How would you guys handle this situation? dude hating

Relax. I think most of us have done something similar to that at one point. Especially if he was drinking.

For now, this is an isolated incident. You might need to check him if it happens again, but let it go
Relax. I think most of us have done something similar to that at one point. Especially if he was drinking.

For now, this is an isolated incident. You might need to check him if it happens again, but let it go
how we would want to handle it and how we would actually handle it is two different things. what do you want to do? go confront him? throw hands?
The dude was "jelly". And as Jay told us, that's a female trait. That guy is a #%*@%!# clown, OP. He's just mad that the girl aint on his arm. Forget about it
The dude was "jelly". And as Jay told us, that's a female trait. That guy is a #%*@%!# clown, OP. He's just mad that the girl aint on his arm. Forget about it
how we would want to handle it and how we would actually handle it is two different things. what do you want to do? go confront him? throw hands?
This happened to me once but with a dude I never met before
My girl told me and I said "he just mad"....if it happen again op
You got to throw hands
This happened to me once but with a dude I never met before
My girl told me and I said "he just mad"....if it happen again op
You got to throw hands
i think if he did this in front of your face, you should do somethin but for him to keep talkin behind your back is just makin him look like a fool
i think if he did this in front of your face, you should do somethin but for him to keep talkin behind your back is just makin him look like a fool
the younger me wouldn't think twice about putting hands on him and giving him a whooping with my belt to make an example of him and to teach him a lesson that his blatant disrespect won't be tolerated. hell the younger reckless me would probably pull a killa season and hit him over the head with a bottle and piss on him.

the older more mature me, would confront him on it and just let him know straight up that i didn't appreciate him trying to get at my girl and talking negative about me when he KNOWINGLY knows she's with me and that if it happens again i'm not going to try to solve it by talking. if he gets cute with me or tries to lie about it he gets knocked out, if he mans up and apologizes that's that and i'd squash it.
the younger me wouldn't think twice about putting hands on him and giving him a whooping with my belt to make an example of him and to teach him a lesson that his blatant disrespect won't be tolerated. hell the younger reckless me would probably pull a killa season and hit him over the head with a bottle and piss on him.

the older more mature me, would confront him on it and just let him know straight up that i didn't appreciate him trying to get at my girl and talking negative about me when he KNOWINGLY knows she's with me and that if it happens again i'm not going to try to solve it by talking. if he gets cute with me or tries to lie about it he gets knocked out, if he mans up and apologizes that's that and i'd squash it.
Originally Posted by Shorty Doo Wop

anger is a sign of weakness dude just 4get homey said anything and kick it wit ur girl while he solo

far from you handle it shows how mature/immature you are
Originally Posted by Shorty Doo Wop

anger is a sign of weakness dude just 4get homey said anything and kick it wit ur girl while he solo

far from you handle it shows how mature/immature you are
You can be mad about it, but confronting a complete stranger about a comment is just going to make you look insecure.
You can be mad about it, but confronting a complete stranger about a comment is just going to make you look insecure.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

You can be mad about it, but confronting a complete stranger about a comment is just going to make you look insecure.

to me it depends on the situation,   i'm a firm believer that messing with or disrespecting someones relationship is one of the things in this world that is grounds for a no questions asked !#! beating.   the fact that someone has the gall to approach your girl and talk down about you and ask why she has low standards to be with you is just blatant disrespect.   even if you don't do anything physically, i'd at least confront him about the issue especially if my girl told me what he did.

the result of that is that  he's going to know their will be reprecussions for his actions if he tries them again, and he's going to know i'm going to find out if he tries it again so 9 out of 10 times  he'll knowing doing it again wouldn't be in his best interest.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

You can be mad about it, but confronting a complete stranger about a comment is just going to make you look insecure.

to me it depends on the situation,   i'm a firm believer that messing with or disrespecting someones relationship is one of the things in this world that is grounds for a no questions asked !#! beating.   the fact that someone has the gall to approach your girl and talk down about you and ask why she has low standards to be with you is just blatant disrespect.   even if you don't do anything physically, i'd at least confront him about the issue especially if my girl told me what he did.

the result of that is that  he's going to know their will be reprecussions for his actions if he tries them again, and he's going to know i'm going to find out if he tries it again so 9 out of 10 times  he'll knowing doing it again wouldn't be in his best interest.
Still makes someone look insecure, imo. Now, if this is consistent and on going behavior and your girl is unsuccessful in getting the guy to back off, that's a different story.  But a drunken comment like that? Nah.  
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