How much do you cheap bastards tip the delivery guy ?

i hate the customary standared of being obligated to tip. And this is coming from a (soon to be former) server.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

It depends. If they get to my place in a timely manner they can get anywhere from $3-5. If they take too long then I'll give them $1 just to be generous.

I bet we'll see a lot of LeBrons in this thread (S and T heads know the reference).
i remember that

usually i just tip em $1 and/or change, once the guy was like "$1 tip???!!! that's it?!!!" i should have snatched my cash back
The change left over from the money I give.

If it's less than a dollar, I'll usually throw $1 on top.

I only get change from the money when it's above $7.

Half the time I feel stupid giving dude extra money to do his job. They get like $3 for gas anyways.

use to be a delivery guy it sucks not getting tips

and if you tip well youll get more toppings and such next time

and to the guy that gave me a 100dollar tip on christmas last year heres to you
0 dollars if theres a delivery fee
if theres no delivery fee then like 1 or 2
or depends on the order
Some of you guys are getting spit in your food.

And in alot of places, delivery fees don't even go to the driver.
a dollar...
Thang Zhu been trippin lately coming a hour later..making my General Tso's Chicken taste like chopped cat..NY heads know what I mean
and lets not talk about Leroy the pizza delivery guy..he gets nada...
Originally Posted by samness20

a dollar...
Thang Zhu been trippin lately coming a hour later..making my General Tso's Chicken taste like chopped cat..NY heads know what I mean
and lets not talk about Leroy the pizza delivery guy..he gets nada...

they come late cause ur +!! tips a dollar
Why tip anyways?
Do they waste their own gas?
I never ordered so.......
Only restaurants I give 5, mess still hurts.......
Thats a like a gallon and some of gas
Originally Posted by c0dyboy2222

Originally Posted by samness20

a dollar...
Thang Zhu been trippin lately coming a hour later..making my General Tso's Chicken taste like chopped cat..NY heads know what I mean
and lets not talk about Leroy the pizza delivery guy..he gets nada...

they come late cause ur +!! tips a dollar
doggie...i read every post in this thread any your the only one who pays 8-10 bucks..unless you ordering 50 dollars worth of talkinglobsters,shrimp and deer meat...thats wild..
not knockin you..if you got the money then do you lol
...but im in the struggle
Originally Posted by c0dyboy2222

Originally Posted by samness20

a dollar...
Thang Zhu been trippin lately coming a hour later..making my General Tso's Chicken taste like chopped cat..NY heads know what I mean
and lets not talk about Leroy the pizza delivery guy..he gets nada...

they come late cause ur +!! tips a dollar
It's true.
Originally Posted by SEND ONE

Originally Posted by c0dyboy2222

Originally Posted by samness20

a dollar...
Thang Zhu been trippin lately coming a hour later..making my General Tso's Chicken taste like chopped cat..NY heads know what I mean
and lets not talk about Leroy the pizza delivery guy..he gets nada...

they come late cause ur +!! tips a dollar
It's true.
Doubtful, since that would require them being able to break the time space continuum and go forward in time and know what you're going to tipbefore they even deliver the food, then make the decision !%+% it to be latewith yours. And I just somehow believe if they were truly smart enough to be capable of all of that, they would have just gotten a better job in the firstplace.
If you dont have money for a tip then dont get it delivered, go pick it up. Most of those guys waste their own gas, and in most places the delivery chargedoesnt go to the driver. They are trying to make a living and cheap people like you are not making it easy.
Op up and disrespected everybody ebtering this thread. "cheapbastards."
I tip 3-5 accordingly.
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