How do you feel about females wearing color contacts?

My cousin used to do this until my grandpa saw them and smacked the !%@% out of homie.
Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

It annoys the #$%! out of me. Especially girls who have dark brown eyes and try to pull off green. Yo I can see the brown through it smh.

I'm lucky though, mine are two-tone
I just hate it when they don't even have bad eyesight but just get it to change their eye colour
I've received a fair share amount of buns off the strength of my light brown eyes, chicks love them
Originally Posted by essential

Originally Posted by JoseBronx

brown eyes>>>>>

Males wearing colored contacts are just as bad, if not worse.
Like this corny dude on my FB with the matching pubes on his chin to match 

Eh, there's not much to say really. They usually grow out of them as they get older, but if they're still using them in their late twenties then, I think, it becomes an issue.
i dont really care as long as the cooter is right..

as far as wifey.. hell naww!
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