How many of yall graduated on time?

yup. i had to go to summer school though since i switched my major 3 times
Originally Posted by DublBagn

Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Graduated from undergrad in 4 years. (Fall 2000- Spring 2004) That included me changing my major and NOT going to summer school. I just took 18 credits for 2 semesters.

Graduate School was 3 years since my major was a 2.5 yr program and I didn't want to graduate in December.

People who stay in school for more than 6 yrs IMO shouldn't be in college. Unless you had children, working full time, or were very sick, there should be no reason that you couldn't graduate in 4-5 years.
can someone hit me with the "com'on son" pic.....
Most people I know have to work full time, have kids and changed majors (some twice).....situations are not the same for everyone.....just finishing college should be the goal....
Isnt that what I had just said

Reading is very fundamental 
Finished my Associates Degree in 2 years...then transferred and changed my major and basically started all over, I don't know if its on time but I took a year off and going back for one semester to finish soo i transferred in 06 finish in 10 is that on time for a 4 year school?
first was a information systems major, then switched to nursing. So i will basically be behind 2 years or so because I have to wait a year to get into the nursing program.
Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

I did only because I took two summer courses. And yes, people graduating in four years is becoming a rarity these days.
My Junior/Senior year I noticed the curriculum (communication major/journalism minor) go through some pretty harsh changes (credits/classes wise) and it almost seemed like the school was setting up students for 5 year plans. Luckily, because I was already on the path for the old curriculum, they didn't make us change to the new one.

Nevertheless, I graduated in four and a half years....but just because I transferred and lost a handful of credits between schools.
i need a extra year too

any CSU students know if it is possible to have a major in business and a minor in education?
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