How would your family feel if you interracial dated?

Originally Posted by retr0sxual

Originally Posted by gabbyflo

Originally Posted by retr0sxual

My entire family is Mexican... and they would have a problem if I dated a Black girl.

They would probably make fun if I dated an Asian or Middle-Eastern girl.

I think they're shooting for a White girl...
That's just the tip of the iceberg as far their ignorant statements about black people go.
You have no idea.


Oh, I do. Some of the stuff they say just leaves me speechless.

And I always get "You don't count, though."

Oh, well. Their ignorance is their loss.
If I brought home a white girl or an Asian girl, they either wouldn't care or hype it up. However, if I brought home a Hispanic girl or a black girl(
), they'd probably flip out before she even opened her mouth.

Too bad cause I like black girls.
Originally Posted by CrAzYFLiPxNyC

If I brought home a white girl or an Asian girl, they either wouldn't care or hype it up. However, if I brought home a Hispanic girl or a black girl (
), they'd probably flip out before she even opened her mouth.

Too bad cause I like black girls.
no love for black girls
I doubt my family would have any problems, but my mother clearly prefers that I date black girls, or even girls that merely "look black." She alsohates that I have a preference for lightskinned girls, which in my opinion is illogical, because my mother is very light-skinned...
Im mixed so you would think that it wouldn't matter. Problem is my parents relationship was frowned upon by their families.

My parents wouldn't mind but my dads family, who I grew up with is pretty strict about only dating asian girls
(I like asian girls, but it shouldntmatter)

I wouldnt listen to them now but growing up it led to a lot of racial identity issues.

Last year my sister was dating a black guy and they tried to give her some kind of intervention
Only two people gave me *$$+ for dating interracially- those two people are the least liked in the family so who cares what they think. All of their commentswere just rude and ignorant.

Everybody else in my family was fine with it.
Originally Posted by gabbyflo

Originally Posted by retr0sxual

Originally Posted by gabbyflo

Originally Posted by retr0sxual

My entire family is Mexican... and they would have a problem if I dated a Black girl.

They would probably make fun if I dated an Asian or Middle-Eastern girl.

I think they're shooting for a White girl...
That's just the tip of the iceberg as far their ignorant statements about black people go.
You have no idea.


Oh, I do. Some of the stuff they say just leaves me speechless.

And I always get "You don't count, though."

Oh, well. Their ignorance is their loss.
I remember my boy cutting of his hair of 5 years just to look respectable to the mother so he could date her daughter. This girls mother was superracist.
Last girl was white and my entire family is black. They didn't care at all although when I was younger my mom was horrified at the idea of medating/marrying someone from another race. Told her that I didn't car what she thought nor what she wanted for me and no problems since.
my family don;t mind actually. there cool when it comes to me having a girlfriend. I'm from Egypt and i have an Asian girlfriend. mom constantly tells meto break up with her. but I'm fine.
My parents say that they don't mind, but I know for a fact that they don't want me to get involved with any females that aren't of Indian descent.
They don't care. They raised me to not judge people based on their ethnicity. But I think my moms would prefer i marry a Hispanic female
Originally Posted by retr0sxual

My entire family is Mexican... and they would have a problem if I dated a Black girl.

They would probably make fun if I dated an Asian or Middle-Eastern girl.

I think they're shooting for a White girl...
yeah cause white is right....right? you gottta explain this Mexican logic?....Caribean Hispanics are more accepting than hardcore nativeMexicans....but yeah explain this +%*$++ up logic
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