How MuCh WATER Do You DRINK a DAY????

1.5-2 gallons a day

2 gallons? What? Way too much, IMO. You're probably doing more harm than good.

Anyways, I don't really count my daily water intake. Water is what I drink 95% of the time, so I'm constantly hydrated.
8 glasses. Nothing less than that. Start with 2 in the morning and I'm drinking all day. 

Maybe even more in the summer. 

Water gives me more energy than coffee, or any caffeinated drink. 
I drink 8 bottles a day during the week since it's free at work

None during the weekends

Am I good?
On average it ranges from 2-6 cold delicious bottled water. I always asked lame friends who ***** about filtered water that i would throw 100 dollar identifying poland spring over filtered water at the same temperature.

Summer can get higher.
But you guys realize there are delicious ice teas, and fruit juices too right? :lol: sugar isnt bad for you pleighboi sounds so boring 6 gallons of water a day.
Depends on how much you sweat. I'm at about 6 bottles (12 cups) a day but if you work outside then you need a lot more.
Some of yall are straight lying talking about 6 gallons a day and **** :lol:.

I get thirsty and drink with every meal, but just downing water throughout the day I ain't trying to run to the bathroom every half and hour
^^ 24 l water bottle is over doing it. More like 24 ounces. Some of yall straight camals. How can yall go a long time without water.
Some of yall are straight lying talking about 6 gallons a day and **** :lol:.

I get thirsty and drink with every meal, but just downing water throughout the day I ain't trying to run to the bathroom every half and hour

It depends on the lifestyle. Most of my time is spent exercising, and playing a lot of sports. Everyday. So I drink a lot of water. I'm looking into a camelbak for when I start cycling.

Water :pimp:

Son, I have that exact bottle. I fill mine 5-6 times a day.

Edit, nope. This bottle is 2 liters. Mine is 1 liter.
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For those that average about a gallon a day do u guys sweat a lot?
I know I sweat like crazy. I can walk a block outside and just feel all sweaty and stuff
I drink my water from my 40oz Klean Kanteen, which I refill once or twice a day, and the water fountains at the gym, so I drink at least a half gallon of water a day. Anyone have a lack of energy from only drinking water for a period of time? I usually drink juice or a sports drink to offset that.
I drink my water from my 40oz Klean Kanteen, which I refill once or twice a day, and the water fountains at the gym, so I drink at least a half gallon of water a day. Anyone have a lack of energy from only drinking water for a period of time? I usually drink juice or a sports drink to offset that.
When I'm playing sports or having intense workouts twice a day I usually have a Gatorade (mixed with water) with me too. I sip on it for a little energy boost and I feel it works
I use to drink about 2 bottles a day and a bunch of diet sodas.  Got diagnosed with Gout and realized it's because I don't have enough water flushing the uric acid out of my joints and too many purines in my kidneys.  Doctor said if I don't take care of it, I will get Kidney Stones.

Now, I have cold-turkey'd soda and drink only water.  I drink a little over a gallon every day and already noticed plenty of changes.  I lost a bunch of weight and don't wake up with dry mouth anymore.  Also, my gout pain has decreased each and everyday.
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