How much help do you get from your parents?

-I'm 24 right now (25 April 1st)
-I stay with my mother and grandmother
-Unfortunately I have to lean on moms for cash here and there.I've been unemployed for a while now (i'm having no #*$!@#$ luck finding work) and on the low,it's really bothering me that i'm a burden to her (she doesn't think so though) and the fact that I can't do the things I NEED to do for myself!
-I rarely have "extra spending money" and it's damn sure not enough to contribute to the household like I was prior to me leaving my last place of employment.
*I hope that nobody is looking at some of these posts and feels as though they have the right to pass judgement on them.Sometimes people just fall on hard times (especially in the times we're living in now)!
Originally Posted by clkru

I pay for everything I want and need myself except except water, gas, power, my car insurance and sometimes food if my mom cooks, but most of the time I pay for my own food. I really dont like the idea of taking money from my moms expecially since she's struggling enough already, so I RARELY take help (money) from my mom unles I'm in dire need.
Wow... sorry, but I just can't understand why so many people over the age of 21 are still living at home with and/or taking money from their parents.  I have some college-educated friends that are 30, delivering pizza part-time, smoking pot full-time, barely paying their own car insurance, and are still living at home with mom and dad.  I know times are tough in the job market, but even before the economy crashed, there seemed to be a substantial amount of people still at home with 'rents.  Like, I know "saving money for the future" and all that is what's supposed to be going on, but (except in the case of a significant disability) that just seems like an excuse for a greater combo of laziness and fear of independence on the part of kids living at home after legally becoming adults... 

My short story is:  I was kicked out of my home by my mom when I was 18 because she wanted me to join the Navy and I wanted to go to college.  Dad was never in the picture much and my parents are divorced, so that's that.  After being homeless for a few days (scariest days of my life), I moved in with friends, worked part-time at a chain grocery store, paid rent and bills, and went to community college.  Luckily, the fin aid people were sympathic to my situation and granted me financial aid independence so my weak paychecks were supplemented nicely with financial aid.  I ended up transferring to and graduating from a 4-year university, getting married shortly afterward, finding a decent job, and have very minimal contact with my mom... I'm 27 now and have been 100% responsible for meeting all of my expenses/bills since the age of 18.

Your situation is COMPLETELY different from most peoples as well as mine. Honestly, you can sit here and say you would have done this and that different if you didnt get kicked out, but fact is, you CANT say that you wouldnt have been at home at 22 because you didnt have a choice. So your argument isnt really valid man.  I'm sorry about your situation and everything, but you just sound salty.

That's like a 5'3" man saying "You're a waste of height, if I were your height (6'4") I would have BEEN in the NBA."

- How old are you? Just turned 19
- How much help do you get from your parents? My mom does everything for me
- Do you have a lot of extra spending money by the time you're done paying your bills each month? What bills?
- Do you have a low, average or high paying job? What job?
my mom pays for everything

i got an 06 audi s4
i got a 2 bedroom condo ( rent is 1800)
i got every channel/cable/internet and house phone-$300 ( who even uses a house phone ? who cares my mom pays for it)
my mom comes and does my laundry ( she even irons my dress shirts )
my mom vacuums my whole place

i pay for everything else (food)

btw im 40.
Originally Posted by IMPORTKING

my mom pays for everything

i got an 06 audi s4
i got a 2 bedroom condo ( rent is 1800)
i got every channel/cable/internet and house phone-$300 ( who even uses a house phone ? who cares my mom pays for it)
my mom comes and does my laundry ( she even irons my dress shirts )
my mom vacuums my whole place

i pay for everything else (food)

btw im 40.

right now, none (financially at least) I stop over every once again for a meal but that's it

Last year they helped me out tremendously tho for letting me stay, rent free, and allowed me to stack for my house. My mom and my Stepdad are my dynamic duo--everybody else comes second. And I mean EVERYBODY. ('cept my lil' nephew
21, no job, dont pay for anything, matter fact i get an allowance, but then again im at school on a full ride, med school in september,
Originally Posted by IMPORTKING

my mom pays for everything

i got an 06 audi s4
i got a 2 bedroom condo ( rent is 1800)
i got every channel/cable/internet and house phone-$300 ( who even uses a house phone ? who cares my mom pays for it)
my mom comes and does my laundry ( she even irons my dress shirts )
my mom vacuums my whole place

i pay for everything else (food)

btw im 40.
Hopefully she doesn't play FIFA for you too.
That's like a 5'3" man saying "You're a waste of height, if I were your height (6'4") I would have BEEN in the NBA."

Actually its nothing like that.  If anything, its being 100% satisfied with owing my parents nothing - no money, no credit - after the age of 18.

What's with all of these adult children sucking down so much of the financial resources of parents these days?  How is this not shamed more in our society.  I can understand the 18-21 crowd doing it in a bad economy to some extent, but anything over that is just ridiculous.

Plus, a fully grown 5'3" man doesn't have any chance of becoming 6'4".  A financial-dependent adult child with no significant disability likely has a chance to get a second, first, or better paying job and take care of their own expenses in life.  Wonder if some parents ever feel like failures.  If my perfectly healthy and able kid is still living with or taking money from me at the age of 23+, I will feel like I failed him/her and myself.
^ has it ever occured to you that some 20yr olds don't make enough money to move out and/or rather same money for a house or condo? I refuse to ever live with a stranger or roomate just to ba able to afford rent. And I won't compromise my safety by living in a bad area where I would be able to afford rent by myself, my parents wouldn't want me to do that either. I don't feel like a failure at all, I'm going back to school so I can make enough money to get a place where I want. Now if they are in their 20s not working or going to school then that's a different story.
23 now..left when i was 18... haven't looked back! don't get much help, a card around the holidays, about it lol. mom and pops may gimme like 100 bucks on my bday.. not much. Stand on my own 2.
- How old are you?
- How much help do you get from your parents?
- Do you have a lot of extra spending money by the time you're done paying your bills each month?
- Do you have a low, average or high paying job?

-I'm 25
-They do more than enough and I don't live with them
-I have enough
-Low, I definitely could be getting paid more for what I do
- How old are you?
21, 22 in april
- How much help do you get from your parents?
0, i dont ask for any help. i still live at home, but ive always been independent since i was younger.
- Do you have a lot of extra spending money by the time you're done paying your bills each month?
once im done paying my bills i have 40 for the week, but the last week of the month i got an extra 100 since i dont have any bills to pay. im saving 100/week to save for a car by my 23rd bday. so thats 400/week already accounted for.
- Do you have a low, average or high paying job?
i say average to high for my age. $14/hour. 25hours/week. $280/week. im trying to become permenant. if i become permanent thats $16/hour doing 30-35 hours/week with benefits.
- 25
- If I ask, I can have whatever I need. But I don't ask
- When I was working yea.
- At the time when I was working and in school I made about 18,000.

I moved out 4years ago while in college and did my own thing.My parents saw I could hold m own so they didn't baby me as they did my two sisters. But I know if I ask for anything they'd handle it for me.
im 20 still living at home

i pay for school, rent, half of my insurance, cell phone, and just about everything besides the meals my mom cooks.

I make a little over 800 per paycheck biweekly, working 40 hour weeks.
22 Years old
My parents pay for everything.
I do not have any bills
I work for my parents ; ) Average roughly 45 hours a week.

I would like to get my own job elsewhere, and then eventually venture off and open whatever it is on my own.
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

..left kicked out when i was 18... haven't looked back! don't get much help, a card around the holidays, about it lol. mom and pops may gimme like 100 bucks on my bday.. not much. Stand on my own 2.
this is me......learned to survive on my own, hustle/work hard, stack paper, now 2 cars and a CC or student loan debt.....

and to one of the other posters, I would feel like a failure too if my child could not provide for him/herself as a grown adult (21+)
- Turned 23 today.
- My Dad pays for everything except for extra stuff I buy (shoes, clothes, golf clubs, etc) and food when I don't eat at the house.
- My only bill is my credit card and most of the time I have more than enough extra spending cash after paying for it.
- I don't work. I'm in graduate school and am focusing on my studies. I should graduate this summer.
Originally Posted by clkru

Wow... sorry, but I just can't understand why so many people over the age of 21 are still living at home with and/or taking money from their parents.  I have some college-educated friends that are 30, delivering pizza part-time, smoking pot full-time, barely paying their own car insurance, and are still living at home with mom and dad.  I know times are tough in the job market, but even before the economy crashed, there seemed to be a substantial amount of people still at home with 'rents.  Like, I know "saving money for the future" and all that is what's supposed to be going on, but (except in the case of a significant disability) that just seems like an excuse for a greater combo of laziness and fear of independence on the part of kids living at home after legally becoming adults... 

My short story is:  I was kicked out of my home by my mom when I was 18 because she wanted me to join the Navy and I wanted to go to college.  Dad was never in the picture much and my parents are divorced, so that's that.  After being homeless for a few days (scariest days of my life), I moved in with friends, worked part-time at a chain grocery store, paid rent and bills, and went to community college.  Luckily, the fin aid people were sympathic to my situation and granted me financial aid independence so my weak paychecks were supplemented nicely with financial aid.  I ended up transferring to and graduating from a 4-year university, getting married shortly afterward, finding a decent job, and have very minimal contact with my mom... I'm 27 now and have been 100% responsible for meeting all of my expenses/bills since the age of 18.
Of course you don't understand. You were in a completely different (and difficult) situation.  Assuming the parent-child relationship is decent, why would 22-year-old college grad struggle want to move out? Many people above 21+ have legit reasons to live at home and in many cases kids are doing their parents a FAVOR by helping with money, or for security reasons or whatever.  Parents DO get old ya know (and may need help) There's no reason to rush out the some cases.
i'm 18, in high school and my father helps me out with everything. not ashamed of it either.
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