How was the early 2000s?

- Nokia cellphones that looked like little bricks - you could program in ring tones and it would beep and boop something recognizable...had Bad Boy 4 Life on mine for a minute...I remember some people being impressed (probably legitimately the first time they heard a ring tone)  

- Took you like 5 mins to send a text message

- Mitchell & Ness jerseys were practically gamer quality - but super huge

- TRL and 106 & Park were huge after school/work

- The beginning of eBay - I realized I could jump on there and get just about anything from my childhood (old starting lineups, Sega Genesis games, Jordans)

- Jordan retroes started on a larger scale - I can remember going out to get the 2000 Concords and skipping class...there were no lines.

- NT started - I was on there pretty much 24/7 in college

- NT broke the 9/11 attacks for me, the original post referenced a plan hitting one of the Twin Tower buildings...I went to class and our professor let us know there were 3 other strikes and that America was under attack.

- I went out the same day to the was a ghost town - purchased The Blueprint

- TMac, Kobe, Iverson were next up.

- The Yankees and Mets were good at the same time

- Tiger Woods was an unstoppable force

- Music was fluffy but fun - everyone was trying to go mainstream and Hip-Hop was starting to blur the lines between pop music - DMX, Eminem, Bad Boy, Fabolous, Ja Rule

- I remember a kid showing me the first generation iPod and thinking it was a pretty cool way to listen to music - this was shortly after Napster got shut down

- Velour sweat suits were everywhere - with AF1s
-Oversized clothes. I was a lil jit back then wearing size 36 pants and xl ecko shirts

-all the girls had baby phat

-having the i830 nextel and having ringtone battles. (I always won cause i made my own)

-dipset/g unit being huge

-MySpace :pimp: met so many girls off there

-sidekick was poppin too after the bleeps died out
Frog eyed benzes

Big Tymers

Nelly and St. Lunatics

Trucker hats

Jesus is my homeboy t-shirts

Neptunes production

Fixed up Japenese cars

The Osbournes reality show

Tom Green
A lot of money...

Like looking back at it, it was out of control.

I was 20, with a crib 2 cars and 3 chicks.

My man shipped so much.... he would go to the mall and buy nothing.... because he had it all already.

But but but .... a lot of my peoples did time. Shiiiiii I got two felonies but short time.

Others got football numbers.
''Jacked Up'' The Movie with Bizzy Bone... I remember seeing this movie for the first time on the BET Action channel.

Here goes the movie trailer

I'm 34 so this was college years for me. Jesus let's see...

Technology was JUST starting to really pop off. Internet speeds were getting faster and social media was just taking off. Blackplanet was on fire and Myspace was just starting to pop as well. Facebook came in 04 and was for college students only at first. This era is the original emoji and slide in her DM's era. Changed the game as far as shooting at the ****. :lol:

I can't really say cell phones weren't big yet because I was late to the cell phone game and I got my first one in the summer or 2002 after my freshman year in college. Had the 2-way before my cell. Thought I was DOIN IT. Then the T-Mobile Sidekick dropped and was like the flyest **** ever. You was playa if you had a was a god if you had a Sidekick when it first dropped. :rofl:

A ton of music and new artists were gaining traction during this era as well. Some of the biggest names in hip hop had their runs during this era. Alotta timeless party/dance tracks were made. I remember the first time I heard 50 was at a step show at Baylor my freshman year. They played In Da Club back to back to back and had that thang jumpin! Jay pretty much took over the game during this time too.

Clothes were ridiculously oversized. No need to go into detail. I'm ashamed lol.

Early 2000's were just fun and laid back man tbh. Music was definitely poppin'. You still had to shoot at chicks in person with legit spit game but social media definitely helped to set the encounters up. We was local jokers before myspace, facebook, and blackplanet. With those we became international playas! :rofl:

- Preciate it.
Oversized clothes was definitely a staple.

Jerseys as well until Jay Z shut it down and everyone switched to button ups.

Then the rockstar **** happened and everyone traded in their button ups for skull T-shirts and wallet chains. I'll always credit Dipset for that movement.

Dipset was the only movement moving. Murder Inc was poppin too. But cats was ****** with Dipset in the streets. Murder INC was mad commercial.

You wasnt **** if you didn't have a SideKick.

AIM changed the game.
Craig David came back big in 2016 here in Europe. Good to see him back.
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