How much money, is enough money ?

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

People would be satisfied with 100k a year, really?


if you can't live on $100k a year, you're doing something wrong. Seriously.

I never said that you couldn't, that number just isn't all that appealing to me.
Pretty sure 100k is a really good salary. I think its in like the top 5-6%.
Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

People would be satisfied with 100k a year, really?


if you can't live on $100k a year, you're doing something wrong. Seriously.

I never said that you couldn't, that number just isn't all that appealing to me.
Pretty sure 100k is a really good salary. I think its in like the top 5-6%.
This is America. No one strives for 'just enough', we all aim high- but the vast majority of us end up with 'just enough'. We're all fed the dream, but doesn't come true for everyone. No one strives to be middle class. Everyone wants to be rich, but how many of us are?

25 million a year? Just to be secure? What are you doing with your money? Are you going to buy islands and F22 Raptors?
This is America. No one strives for 'just enough', we all aim high- but the vast majority of us end up with 'just enough'. We're all fed the dream, but doesn't come true for everyone. No one strives to be middle class. Everyone wants to be rich, but how many of us are?

25 million a year? Just to be secure? What are you doing with your money? Are you going to buy islands and F22 Raptors?
^Why not? I want an NBA team. Maybe that will be "enough". Nah, but then I'll want an NFL team. Heck I might buy the Cubs while I am it. Give me the Lakers too so I can run them into the ground Sterling-style. I'm pretty sure I won't get these but I'm not going to sit here and say you can cap my pay or success. I'll let reality do that. Again, satisfaction is boredom. I'm not fine with settling. Never have been, never will be.
^Why not? I want an NBA team. Maybe that will be "enough". Nah, but then I'll want an NFL team. Heck I might buy the Cubs while I am it. Give me the Lakers too so I can run them into the ground Sterling-style. I'm pretty sure I won't get these but I'm not going to sit here and say you can cap my pay or success. I'll let reality do that. Again, satisfaction is boredom. I'm not fine with settling. Never have been, never will be.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

It doesn't matter who works "harder" The means aren't justifying the ends when it comes to labors correlation to wealth. If your job is more important you automatically have more value.

The president of a company is already more important than the janitor in the company building or the guy that works in the carrier department of the company or the low level blue collar worker in there. Those ppl are cogs. The president already has the academic credentials he has worked for to be qualified for the job.

What incentive does anyone have on pursuing a higher education if they'll only be getting paid $10 more than the janitor? If some country went through with that economic plan the country would die within the decade cuz all would be doctors would either leave or give up and be butchers and mailmen.

Now if you want to talk about the entitled and privileged and those with an inheritance that's one obvious problem in the discussion but it is NOT an issue that dominates this argument.
Thank You.  This was pretty much the point I wanted to make but I am too dumb to put it into easily understandable coherent sentences.

Originally Posted by Master Zik

It doesn't matter who works "harder" The means aren't justifying the ends when it comes to labors correlation to wealth. If your job is more important you automatically have more value.

The president of a company is already more important than the janitor in the company building or the guy that works in the carrier department of the company or the low level blue collar worker in there. Those ppl are cogs. The president already has the academic credentials he has worked for to be qualified for the job.

What incentive does anyone have on pursuing a higher education if they'll only be getting paid $10 more than the janitor? If some country went through with that economic plan the country would die within the decade cuz all would be doctors would either leave or give up and be butchers and mailmen.

Now if you want to talk about the entitled and privileged and those with an inheritance that's one obvious problem in the discussion but it is NOT an issue that dominates this argument.
Thank You.  This was pretty much the point I wanted to make but I am too dumb to put it into easily understandable coherent sentences.

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

This is America. No one strives for 'just enough', we all aim high- but the vast majority of us end up with 'just enough'. We're all fed the dream, but doesn't come true for everyone. No one strives to be middle class. Everyone wants to be rich, but how many of us are?

25 million a year? Just to be secure? What are you doing with your money? Are you going to buy islands and F22 Raptors?
25mil isn't enough to go cop a bunch of islands. billionaires cop islands. that's a whole different tax bracket. and some people DO strive to be middle class, not everyone wants to be super rich, thats a false stereotype of our generation, that all the kids nowadays want to be "rich and famous". there are people out getting degree's in majors that produce middle class jobs and upper class jobs. but just because you're considered upper class, that doesn't mean you're considered rich.

and yes 25 million a year is secure with leftovers to spare. im not trying to go out like hammer. i want to live

you feel me? im trying to buy what i want when i want, have enough for me and my family too.

sure i might not get there, but i plan on working hard to get damn close. a lot of people aren't where they want to be because they don't push themselves hard enough, others are just unfortunate. im trying to avoid both cases, but only time will tell.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

This is America. No one strives for 'just enough', we all aim high- but the vast majority of us end up with 'just enough'. We're all fed the dream, but doesn't come true for everyone. No one strives to be middle class. Everyone wants to be rich, but how many of us are?

25 million a year? Just to be secure? What are you doing with your money? Are you going to buy islands and F22 Raptors?
25mil isn't enough to go cop a bunch of islands. billionaires cop islands. that's a whole different tax bracket. and some people DO strive to be middle class, not everyone wants to be super rich, thats a false stereotype of our generation, that all the kids nowadays want to be "rich and famous". there are people out getting degree's in majors that produce middle class jobs and upper class jobs. but just because you're considered upper class, that doesn't mean you're considered rich.

and yes 25 million a year is secure with leftovers to spare. im not trying to go out like hammer. i want to live

you feel me? im trying to buy what i want when i want, have enough for me and my family too.

sure i might not get there, but i plan on working hard to get damn close. a lot of people aren't where they want to be because they don't push themselves hard enough, others are just unfortunate. im trying to avoid both cases, but only time will tell.
There's nothing wrong with that, it's just......if you're never satisfied, what's the point? Why are you doing what you're doing, just because?

Make all the money you can, great. But don't tell me you need 25 million to feel secure. That's absurd. At least in my opinion.

Satisfaction is bliss because I can now enjoy the fruits of labor.
There's nothing wrong with that, it's just......if you're never satisfied, what's the point? Why are you doing what you're doing, just because?

Make all the money you can, great. But don't tell me you need 25 million to feel secure. That's absurd. At least in my opinion.

Satisfaction is bliss because I can now enjoy the fruits of labor.
it's never enough. I personally would be happy with a certain amount but when you have 7 figures in the bank it's alot easier to make more than it is if you only have 5.
it's never enough. I personally would be happy with a certain amount but when you have 7 figures in the bank it's alot easier to make more than it is if you only have 5.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

There's nothing wrong with that, it's just......if you're never satisfied, what's the point? Why are you doing what you're doing, just because?

Make all the money you can, great. But don't tell me you need 25 million to feel secure. That's absurd. At least in my opinion.

Satisfaction is bliss because I can now enjoy the fruits of labor.
true, but security is partly a state of mind. Someone might feel secure with leaving the house with $20, and I might feel more secure with always having $50 on me.
I think someone said they'd be set with $100,000. That more than enough money to live off of depending on where you live and the type of lifestyle you choose. both of my parents make that each, a little bit more actually, and they are more than secure with they way they are living combined. im going to school and planning to graduate so i can achieve what my parents achieved and to push it to that next level. yes what they make is more than enough to raise a family with but i was always taught to 

its just when you aim for the stars, you'll land on a cloud, if you aim for the clouds, you land in a tree somewhere. I'm aiming for a high number, so even still if i don't reach that, i will still be in a position that is close to where i wanted to be. sure it may sound absurd, but im the type of person that always feels like my work isn't good enough. I HAVE to do better the next time around. If I score a 95% on the first test, I have to get a 97% the next time around, and so on etc etc.

25 million is ALOT of money, so don't get me wrong, i understand exactly what you're saying. I just feel like with the high goals i have thats where i would want to be. 
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

There's nothing wrong with that, it's just......if you're never satisfied, what's the point? Why are you doing what you're doing, just because?

Make all the money you can, great. But don't tell me you need 25 million to feel secure. That's absurd. At least in my opinion.

Satisfaction is bliss because I can now enjoy the fruits of labor.
true, but security is partly a state of mind. Someone might feel secure with leaving the house with $20, and I might feel more secure with always having $50 on me.
I think someone said they'd be set with $100,000. That more than enough money to live off of depending on where you live and the type of lifestyle you choose. both of my parents make that each, a little bit more actually, and they are more than secure with they way they are living combined. im going to school and planning to graduate so i can achieve what my parents achieved and to push it to that next level. yes what they make is more than enough to raise a family with but i was always taught to 

its just when you aim for the stars, you'll land on a cloud, if you aim for the clouds, you land in a tree somewhere. I'm aiming for a high number, so even still if i don't reach that, i will still be in a position that is close to where i wanted to be. sure it may sound absurd, but im the type of person that always feels like my work isn't good enough. I HAVE to do better the next time around. If I score a 95% on the first test, I have to get a 97% the next time around, and so on etc etc.

25 million is ALOT of money, so don't get me wrong, i understand exactly what you're saying. I just feel like with the high goals i have thats where i would want to be. 
seriously though, never too much money. I got a million ways to spend it.
@ DC yeah, my statement was pretty vague.. but lets be real here.. most Americans do not know how to live within their means.. $1mil handed to an average joe will likely go straight to cars, jewelry and other lavish nonsense in no time..
@ DC yeah, my statement was pretty vague.. but lets be real here.. most Americans do not know how to live within their means.. $1mil handed to an average joe will likely go straight to cars, jewelry and other lavish nonsense in no time..
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