How was your summer?

summer school, ymca, NT, Pr0n, sleep, 2k/pokemon. It was a very chill and time spending wise.
-Took two upper division GE classes.
-Weekend at Big Bear Lake
-Several trips to the beach

Overall, a pretty mellow and memorable summer.
Moved back to SF and went to a few Giants games, family, work, and school. This summer was alright. I ended it by signing up for 17 units. Time to FOCUS this fall.
boring but part of it was my fault... i got laid off in july so i felt too cheap to go out but when i did work i was to lazy to go out because i was tired from the work week... and also my friends live an hour away aka 39 miles so i was just lazy period to hang out with i chilled at home a lot and would go to the mall or eat out every now and then and also went to a few parties but that was about it really...
Originally Posted by tommykairaa



Took some Losses 


I got introduce to this chick named molly 

Also I been hangin in DC far too much 

DMV Cook out was 

Goin to Miami tomorrow  
Dropped 40+ lbs. Went to Florida for two weeks and I started the application process for Marine Corps OCS.
Worked litetally everday (2 jobs) except 4 days I went home in June, I can count the number of times I went out on one hand, & I fell for a hooters girl (yes Butters). Highlight would be seeing family I haven't seen in years at a wedding or meeting milian blu in the strip club.

I hate summers
Worst summer ever, just got on vacation from college.
Got 3 more weeks until next semester though, so hopefully something interesting happen.
my summer was great!
went to SDCC

just came back from hiking

bout to leave in a few hours to Idaho to stay the weekend over there.
Horrible; worked all summer, yet I have nothing to show for it. Went out a couple of times, but none were successful, didn't really kick it with anyone and that's about it.
I should be starting a new full time job within the next two weeks though and I'ma start going to the gym consistently, summer '12 will be
It must be.
Seasons don't exist for me anymore, that being said my summer was terrible from a "social" standpoint but mothaplucking brilliant from a "career" perspective. God I haven't had sex in a long time
Haven't had much fun this summer.

Summer classes took up a lot of my time from June to until last week.

I still have one more class that will end on September 2nd.
- I felt like I slept my summer away, I mean I'm up right now and it's 3am here 
- Still haven't found an apartment, never got any calls back for the ones I applied to
.  Might end up in the dorms again and I'm a junior
- Kicked it with some friends, the others were working all the time
- Never went down to LA like planned
- Never went to a Giants game

- On the bright side, I did go to Hawaii for a week

Kinda sucks getting older, I'm only 20, but all my friends back home are working and/or tied down.  It's gonna suck to get thrown back into the fire next week, not to mention my next break isn't until Thanksgiving
, but it'll be cool to be back on campus and go out on the weekends and everything...
horrible no job
a bunch of new fronting chicks
who knows last timed I smash something

been taking L's since 2011 started
Decent/Good depending on how you look at it.

Smoked weed pretty much everyday, traveled out of state at least 4-5 times. Got some new potential ol ladies.


I was broke as $%$#, no job, had a class I didn't do well in(ironically didn't smoke much during the 3 weeks of the class). Parents on my @#% everyday like I'm a teenager. The best part though? I'm still gonna be home taking online classes until spring semester starts because I couldn't afford an apartment back at school.
pretty good, if not uneventful.

went up to Harbor Springs, MI for a week, got to ride on some dude's sailboat and hung out around the Grand Traverse Bay. Almost got lost at night kayaking around the bay but somehow made it back. Went to Wilderness State park, and those dunes are like nothing else. Bought some really good Indian tobacco in Petoskey. Almost lost my wallet up there, but a dentist returned it to me while I was still there which was nice. Hit 115 mph on I-75.

worked a little, but not as much as I'd like to.

volunteered at a hospital. I don't think I want to be in medicine anymore but it's nice.

turned 18 yesterday, birthday buns are out of the question.

talked to my new roommate for the first time, found out he is a pot head, which is chill.

got the most mosquito bites ever in my entire life on my legs.
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