How much sleep does a person need?

I hate when I get home from school at about 5 and lay down and end up falling out

I end up waking up at like 8 and don't fall asleep until like 2 which messes me up cuz I gotta be up at 7
Thats the worst, i hate when that happens 
Supposedly its very bad not to get a good amount of sleep for an extended period of time. I know it weakens your immune system and has been linked to depression and heart disease.
Maybe this is the reason I feel so depressed, cause I usually get an average of like 4-5 hours during the weekdays and sleep from like 12am-9pm on weekends.

Anyone in here use things to help them get to sleep?
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Weekdays I usually get 4-6 hours... I make sure to catch up on sleep during the weekends with about 9 hours a night. For some reason that's the perfect amount of sleep for me :lol:
Supposedly its very bad not to get a good amount of sleep for an extended period of time. I know it weakens your immune system and has been linked to depression and heart disease.
Maybe this is the reason I feel so depressed, cause I usually get an average of like 4-5 hours during the weekdays and sleep from like 12am-9pm on weekends.

Anyone in here use things to help them get to sleep?
Underground Wellness did a podcast episode on sleep. I suggest anyone interested to check it out.
Between 5 and 7 on days Thst I work. Usually 8 to 10 on my days off. School and work together are a killer.
I get about 3-4 hours of sleep on average.

My turtles light reduces the amount of melatonin produced, making it hard me to fall asleep. That's why I'm on NT until 4 am :lol: :frown:

Haha u need them eye blinder haha thats what i do since i work nightshift sometimes

She's got a loud filter as well. I can't have the water level high or she won't be able to get air. So it's just a loud waterfall all night :smh:

On the other hand, 666 reps :evil:
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Supposedly its very bad not to get a good amount of sleep for an extended period of time. I know it weakens your immune system and has been linked to depression and heart disease.
Maybe this is the reason I feel so depressed, cause I usually get an average of like 4-5 hours during the weekdays and sleep from like 12am-9pm on weekends.

Anyone in here use things to help them get to sleep?
Good stuff in the second link

Underground Wellness did a podcast episode on sleep. I suggest anyone interested to check it out.
I will check this out
I sleep from 12AM- 3:30 / 4 AM....

That cant be good...

I got work at 4:30AM but my body refuses to go to sleep early.... Just feels like there is too much activity, whether its on TV, online or elsewhere for me to sleep. Feel like Im missing out on something.

Like now, its almost 10... I should have been sleep since maybe 8PM for that 8 hours .... aint nobody got time for that...

Anyone else want nothing more to sleep an hour longer on mornings they got work, but then on the weekends you gladly hop out of bed right away? :lol:
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8 to 8 1/2

On the rare days when I dont work out, I can sleep for 6 hours and be completely well rested.
Went to sleep at up at 7:50. 

At work like...

I don't need that much honestly. It doesn't affect me if I don't sleep that much, when I was younger it did. 

But I usually stay up all night....
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6-7 is my sweet spot. Anything less and I definitely feel a difference in my performance and anything more is just a blessing lol.
I get 9 hours these days, and I feel like i'm 17 all over again. The day after you short yourself on sleep, you really pay the price. I guess it moreso affects you as you age though.
Always get like 5 hours of sleep then I all of sudden wake up.

I have to fap myself have to sleep to get my full 8 hours :smokin
I'd say about 6 in a pitch black environment. People don't realize how much light can disrupt your sleep.
8 is perfect

I dont get how people sleep with music or the tv on...the room has to be pitch black and noiseless for me to sleep lol
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