How much money, is enough money ?

At this point in my life, I can honestly say that I have enough money.

But for the lifestyle that I want, I'm going to need more.
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

At this point in my life, I can honestly say that I have enough money.

But for the lifestyle that I want, I'm going to need more.
I foresee a garage full of old school muscle
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

At this point in my life, I can honestly say that I have enough money.

But for the lifestyle that I want, I'm going to need more.
I foresee a garage full of old school muscle
Originally Posted by LittlePeteWrigley

Originally Posted by jordan23collecta

25 million in an offshore account making 7% interest for a year = living very comfortably the rest of your life


Is it illegal to open an offshore account?

From my research, it's not, one just has to pay U.S. taxes on gains made...


the risk involved in a offshore account isnt worth it imo
Originally Posted by LittlePeteWrigley

Originally Posted by jordan23collecta

25 million in an offshore account making 7% interest for a year = living very comfortably the rest of your life


Is it illegal to open an offshore account?

From my research, it's not, one just has to pay U.S. taxes on gains made...


the risk involved in a offshore account isnt worth it imo
If those kids were in any different situation they would be dead or in jail.  Capitalism just allows the rich to stay rich and the poor to stay poor.  In capitalism, there is no open market, wealth disparities only worsen as time goes along.  There is a reason the middle class has all but dissapered in this country.  We have a country which doesn't now protect the interests of the average citizen but big corporations, which really only protect the interests of a few hundred people.

I'll never understand how people can sit there and claim they know Capitalism, explain a psuedo-method of production, and be so inherently wrong about it. Just like many people the socio-economic order you are talking about is Protectionism/Mercantilism, not Capitalism.

The Free Market is a system set up by Cause/Effect filled with Voluntary exchanges between buyer/seller, employee/employer, ect.

And there is the misconception...That rich people work harder than everybody else.  I prolly grew up more fortunate than almost everybody on this sight and that is just not true.  The hardest working people are often the poorest, the ones who work 2 jobs "scrubbing toilets" as you say to make end meat.  When your rich, life comes easy.  I've seen so many of my peers **** up so many times but guess what, there daddy is rich and they will always have a safety net than ends with at least a 6 figure salary. 

Ironically, you are portraying a misconception. You think CEOs don't work hard? These are the people who set up strategies in order for the for the company to succeed, they make projection by information that can either make or break the company. You think Steve Jobs doesnt work hard? You are associating doing low-skilled jobs with working hard? That doesnt make sense. So someone who works in AC, like an accountant, doesnt work hard?

The people you are expalining aren't rich, their parents are. You can't possibly say "oh when you're rich, life comes easy", when the people you are talking about aren't exactly rich.

As for the question, it dpeends because it is a subjective valuation.
If those kids were in any different situation they would be dead or in jail.  Capitalism just allows the rich to stay rich and the poor to stay poor.  In capitalism, there is no open market, wealth disparities only worsen as time goes along.  There is a reason the middle class has all but dissapered in this country.  We have a country which doesn't now protect the interests of the average citizen but big corporations, which really only protect the interests of a few hundred people.

I'll never understand how people can sit there and claim they know Capitalism, explain a psuedo-method of production, and be so inherently wrong about it. Just like many people the socio-economic order you are talking about is Protectionism/Mercantilism, not Capitalism.

The Free Market is a system set up by Cause/Effect filled with Voluntary exchanges between buyer/seller, employee/employer, ect.

And there is the misconception...That rich people work harder than everybody else.  I prolly grew up more fortunate than almost everybody on this sight and that is just not true.  The hardest working people are often the poorest, the ones who work 2 jobs "scrubbing toilets" as you say to make end meat.  When your rich, life comes easy.  I've seen so many of my peers **** up so many times but guess what, there daddy is rich and they will always have a safety net than ends with at least a 6 figure salary. 

Ironically, you are portraying a misconception. You think CEOs don't work hard? These are the people who set up strategies in order for the for the company to succeed, they make projection by information that can either make or break the company. You think Steve Jobs doesnt work hard? You are associating doing low-skilled jobs with working hard? That doesnt make sense. So someone who works in AC, like an accountant, doesnt work hard?

The people you are expalining aren't rich, their parents are. You can't possibly say "oh when you're rich, life comes easy", when the people you are talking about aren't exactly rich.

As for the question, it dpeends because it is a subjective valuation.
based on my current situation ... 150k would be perfect ...

there is a point where I could say i have enough money ... w/ that being said ... i won't ever get there so i am going to keep trying to grind and make more
based on my current situation ... 150k would be perfect ...

there is a point where I could say i have enough money ... w/ that being said ... i won't ever get there so i am going to keep trying to grind and make more

And there is the misconception...That rich people work harder than everybody else.  I prolly grew up more fortunate than almost everybody on this sight and that is just not true.  The hardest working people are often the poorest, the ones who work 2 jobs "scrubbing toilets" as you say to make end meat.  When your rich, life comes easy.  I've seen so many of my peers **** up so many times but guess what, there daddy is rich and they will always have a safety net than ends with at least a 6 figure salary. 

Thats 100% wrong yea sure in terms of finances things will be easier than compared to a poor person but Life is not easy by no means look at all  these celebs getting arrested and getting drugged up every night partying there life away they have issues some mental some emotional so yea having money makes it easier on the financial side but life in other aspects is still hard for them just like everyone else.
To live is to suffer and the true meaning of life IMO is to find true happiness and love because at the end of the day thats why we all want to be successful because we think we will be happier

Rich people work hard in some cases harder than the poor to become rich think about it there careers are unusual 24 hours 7 days a week while people with 9-5 jobs go to work at 9 come home at 5 and don't have to worry about work until the next day. 

And there is the misconception...That rich people work harder than everybody else.  I prolly grew up more fortunate than almost everybody on this sight and that is just not true.  The hardest working people are often the poorest, the ones who work 2 jobs "scrubbing toilets" as you say to make end meat.  When your rich, life comes easy.  I've seen so many of my peers **** up so many times but guess what, there daddy is rich and they will always have a safety net than ends with at least a 6 figure salary. 

Thats 100% wrong yea sure in terms of finances things will be easier than compared to a poor person but Life is not easy by no means look at all  these celebs getting arrested and getting drugged up every night partying there life away they have issues some mental some emotional so yea having money makes it easier on the financial side but life in other aspects is still hard for them just like everyone else.
To live is to suffer and the true meaning of life IMO is to find true happiness and love because at the end of the day thats why we all want to be successful because we think we will be happier

Rich people work hard in some cases harder than the poor to become rich think about it there careers are unusual 24 hours 7 days a week while people with 9-5 jobs go to work at 9 come home at 5 and don't have to worry about work until the next day. 
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Welcome to the rat race.... rat race rat rrraaaacce.. * Bob Marley* The greatest thing I've been pleased to experience is the polarities of being in 15 million dollar homes and homeless. I've driven $250,000 and $2,000 cars. Money is freedom in this modern world. Deny it and plead against it but its fact. You can't do basic things today like start a family without atleast a 6 figure salary in some cities and still be comfortable. A million dollars ain't #%%$ and I know people that have made it in one year and its gone the next. I think that a lot of those forbes numbers are misleading none the less we have all been exposed to a lot through the media and brainwashed by the images of opulence. I for one only want to be a billionaire to feed and help those less fortunate. After awhile ALL material objects get old. Wanting a lot of money is like that toy you wanted real bad as a kid and you did everything to get your parents to buy it and when you did you realized your want and imagination were more powerful than the reality so its thrown in a toy box after awhile and something new comes out. We chase this thing to finally get it and say, "hey I made it, I'm rich." Couple years go by and the big home is just a home and that fast car ain't the fastest anymore. When does the cycle end?
exactly. man is enamored by the thrill of the chase, but once you obtain everything you can possibly conceive materialistically, will you then realize what an empty existence you are leading? what a world it would be if people were inspired by love of the world and humanity and wanting to make the world a better place and not inspired by the dollar. those kinds of things are infinitely rewarding.

Materially corrupt
Spiritually amuck
Oblivious to the cause
Prosperously bankrupt

it is so sad to see what money does to people. how people do anything to get a fast buck. do things that hurt others, do things that hurt themselves. pursue certain careers because the salary is much more appealing than a more humane profession. this world, it breaks my soul sometimes.
Man truly achieves his full human condition when he produces withoutbeing compelled by the physical necessity of selling himself as acommodity.
ernesto che guevara

it is an undeniable fact that money is necessary in living your life. but dont make money the reason why you live life.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Welcome to the rat race.... rat race rat rrraaaacce.. * Bob Marley* The greatest thing I've been pleased to experience is the polarities of being in 15 million dollar homes and homeless. I've driven $250,000 and $2,000 cars. Money is freedom in this modern world. Deny it and plead against it but its fact. You can't do basic things today like start a family without atleast a 6 figure salary in some cities and still be comfortable. A million dollars ain't #%%$ and I know people that have made it in one year and its gone the next. I think that a lot of those forbes numbers are misleading none the less we have all been exposed to a lot through the media and brainwashed by the images of opulence. I for one only want to be a billionaire to feed and help those less fortunate. After awhile ALL material objects get old. Wanting a lot of money is like that toy you wanted real bad as a kid and you did everything to get your parents to buy it and when you did you realized your want and imagination were more powerful than the reality so its thrown in a toy box after awhile and something new comes out. We chase this thing to finally get it and say, "hey I made it, I'm rich." Couple years go by and the big home is just a home and that fast car ain't the fastest anymore. When does the cycle end?
exactly. man is enamored by the thrill of the chase, but once you obtain everything you can possibly conceive materialistically, will you then realize what an empty existence you are leading? what a world it would be if people were inspired by love of the world and humanity and wanting to make the world a better place and not inspired by the dollar. those kinds of things are infinitely rewarding.

Materially corrupt
Spiritually amuck
Oblivious to the cause
Prosperously bankrupt

it is so sad to see what money does to people. how people do anything to get a fast buck. do things that hurt others, do things that hurt themselves. pursue certain careers because the salary is much more appealing than a more humane profession. this world, it breaks my soul sometimes.
Man truly achieves his full human condition when he produces withoutbeing compelled by the physical necessity of selling himself as acommodity.
ernesto che guevara

it is an undeniable fact that money is necessary in living your life. but dont make money the reason why you live life.
I swear some of you are too stupid.

For everyone saying "nothing is enough", if someone offered you a billion to live the rest of your life, every single one of you would take it...stop fronting.
I swear some of you are too stupid.

For everyone saying "nothing is enough", if someone offered you a billion to live the rest of your life, every single one of you would take it...stop fronting.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Brondiesel

We truly live in a sad society if everyone's chasing the all mighty (insert name of your currency here).
Ask your grandparents and they'll tell no one cared about money back in the day and they were happy.
These days no one is happy just striving to make more and more money to spend on useless things.
I can't agree with that statement. I don't think the chase for wealth is any greater today. The thing about today is more people have an actual chance of reaching that level than yesteryear. Back then, more people were just concerned with surviving. That was by force (as it usually is). I just think more folks have a "chance" today. I think Being hungry for the currency has always been there.
Absolutely not. There were societies where money wasnt the main source of motivation for people. People pursued certain professions and goals just because they wanted to. Money wasn't in the picture as much as it is now. The actualy societal idea of "chasing the dream" was not as mainstream as it is now. I think the value system changed, even on a global scale due to capitalistic influences and world money markets. Not even that far back, in the 20th century, peoples values were directed at ïmproving society (mainly due to various ideologies)  as a whole as opposed to the individual self-actualization concept that is being perpetuated today in mainstream society. The reason im saying this is because I partially grew up in a society like this and I have witnessed it first hand. The chase for wealth IS greater today because the mainstream is reaching a lot more people than it once had due to today's technology as well as the increased dependence on employers, money etc. as a result of increased urbanization i.e. people not living of the land like they once had so they are dependent on the supermarket for food and thus, money.   
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Brondiesel

We truly live in a sad society if everyone's chasing the all mighty (insert name of your currency here).
Ask your grandparents and they'll tell no one cared about money back in the day and they were happy.
These days no one is happy just striving to make more and more money to spend on useless things.
I can't agree with that statement. I don't think the chase for wealth is any greater today. The thing about today is more people have an actual chance of reaching that level than yesteryear. Back then, more people were just concerned with surviving. That was by force (as it usually is). I just think more folks have a "chance" today. I think Being hungry for the currency has always been there.
Absolutely not. There were societies where money wasnt the main source of motivation for people. People pursued certain professions and goals just because they wanted to. Money wasn't in the picture as much as it is now. The actualy societal idea of "chasing the dream" was not as mainstream as it is now. I think the value system changed, even on a global scale due to capitalistic influences and world money markets. Not even that far back, in the 20th century, peoples values were directed at ïmproving society (mainly due to various ideologies)  as a whole as opposed to the individual self-actualization concept that is being perpetuated today in mainstream society. The reason im saying this is because I partially grew up in a society like this and I have witnessed it first hand. The chase for wealth IS greater today because the mainstream is reaching a lot more people than it once had due to today's technology as well as the increased dependence on employers, money etc. as a result of increased urbanization i.e. people not living of the land like they once had so they are dependent on the supermarket for food and thus, money.   
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