how the hell I get a ticket while driving under the speed limit in my own lane...?

it was probably one of them cops thinking..this dude, driving around knowing he aint got a destination just wasting gas, acting like he gots funds..BAM!ticket. let's see how he likes them apples
Originally Posted by iG0TFRESHiN05

can anyone say "quota" ?

Can you say triple post?

Naw but for real, cops will try to slap anything on you they can. Next thing you know, you got illegal tint.

I remember one time when I was coming home, and so was my bro (different cars) and there was a cop on the right lane who had just pulled someone over. I was inthe left and slowed down to like 20 (speed limit was like 40). Then my bro went passed him going like 40, and when we got home, we saw the come in ourcul-de-sac then leave. He was after my bro for not slowing down in the left lane.
damn sucks to hear that happened to you but thanks for letting us know..i would've never thought about moving over either. what a dousche.
did he have his sirens on?? if he didnt you can use that as an excuse for not pulling into another lane. say that you did not have time to react to thestationed police officer. you did not want to make a wreckless move and put others in danger so you cautiously stayed in the same lane going below the speedlimit. if you have a clean driving record you can get this downgraded or even amended. Good luck!
you drive same car as me

Kia Optimas

But yeah, just say it was impossible to pass due to car in your blindspot and bring up the fact that the cop didn't have on his siren (assuming hedidn't).
Aren't you supposed to slow down if you can't cross lanes. I'm not sure exactly what your talking about so I may be wrong .
yeah in several states i've lived if you can't move over a lane you have to slow down a lot.
Man, you can see those lights from a mile away... Plenty of time to get over....

If someone is in the other lane you either slow down or speed up so you can get over... Learned that at age 15...

On a side note, he was probably shocked to see a man driving a Kia. That's why he kept asking you if it was your car....
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

This is illegal down here, maybe it is where you are too. You HAVE to move over a lane if a cop/ambulance is out on the side of the road.
if you wake up then you would realize that ppl are gonna be like this and ppl are gonna be like this to your kids, and ppl are gonna be like this to yourkids' kids.. and as long as ppl exist we will continues to treat each other like @@$+... get used to it...b/c you can't escape it.
Originally Posted by iG0TFRESHiN05

can anyone say "quota" ?
Came in here to say just this. Gotta meet that monthly quota or weekly or whatever it is. But if thats indeed a law then thanks for posting. Iwouldve done what you did but faster
Originally Posted by gescobe

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

This is illegal down here, maybe it is where you are too. You HAVE to move over a lane if a cop/ambulance is out on the side of the road.

this is probably why the OP had his own lane

just take it to court
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