How many of you guys drive without insurance?

What a bunch of clowns in here.

"The fine here is $900!!!"

Talking about "You'd be out $50k!!!!"

Nah, you'll be out way more than $50k.

If you dont have insurance, get into an accident where you are were at fault and it results in you seriously injuring someone else, your life is !%#%*%.You'll end up getting sued for whatever amount of money you earn for the rest of your life. We're talking about millions here.

The most important thing about car insurance is that it covers medical expenses, not that it covers damage on cars that can easily be replaced.
Originally Posted by Brandon3000


Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

What a bunch of clowns in here.

"The fine here is $900!!!"

Talking about "You'd be out $50k!!!!"

Nah, you'll be out way more than $50k.

If you dont have insurance, get into an accident where you are were at fault and it results in you seriously injuring someone else, your life is !%#%*%. You'll end up getting sued for whatever amount of money you earn for the rest of your life. We're talking about millions here.

The most important thing about car insurance is that it covers medical expenses, not that it covers damage on cars that can easily be replaced.
Originally Posted by derventa

Imagine being in a huge accident and you end up totaling someones'd be out 50K+
M3 + hospital bill and lawsuits fam = done.

Assuming you can't afford car insurace, your job must pay a crappy salary/wage. You're life will be dictated by those legal payments for YEARS
guilty here but that's cause i don't got my own whip right now.
i just use my dads car to school but that's not even 5 miles away so the chances of getting into an accident are minimal.
i did get pulled over once though, didn't have a copy of the registration or proof of insurance but the cop was cool and let me go since it was my popscar.
but as soon as this student loan comes through and i get my own whip and i actually start driving a lot insurance is a must, any moron could be talking on thephone and not paying attention to what's in front of them and rear end you so easily.
if the car you drive is in your name the dmv will know if you are insured or not. if you dont have insurance your registration gets suspended and if you everget pulled over its a wrap. don't do it kid. i got into an accident w no insurance and now have to pay 8.5k out of pocket for damages. luckily the otherperson was not injured and didn't sue
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

What a bunch of clowns in here.

"The fine here is $900!!!"

Talking about "You'd be out $50k!!!!"

Nah, you'll be out way more than $50k.

If you dont have insurance, get into an accident where you are were at fault and it results in you seriously injuring someone else, your life is !%#%*%. You'll end up getting sued for whatever amount of money you earn for the rest of your life. We're talking about millions here.

The most important thing about car insurance is that it covers medical expenses, not that it covers damage on cars that can easily be replaced.

Yup, came in here to say this.

Let me tell you a story.

When I was 17 this kid I knew fairly well bought a $600 old Civic one day and came to school in it. He didn't have insurance obviously, he could barelyafford to pay gas. That day he smoked someones car because the brakes not working properly and apparently the person in the other was messed up for real.Somehow the kid dipped the scene fast enough and no one saw him again. Word is he somehow ended up in the Caribean cause he knew if that lady in the car wasdead of paralyzed he'd be out millions and millions and likely face jail time considering his record.
Luckily here in Ontario, Canada there is government insurance for victims of accidents with uninsured drivers. That lady probably got her medical bills paid.Most US states have nothing like that in place and if that lady didnt have the dough, maybe she'd be dead now.
That sort of bad decision can ruin your life man, not to mention someone elses.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by derventa

Imagine being in a huge accident and you end up totaling someones'd be out 50K+
M3 + hospital bill and lawsuits fam = done.

Assuming you can't afford car insurace, your job must pay a crappy salary/wage. You're life will be dictated by those legal payments for YEARS
It's a sad matter. Back in around 2004 or so, my friend had just got his E55. (He waited months for the car, and it was fully hooked up whenthe car was picked up). A couple of days after that he was driving around and stopped at a red light, and some kid in an Eclipse ran into him. The E55 wasdeclared as a total. My friend and a passenger had to go to the hospital and then rehab..both mentality and physically.

To cut the story short...kid in Eclipse had no insurance, his parents pulled out a 2nd mortgage (or a loan I forget exactly) to cover the bill.

In CA, you need at least liability to drive legally BTW.
if there is one bill i hate paying, its my car insurance! and since i'm financing, its a must!

lol @ the Game winner video.
Enh, thought about it awhile ago but there's a lot of bad drivers out there so its not worth it if you get into and accident. You can always insure yourvehicle and then cancel the policy but you'd still be risking it if you get pulled over for something and they run your information.

I know plenty of people who just setup and use temporary insurance and if they get pulled over they just show the slip. Idk too much about it but its not agood idea.
i only had car car insurance for the months of feburary & nov-dec for the whole year of 2009! i got in 2 wrecks (swangin) and fled the scene both times.both times i hit people i kinda knew, so violence playd a part in both altercations. the 1st wreck me and oh dude squabbled err time we saw each other...

ps the second wreck was in my hood and dude eventually found out who i was and threatend to kill me when he seen me but i was like EFF HIM.

i seen him last sunday and he says pay him 100$ so im gone give him that today

&& i bet somebody gone call
just be careful man. if anything, there are some insurances that could cover the individual / family. rather than each car. i don't know if that will safeyou money. but thats what my cousin has. take a look into that.
real talk, don't do it. I did it for like 2 months because i'd messed up my money. Worst time of my life. I'm lucky in the fact that I didn'tget pulled over or have an accident, but in hindsight, it was really stupid. Yeah, i got lucky. Plus the paranoia of getting caught messes with you. Geico ismy best damn friend right now.
Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

What a bunch of clowns in here.

"The fine here is $900!!!"

Talking about "You'd be out $50k!!!!"

Nah, you'll be out way more than $50k.

If you dont have insurance, get into an accident where you are were at fault and it results in you seriously injuring someone else, your life is !%#%*%. You'll end up getting sued for whatever amount of money you earn for the rest of your life. We're talking about millions here.

The most important thing about car insurance is that it covers medical expenses, not that it covers damage on cars that can easily be replaced.

I wk for state farm insurance & i came in here to say bascially the same thing...hit someone in a semi-nice car & your uninsured & youll be FU^%$#hit someone in a m5 w/ no insurance & your life is done especially if they have injuries... be smart & call someone NOW not tomorrow or the next day orsometime next week NOW & get insured bro..
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