How would your family feel if you interracial dated?

im Jamaican and my girl is Jewish/french .... my family loves her ... her family loves me ... her mom and my are facebook friends haha! I guess i'm luckybecause I do kno not everyone is as accepting in this society we live in ... kinda sad actually
I'm in an interracial relationship and neither sets of parents care. It's a non-issue, which is great. Hopefully it's a sign of things to come forsociety.
my parents are cool with every girl as long as she's good to me. but even if they weren't okay with it, it's not their choice to make.
They could care less, my brother's wife is Korean and my sister's husband is one-half Austrian and the other half is a mix of Taino andHaitian(African)
My family would care. They want someone they can actually relate with and talk to (Some mainly speak Chinese only).

And im with a mexican right now
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by shygirl

My fam doesn't care, but apparently Jacob Churchill's (jumpman247) family cared :-/
and then when he cheated on me with this other chick and got her prego, he threw it in my face, "I get to be with a black girl now"
what a close-minded loser.
I know he was talking hella &*% about me on here too...claiming I'm some crazy white girl...not crazy, just pissed that he could treat me like $#*& and then act like there's no reason for me to be upset...

welp...this thread just took a turn...

-sits back and watches-
My entire family is Mexican... and they would have a problem if I dated a Black girl.

They would probably make fun if I dated an Asian or Middle-Eastern girl.

I think they're shooting for a White girl...
Originally Posted by retr0sxual

My entire family is Mexican... and they would have a problem if I dated a Black girl.

They would probably make fun if I dated an Asian or Middle-Eastern girl.

I think they're shooting for a White girl...
i had an ex that was el salvadorian and for a while all he dated was black girls ... he just dated his 1st white girl and his peoples was happy...
i dont get it tho...
why dont hispanic mothers like black girls
Originally Posted by retr0sxual

My entire family is Mexican... and they would have a problem if I dated a Black girl.

They would probably make fun if I dated an Asian or Middle-Eastern girl.

I think they're shooting for a White girl...
My dad's side of the family is Mexican and the only reason they're even cool with him and my mom being together is because she's"pretty for being black." SMH. That's just the tip of the iceberg as far their ignorant statements about black people go.

Anyway, my parents wouldn't care.
my parents are pretty open about that....
they're more worried about me not getting married soon and have grandkids...
I'm Asian and I've only dated white girls. My mom is ok with it but the rest of my family esp. my grandparents hate it. I can't even bring agirl to a dinner with out them or her being uncomfortable. They are so old fashion.SMH
Originally Posted by gabbyflo

Originally Posted by retr0sxual

My entire family is Mexican... and they would have a problem if I dated a Black girl.

They would probably make fun if I dated an Asian or Middle-Eastern girl.

I think they're shooting for a White girl...
That's just the tip of the iceberg as far their ignorant statements about black people go.
You have no idea.
Originally Posted by retr0sxual

Originally Posted by gabbyflo

Originally Posted by retr0sxual

My entire family is Mexican... and they would have a problem if I dated a Black girl.

They would probably make fun if I dated an Asian or Middle-Eastern girl.

I think they're shooting for a White girl...
That's just the tip of the iceberg as far their ignorant statements about black people go.
You have no idea.

word why do some mexicans hate blacks the way they do? its irony to me l...on some yall don't have NO room to hate another minority...

but my family wouldn't be to kind if i dated a white girl but i've never wanted to date one because they age horribly.....but any other race theywouldn't care like current girl fam havent met my fam yet because she was born in africa (you would never know unless she told you) but withher fam you'll def know thats where they from.....but ive been hesitant to let them meet my fam because my fam is ignorant as hell besides my step dad
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