same isnt true... because they are not... all im saying...
ok and btw i know what ppl say homophobia means... its just like the word shidt ( u no what i mean) just because ppl say it is a bad word doesnt mean i should forget that it isnt a word... and it is actually a acronym for ships headed in transit... its just like thee word the real word ninja (the black word) i know what ppl say it is... just cause enough ppl go with it doesnt mean i should ignore what i know and forget what it really means stem from.
You sound like a real life scumbag Steve.

its easier for you to judge somebody when it hasnt happened to you.

you guys really need to get off your high horse because it is definately NOT as easy as you think it is.
You sound like a real life scumbag Steve.
its easier for you to judge somebody when it hasnt happened to you.

you guys really need to get off your high horse because it is definately NOT as easy as you think it is.
Its not. 

If I can be blunt...

I knew someone that came out and it was kinda awkward, but you get past it when you realize that you're being immature when all you're doing is thinking about the "sex" part of someone being gay. 
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