How your race affects dating

Im bengali, but i look black on the outside.

some say domincan..

this messes me up with asian, white, and spanish girls :smh:

indian girls too... even bengali girls FML
dat #everydaylifestruggle...


Dont worry famb.... I always feel like I'm a more capable person than those in similar situations due to what I overcome.

Inb4 people say we're worrying about nothing.
Also, check out the comments in that article. Very telling. Some of the women admit they prefer white men because of things like being a good father, responsible, etc. Folks, it's 2013 and stereotypes are as strong as ever.

can't say i disagree with the stereotypes being alive and well currently, but aren't there more black males who come up without a father than white males? so that would mean there are a lot of black men who peace out when that positive test result comes in. its not much of a stereotype if its true, but personally a statistic like that hurts by association.

im black btw, not tryin to violate jimmies just active discussion. :nerd: :nerd:
can't say i disagree with the stereotypes being alive and well currently, but aren't there more black males who come up without a father than white males? so that would mean there are a lot of black men who peace out when that positive test result comes in. its not much of a stereotype if its true, but personally a statistic like that hurts by association.

im black btw, not tryin to violate jimmies just active discussion.
Are you saying that these women believe black males won't make good fathers because they didn't grow up with one? I can see that playing a factor (a bad one but still one)
I'm pretty sure being dark skin is the LEAST of her worries 
Confidence goes a long way and you don't know what changes she will make for herself in future (even right know).

If you're a good and respectable person, a person's ethnicity(ethnicities) of whom you're dating should be the least of your concerns.  You should more focused/concerned about whether they treat/respect you, the same way they desire to be treated as a person. 
Confidence goes a long way and you don't know what changes she will make for herself in future (even right know).

If you're a good and respectable person, a person's ethnicity(ethnicities) of whom you're dating should be the least of your concerns.  You should more focused/concerned about whether they treat/respect you, the same way they desire to be treated as a person. 
What does this have to do with what I said?
If you getting P, none of this applies. I don't discriminate, pretty women of any race can get it. And the same applies if you're an attractive male, everyone would be replying.
I'm half "white" (dad is really tan Portuguese) and half Asian (mom is really light skinned Indian). As a result of their combined looks and a Latino sounding last name, I've always been successful in getting Mexican girls and dark skin "white" girls when I visit Portugal and Spain. With most Asian and non-hood American white girls though :x I swear, until I tell them what my ethnicities are, I get the dirtiest looks and rudest treatment, even if I'm being polite...even when they change their attitude towards me, I still remember their initial prejudice, so by then I'm just like :rolleyes I like black girls too, but over here they only seem to like black dudes :\

It's the fellow Asians that piss me off the most though. My parents live in a community full of rich Chinese and Indian people, and those two cultures only get along with people of their own kind and with each other due to similar mindsets and prejudices. From years of personal experience, unless you're a Ivy League/Stanford/Berkeley engineering/medical graduate, if you are/look Black or Latino, you'll never be fully accepted by their families
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can't say i disagree with the stereotypes being alive and well currently, but aren't there more black males who come up without a father than white males? so that would mean there are a lot of black men who peace out when that positive test result comes in. its not much of a stereotype if its true, but personally a statistic like that hurts by association.

im black btw, not tryin to violate jimmies just active discussion. :nerd: :nerd:
Are you saying that these women believe black males won't make good fathers because they didn't grow up with one? I can see that playing a factor (a bad one but still one)

well yea that too. but also maybe the fear that said males would leave them once the kid comes into play. this isn't to say this is always the case. at the end of the day it takes two to tango, but not every woman can discern a good man from a deadbeat (or a potential one).

i think because the issue is so prevalent, many women just "save themselves the trouble" and generalize and avoid a specific category, which they feel is avoiding a disaster down the road. so the stereotypical generalization is based off a common issue within the black community. and personally it makes it harder for the black males who actually can be good dads, who have their lives in order, to get a chance.

thread has been done before i think...IB4 tariq nasheed
If you getting P, none of this applies. I don't discriminate, pretty women of any race can get it. And the same applies if you're an attractive male, everyone would be replying.

fyi just so you know the study adjusts for the attractiveness of the profile, that website apperently have a way of tabulating the attractivness of a picture, ie what is more likley to get you replys.

So basically white girl and a black girl of equal attractiveness, the black girl get replied to the least.

obviously the there are subjective aspects to attractiveness, so it's not perfect.
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[QUOTE url="/t/532319/how-your-race-affects-dating#post_17627125"]
I feel like these numbers aren't completely accurate. I feel like people online are looking for a long term type of relationship and someone to go home and show to your parents. And we all know how racist adults from their 50-70's are. So therefor these people are scared to show a black guy to their dad instead of a white person.

If this was at a bar with younger people not looking for a marriage the numbers would be way different. Just my opinion
While I agree with this post, I don't see how that is any better. It basically sounds like (not trying to put words in your mouth, just how I interpret it) non blacks would have sex with blacks but not commit. 

No basically saying non blacks are afraid to bring home a black person to show mom and dad. I feel if they weren't scared of how their parents think, they would be more willing to have a long term relationship with black people[/quote]I agree with this I think in general if people weren't afraid what their parents, family, maybe friends would say people would be more open to IR dating. Who are we kidding also its like 90% of marriages are intraracial so that should tell you that people all over will sex other races but for whatever reason will bring home one of their own when it comes to marriage.

[QUOTE url="/t/532319/how-your-race-affects-dating#post_17627125"]
I feel like these numbers aren't completely accurate. I feel like people online are looking for a long term type of relationship and someone to go home and show to your parents. And we all know how racist adults from their 50-70's are. So therefor these people are scared to show a black guy to their dad instead of a white person.

If this was at a bar with younger people not looking for a marriage the numbers would be way different. Just my opinion
While I agree with this post, I don't see how that is any better. It basically sounds like (not trying to put words in your mouth, just how I interpret it) non blacks would have sex with blacks but not commit. 
[/quote] Its true though for the most part I don't see what the big deal is. You acting like thats not the case.
that's not at all what I said

white women are put on a pedestal and highly sought after, its no secret. So, a big white woman with a pretty face- is very likely to have suitors from all races (whereas, a black woman under the same circumstances would probably not). Other races tend to venture outside of their own race when it comes to white women- of all shapes and sizes. Whereas, if the woman IS a different color, she generally will be more universally attractive (weight and such) if men are going to venture outside of their race to date them. Its just the way it is, I didn't make it that way. I asked if yall agree, so please don't go putting words and ideas into my posts
I agree here wholeheartedly. So many men from different races bring their own women down just to raise white women up, it's really pathetic. I actually know a girl who is both white and big (but has a pretty face) that's gets a lot of play from black men. Not too many black women her size on her attractiveness level get play from other races, but the women do get the same amount of attention as the white girl from black men though. 
Its true though for the most part I don't see what the big deal is. You acting like thats not the case.
You don't see what as a big deal? Someone using you just for sex? That's more of a personal thing with me, as a woman, I'm not about to be some experiment to a non black man just so he can run back and tell his boys he ****** a black girl. 
You don't see what as a big deal? Someone using you just for sex? That's more of a personal thing with me, as a woman, I'm not about to be some experiment to a non black man just so he can run back and tell his boys he ****** a black girl. 
Well you just keep on holding up the standard, showing that you're worth more than that.
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I think race does play into when you intially spark up that convo, but with most people it all comes down to comfortabilty. If a person feels comfortable with you they will let their guard down.

I have seen it plenty of times where a girl of a different race will act kinda hesitant at first and then ease up once she sees what's up.

Not saying this works all of the time though.
can't say i disagree with the stereotypes being alive and well currently, but aren't there more black males who come up without a father than white males? so that would mean there are a lot of black men who peace out when that positive test result comes in. its not much of a stereotype if its true, personally a statistic like that hurts by association.

im black btw, not tryin to violate jimmies just active discussion. :nerd: :nerd:

Uncle Tom....
It's your Uncle Tom thinking that keeps these stereotypes alive.
Son said positive test results = peace out...


What's messed up is that one could go thru life thinking this is true and wouldn't even be checked...

I've seen FAR more instances of the women keeping their kids away from the dude than the dude just dipping ....

But then again... stereotypes for black people tend to be based on the hood rats and thugs ...

hood blacks, albeit a small percentage, define all blacks from a macro social point of view
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