How often do you guys get a haircut?

How much does the barber even have to cut if you go to him every week? Haircut must take like 5 minutes.

I get a haircut every 3-4 weeks. I pay $10 plus $5 tip.
Every 2 weeks, cuz I don't want my line looking like LBJs in the long haul.
Every week or whenever I feel like it. Free.99

Cutting your own hair FTW!!!
every friday night. either a cut or shape up for me it depends on the weather if its cold i'll get more shape ups than haircuts but in the summer is haircuts mostly
Usually every other week. I'm going on like 3 or 4 weeks now and looking rough.
Every two weeks. In between my haircuts, I hit my facial hair with the T-Liner so that I don't look raggedy and unkempt.
I fade and shape myself up , b . When I take it down I wait a couple days tape myself line myself up , n save all bread. When I used too go to the shop I'd go once a week. Always a dub
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