These threads are always filled with ducktales. They're like the how many girls have you slept with threads.
Havnt done a bench press in over a year because im too lazy to get surgery on my wrist that i need. Max was 205
everytime someone asks this I think of American Wedding where Stifler asks the gay dude what he benches, then the guy asks him what he weighs

my best ever is 225, I focused more on squatting since I played RB in HS
The bar
I'm weak as hell
I don't know what my max is but it's probably 150-175 tops. i've never really lifted that much and every time I do I endup hurting myself before too long. A couple of years ago I messed up my right shoulder so badly that somehow I didn't even have enough strength in it topush a door open
It didn't hurt at all, but I just had no strength in it whatsoever. Lasted like 3 months then just went away.
205 last summer and weighed 170 lbs, now I only weigh 155 and I'm a weak mofo now, just starting to get back into lifting.
Rep 135...max should be around 160-165ish

Trying to get to repping my weight soon which is 150.

Long term goal of putting up 200. I'm just a few years away haha.
I work out alone...
but the most ive done was 225 4 times.
i have a chart in my (works) weightroom and it says my 1rm would be 255 if i remember correctly.
ive lost like 25 lbs since then and its prolly lower now.
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