How many partners is considered acceptable???

Originally Posted by 5iveonit

If I was the smash and dash type then clearly I would not have the ability to stay faithful in my relationship of three years, let alone with the distance. Trust me, enphan has double, triple, and quadruple checked my story. If my number was "too high" then clearly I wouldn't know how to be in a committed relationship cuz I'd be constantly on the prowl for new #@%% to satisfy my deep-seated insecurities.
Originally Posted by 5iveonit

Originally Posted by BugsyMF

Originally Posted by 5iveonit

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by eNPHAN
i got a question for you.

you said that you dont want to be the guy that is openly walking around with the "town bike"

but earlier your girl said that you couldnt handle it when she told you her number of partners.
so doesnt that seem like she is the one who has been around the block a few times

so wouldnt that make you the guy who opens goes with said "town bike"

Homie you clearly don't know me or the situation. That "couldn't handle it" part is an inside joke so chill on that town bike +!#*. If I'd really been around the block 1. I'm sure I would have lied about the number of guys I've been with 2. I wouldn't be able to sustain a COMMITTED, LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP for lack of keeping my legs closed so fall back bruh.

You might wanna brush up on your grammar skills too. That last sentence is confusing.

not sayin you've been around the block...but isn't that pretty much saying there's no way for your man to know if you're tellin the truth? If it's the truth then it's the truth, but if your number was too high then you would've lied anyway right? just some food for thought...

If I was the smash and dash type then clearly I would not have the ability to stay faithful in my relationship of three years, let alone with the distance. Trust me, enphan has double, triple, and quadruple checked my story. If my number was "too high" then clearly I wouldn't know how to be in a committed relationship cuz I'd be constantly on the prowl for new #@%% to satisfy my deep-seated insecurities.

i understand that (which was your second point)...i'm just talkin solely bout your first point, which i highlighted...
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by 5iveonit

If I was the smash and dash type then clearly I would not have the ability to stay faithful in my relationship of three years, let alone with the distance. Trust me, enphan has double, triple, and quadruple checked my story. If my number was "too high" then clearly I wouldn't know how to be in a committed relationship cuz I'd be constantly on the prowl for new #@%% to satisfy my deep-seated insecurities.

GIF got me dyin
Some of the answers in here

Women will never be truthful with this answer. I don't ask.
There are always mixed opinions on this matter.

Some guys would rather be with one girl that had sex 5,000 times in her life with one partner, rather than one girl that had sex 300 times in her life with 20partners.

Even though the box is way more torn up on the chick with 5,000 experiences under her belt, she's still more desirable by most than the 300 experiencesbecause of the number of partners.

The usual excuse is, "I know I'm bigger than the last guy, so it's all good."

Bunch of fools on here with their double standards.
i don't know why you people still ask these questions...half of you don't trust women as is so why bother asking when you probably won't believeher...
Anything < 10 I feel is an acceptable answer. I try not to ask that question tho, no matter what the answer guys are gonna be upset lol.
Originally Posted by I R Andre

Anything < 10 I feel is an acceptable answer. I try not to ask that question tho, no matter what the answer guys are gonna be upset lol.

what if she had two guys at once tho
Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Anything < 10 I feel is an acceptable answer. I try not to ask that question tho, no matter what the answer guys are gonna be upset lol.

what if she had two guys at once tho
automatically eliminates her from the equation of being in a relationship with me.
a girl gets tag-teamed by 2 dudes, who knows what else she has done
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Anything < 10 I feel is an acceptable answer. I try not to ask that question tho, no matter what the answer guys are gonna be upset lol.

what if she had two guys at once tho
automatically eliminates her from the equation of being in a relationship with me.
a girl gets tag-teamed by 2 dudes, who knows what else she has done

what if she is 25 and did it when she was 16

people change
You will never know the truth. One of my female friends that Ive known since kindergarden (I'm 23 now) has been with 100+ dudes, she was dating 3 guys atthe same

time and they each had no idea .

: her best friend who is also my best female friend.
Whatever you feel you can handle is cool. Back in the day, this is a question I always wondered about but as I got older it became less and less
important. The main thing is you don't want a female that's been with a lot of guys that run in the same circle...that's the worse...
Originally Posted by kapone66

The main thing is you don't want a female that's been with a lot of guys that run in the same circle...that's the worse...


and this is eNPHAN
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