how the hell I get a ticket while driving under the speed limit in my own lane...?

May 22, 2005


just because I'm driving in my own lane(right btw) and you're pulling someone else over in the side area and you didn't park far enough away fromthe lane so you felt in danger when you wanted to get in your car and I passed you(doing under the speed limit, roughly 46 in a 50 at the time of passage btw),what did I do to get a ticket? Drive in my own lane?

was I suppose to cross over and cut the car off that was behind me in the other lane? I'm not trying to cause accidents in the dark.
was I suppose to just stop on the interstate so you could get in?

what, you tell me...

THEN I don't even get a warning, but I get a ticket...A TICKET!

then dude gonna ask my about my car, questioning whether it's mine and if I have insurance and all that, he kept that coming out his mouth, you would thinkI didn't give him polite short answers and danced around the question, I don't know how many ways I can say "yes sir the car is in my name, yessir I have insurance, yes my license/insurance card is right here" any more polite/precise...

*+#+ you.


what kind of car do you have and is it modded in any way?

are you a teenager?
This is illegal down here, maybe it is where you are too. You HAVE to move over a lane if a cop is out on the side of the road.
C Money (what's good Ohio
), I know exactly how you feel.

Stopped, ticketed, and harassed for no reason whatsoever... clear-cut case of DWB.
If you got pulled over for speeding fight it in court. If its for unsafe distance from a police vehicle then you gotta suck it up. no !@+#.
Originally Posted by dunksnjordans1992

just want to know something, are you black? no racism

I meant to put that in there, yea I'm a 20 year old black male, driving a 02 Kia Optima with no modding/extras/anything, not even any kind of tint on thewindows.

C Money (what's good Ohio
), I know exactly how you feel.

Stopped, ticketed, and harassed for no reason whatsoever... clear-cut case of DWB.

MAN, it's crazy. Not to mention I just picked up the team orange 95's, 2 fitteds, and made plans to pick up the 12's next week alongwith another hat...there went that, I don't even feel like buying them now because I got a damn ticket to pay. How you know I stay in Ohio?

The ticket says "fail to use caution when approaching stationary emergency vch(vehicle)"
he counted it as 4 lanes even though I would've died trying to get into the 2 furthest lanes going the opposite direction, seeing how there's a big %*+concrete barricade in the middle of the interstate state route, but whatever I guess...
Originally Posted by C Money 88 05

Originally Posted by dunksnjordans1992

just want to know something, are you black? no racism

I meant to put that in there, yea I'm a 20 year old black male, driving a 02 Kia Optima with no modding/extras/anything, not even any kind of tint on the windows.

C Money (what's good Ohio
), I know exactly how you feel.

Stopped, ticketed, and harassed for no reason whatsoever... clear-cut case of DWB.
MAN, it's crazy. Not to mention I just picked up the team orange 95's, 2 fitteds, and made plans to pick up the 12's next week along with another hat...there went that, I don't even feel like buying them now because I got a damn ticket to pay. How you know I stay in Ohio?

The ticket says "fail to use caution when approaching stationary emergency vch(vehicle)"
he counted it as 4 lanes even though I would've died trying to get into the 2 furthest lanes going the opposite direction, seeing how there's a big %*+ concrete barricade in the middle of the interstate state route, but whatever I guess...

I'd take it to court and point that out. It's law here too you have to get over if you can, but obviously traffic doesn't always justautomatically allow that.
Originally Posted by C Money 88 05

Originally Posted by dunksnjordans1992

just want to know something, are you black? no racism

I meant to put that in there, yea I'm a 20 year old black male, driving a 02 Kia Optima with no modding/extras/anything, not even any kind of tint on the windows.

C Money (what's good Ohio
), I know exactly how you feel.

Stopped, ticketed, and harassed for no reason whatsoever... clear-cut case of DWB.
MAN, it's crazy. Not to mention I just picked up the team orange 95's, 2 fitteds, and made plans to pick up the 12's next week along with another hat...there went that, I don't even feel like buying them now because I got a damn ticket to pay. How you know I stay in Ohio?

The ticket says "fail to use caution when approaching stationary emergency vch(vehicle)"
he counted it as 4 lanes even though I would've died trying to get into the 2 furthest lanes going the opposite direction, seeing how there's a big %*+ concrete barricade in the middle of the interstate state route, but whatever I guess...

Check your inbox.
He was in the slow lane, a cop had somebody pulled over on the shoulder, and he didn't get over to the fast lane while passing the cop because another carwouldn't let him in, so he got a ticket
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